Roman & libra

chapter 1

I knew something was up when he skipped the gym one day. We were your typical young gay couple who worked out together regularly to maintain our muscular physiques. I was a solid six feet tall and 180 pounds, a bit larger than Libra’s 5’10 and 165 pounds. We both had washboard abs, broad shoulders, and thick arms that attracted men and women alike.

Over the past few weeks I noticed that Libra had been a bit preoccupied. He was constantly on his phone or computer and wasn’t as interested in sex as he used to be.

“Hey Roman, can you go pick up some groceries from the store?” Libra asked once I finished showering after a trip to the gym.

“Sure thing, do you have a shopping list?”

“Yup,” Libra said, handing me a slip of paper, “And I’m heading out to dinner with a friend so I probably won’t be here when you get home”

This was another thing that was happening more and more often. Libra would go out with “friends” that I had never met, which made me increasingly suspicious.

I threw on a pair of slim fit army green trousers and a dark blue button down and admired himself in the mirror. My defined jawline and cheek bones were telling of my time at the gym, and my deep tan complimented my dark hair. My chest was lightly straining the top buttons of my shirt, highlighting my physique and the narrowness of my hips. I then gave attention to my admittedly small but taut butt that just barely pushed out my pants. I broke out of my narcissistic trance and headed out to the car.

When I arrived at the store I looked at the list Libra had given me and choked back a gasp. At the top were all of our usual items such as protein powder, chicken, and healthy snacks, but beneath them was a slew of fattening junk that they never would have gotten before like soda, chips, ice cream, and processed pastries. I didn’t know what to think. I dug through my pockets to see if there was somehow another list but there wasn’t. I was more confused than anything. Libra and I had always been a gym rat since we were in high school and was very conscious about his health and physique. ‘He has been really stressed with school recently’ I thought, trying to find some reason for this peculiar change. ‘Maybe that's the reason for all of his odd behavior recently’.

But I couldn’t be sure

I proceeded to purchase everything on the list which led to some questioning looks from the young female cashier, probably wondering why this young stud had so much junk. I finally got home, put away the groceries, and started to make myself dinner when I noticed something on the table. Libra had left his phone at home, an uncharacteristic move considering his recent habits. I told myself that I wasn’t going to be the suspicious boyfriend but I quickly gave in to the temptation. I unlocked his phone and immediately started looking through his texts. They were for the most part normal, but then I realized that anything of interest probably would be said over DM so I opened instagram to look at his messages.
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