Switching places

  By Mahi

chapter 5

A lot can change in nine months. For Hailey it manifested as a new invigoration for healthy living. Meal prepping and bike riding paid off and people around the office would have to be blind not to notice. She leaped out of bed and looked into the mirror that she hung up on the back of her bedroom door just like when Lauren lived there. At 193 lbs she was in the best shaped of her adult life. Her legs were now defined and shapely despite still being thick, giving her the look of a pudgy gymnast. Her skin now tanned from her twice daily bike rides and the change of living somewhere that always has nice weather. Hailey’s ass was toned and had volume to it, practically popping out of her shorts. Her stomach had receded the most with her recent weight loss, looking more on the chubby side than fat. Her arms while still thick had slimmed down a lot including her once pudgy hands, but what was the most drastic difference visually was her face and neck. Her features really popped with having her once bloated neck and face tighten up and lose the fullness that she used to carry in her cheeks. Now with just a slight double chin she smiled confidently at her reflection in the mirror. Her boobs had started shrinking but were still a solid D cup and actually started looking bigger with the reduction of her other features.

She got dressed packed her luggage and excitedly texted Lauren that she will see her this afternoon once her flight touches down.

The last nine months did not treat Lauren to the same healthy habits and self betterment. Two hours after receiving her text from Hailey, Lauren rolled herself out of bed with an audible grunt.

After starting her new job she was quick to purchase a car as she was working a bit too far away from home to warrant purchasing another bike. Doubled with the frigid winter seasons, it didn’t make much sense at all. She actually tried not to go outside at all when it was cold. With no friends in the area she fell into a bit of a slump and took to movies and scrolling through social media. Her new coworkers were nice and all but seemingly a lot older than her and refrained from going out after work to spend time with their families instead. She could convince herself that she liked being a homebody. Sitting on her own comfy couch, half the week working from home, snacking and ordering in.

The snacking for sure had gotten a bit out of hand. It was her snack and drink choices that were really the problem. Soda, something that she never thought would be her vice. She would re-up at Costco’s with cases upon cases of cans, and it really grew on her. Exhibit B was cape cod potato chips, salty goodness, she would say. And then the take out, just a bad habit of not wanting to cook in case of having to clean the dishes. She knew she could just order a pizza and toss the box after. Just such a drastic change in her diet on top of her complete lack of exercise really turned her once athletic figure into a complete couch potato.

She’d been slim her whole life, until now that is. She really didn’t want to address it with herself but she knew by her reflection. What was really remarkable was the change in the shape of her waist, and face. Catching reflections of herself walking was like looking at a different person, and her lack of movement really changed her once athletic stride. It also was a surprise to her that she was starting to look shorter as her weight really settled around her middle. She got wide, in a spongey way. In nine months she went from two pack abs to a jelly belly and the feeling was alien to her when it bunched up and jostled. From the back you could tell she was fat in the front. The way she carried her weight was quite unflattering. Her ass was wide and lacked any sort of firmness. It was comical for her coworkers to see its transformation. Laurens boobs, however, settled around a C cup which really emphasized the girth of her waist. Her legs mimicked how she remembered Haileys looking, doughy. Her calves inflated like water balloons matching her unathletic, chunky thighs that spread out immensely when she sat down. She found it so odd how her feet and hands now looked pudgy and dimpled. Her face, however, had changed in a way that made her look a little younger. It was her cheeks and her chin. Far from her once sharp jawline, she now had a double chin that was always present and her cheeks looked swollen and bloated.

She pushed herself off her bed with one foot hitting the floor first, making her calve quiver with her second foot following suit. She stumbled a bit, as she found recently her center of balance has been a bit off. She was dressed in a sports bra and booty shorts, upgraded in size obviously. She used to wear smalls and mediums her whole life but was now pushing an xxl and a size 14 in jeans. It was all so surreal for her. She went to the kitchen and cracked a coke when she noticed Hailey’s text. There was a bit of dread thinking about what she was going to think of her tubby new figure but anyone who was as big as Hailey wouldn’t have room to talk her newfound weight.

She sent Hailey her address and went to go get dressed in something presentable, as she was changing she saw the scale out of her peripheral and heroically pulled it out, blew the dust off, and stepped on.
Her face went flush at the damage she had caused to her body. “Holy shit.” Lauren said as it read 211 lbs. Feeling like a total cow she hobbled off, finished her coke, and continued getting changed.
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Mahi 3 years
@kjdfduhfjdf thanks for the feedback, I was aiming for it to be a short read but totally feel where you're coming from. Sometimes I feel bored with slow burners that release weekly and this was me doing the opposite
Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I like it but I think it needs more detail about the change and an explanation in a gradually way
Mahi 3 years
Hey @Andi22, thanks for your support. I just came to a comfortable stopping point and decided it was time to post it. If I do continue it would be with untold scenes from before the switch contrasted by ones from after.
AndiFive 3 years
please tell me that this story is not over and that there will be a continuation, I really want to see how the relationship of the two will be with these exchange of roles and social status