Switching places

  By Mahi

chapter 6

Hailey was in her ride from the airport to Laurens house. She was hyped to show off her new body to someone who really inspired her to get in shape to begin with. Being that it was May, people around the area were starting to comfortably wear shorts due to the newly warm weather. Hailey was wearing a pair of jean shorts, that really showed off her legs, with a halter top that show off a little bit of midriff, this time on purpose.

Once she arrived she practically leaped out of the car with her bags in hand, jogging over to Laurens door. Nostalgia flushed over her looking at the entrance of the place she had lived in for quite a long period of her adult life. Being 27 years old just like Lauren she felt the tides turning in her favor as of recently with her recent job and weight loss success.

She rung the door bell and waited in anticipation.

Lauren lazily hoisted herself up off the couch and tossed her second coke of the morning in the bag she kept next to the trash for recycling. She was wearing a tight tank top and short boy shorts that did a poor job at concealing her belly as it would pop out when she exerted herself, which wasn’t very hard to do now a-days. Her hair was up in a bun that put her bloated face and neck on full display.
“Just a second!” Lauren said as just took her time to get to the door. When it opened both girls faces went from wholehearted open smiles to jaw-dropped gaping stares.
“Its so good to see you!” Hailey said coming in for a hug.
Laurens face went red as she felt her jelly belly press against Hailey’s seemingly fitter torso.
“Wow, even her postures different.” Lauren thought to herself.
“You look absolutely amazing.” Lauren said breaking away from the hug.
“Thanks, I’ve been on a roll with this healthy living this and have been dropping a lot of weight. I can see who’s been picking it up though, girl.” Hailey said as she gave a side swipe to Laurens belly as it wobbled to the point that Hailey was taken aback at how out of shape her friend had really become in the last nine months.
“Hey! Enough of that, I’ve never been chubby before.” Lauren said cradling her gut to protect it from future jabs.
“I don’t know, by the looks of it you skipped past chubby, that’s for sure.” Hailey said in a funny demeanor.

As Lauren walked away towards the kitchen she says,”Ugh whatever, here put your bags down in the guest room. Can I get you a drink?”
“Iced tea if you got it ma’am.” Hailey said on the way down the hall.
“Actually I only have coke, dr. pepper, and water at the moment.” said Lauren
“Water it is then, and since when did you keep soda in the fridge?” said Hailey
“Umm, you really turned me on to it so I started picking it up occasionally.” said Lauren knowing occasionally was a vast understatement.

Hailey walks back to the kitchen watching Lauren’s bloated form maneuver around preparing the drinks, cracking a coke for herself and using the Brita filter for Haileys. Taking in the full picture of her from the back, Hailey couldn’t help but find it comical how out of shape Lauren looked. Her ass had bloomed so wide from months upon months of inactivity, it was like its shape drastically changed into that of an overweight housewife. The cellulite on the back of her legs and the dramatic taper in size from the top of her thighs to her feet really suggested that she was looking at someone who was ferociously out of shape.

As Lauren handed over the glass of water to Hailey and started some casual small talk to catch up on lost time, she couldn’t help but scan over Haileys new thinner body. Her legs looked downright in shape to put it bluntly, despite her still being on chunky side. It must have been because she was so hefty before that even at this weight she seemed still chunky but in shape. What did the most damage to Laurens ego was the now her stomach looked half the size of hers, even when she was huge Hailey’s stomach was never her biggest feature. And her boobs didn’t seem to take much of a hit from her weight loss. That and how much her face slimmed down, she looked cute and Lauren looked like someone pumped her up like a bike tire.

“It’s like we’re swapping figures.” Lauren thought to herself.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Mahi 3 years
@kjdfduhfjdf thanks for the feedback, I was aiming for it to be a short read but totally feel where you're coming from. Sometimes I feel bored with slow burners that release weekly and this was me doing the opposite
Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I like it but I think it needs more detail about the change and an explanation in a gradually way
Mahi 3 years
Hey @Andi22, thanks for your support. I just came to a comfortable stopping point and decided it was time to post it. If I do continue it would be with untold scenes from before the switch contrasted by ones from after.
AndiFive 3 years
please tell me that this story is not over and that there will be a continuation, I really want to see how the relationship of the two will be with these exchange of roles and social status