Roman & libra

chapter 4

“What was that about?!” I asked Libra, trying to contain my aggression.

“Hey, if I’m going to indulge then you deserve to too. You're always so strict about your diet so this will be good for you,” he responded in a caring tone.

“Okay…” I mumbled back. I suppose it will be fine if I give in just this one time, but I can’t make a habit of it. I want to make Libra gain, not the other way around.

Our food arrived and Libra immediately started stuffing his face. I made sure to keep encouraging him to have more, but not make it too obvious. I would just push for him to have one more slice of pizza or one more garlic knot until all of the food in front of him was gone. I was surprised to find myself actually turned on by his eating; maybe this little experiment would be better than I thought. I saw his stomach slowly expanding as he shoveled more and more food into his mouth as if he were a black hole. I didn’t realize until Libra had almost finished his food that I had almost kept the same pace as him. I had polished off all of my garlic knots and by the time he had one slice left I had two and a half. I decided that I would just push a little harder the next day at the gym and would make sure not to make a habit of keeping up with Libra’s eating.

“Come on! You can do it!” I cheered excitedly as Libra was putting the last bite of pizza in his mouth.

“Phew..” he exhaled, “Now you have to finish,” he said, pointing to my remaining food.

“Oh no, I am wayyy too stuffed there is no way I can finish this,” I stated, even though it wasn’t entirely true.

“But Romannn,” Libra begged, giving me his puppy dog eyes, “I finished so you should too”.

“...fine” I grumbled, lifting a slice to my mouth. I finished the rest of my pizza over the next couple of minutes and then we got up to leave.
I glanced down at Libra’s midsection and smirked. His previously flat stomach was now pressing up against his slim fit shirt, forming a small dome of green fabric. It also rode up to reveal that, sometime during the meal, Libra had unbuttoned his pants to make more room. ‘This was going to be easier than I thought,’ I muttered cockily, neglecting the tightness I felt in my own pants and the strain I felt against my shirt.

“It’s a good thing we took the car,” Libra exclaimed with a loud pant as he walked through the door, “walking home would have been a nightmare”

“Well I hope you’re not out of energy yet,” I smiled as I walked towards our bed, sliding off my jeans and shirt that were tighter than when I put them on. Libra stalked over towards me and I stripped off his outfit, which was quite difficult with his bloated stomach. We proceeded to have the best sex of my life, exploring each other’s slightly expanded bodies as we fucked. I relished Libra’s new girth and how his stomach shifted as he moved around. I was going to enjoy his growth quite a bit.
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