Switching places

  By Mahi

chapter 8

The time Hailey was visiting came and went and life started up back to normal. Hailey was still biking and eating right, Lauren was still making excuses as to why she didn’t start a gym membership or stopped her constant snacking, ordering unhealthy takeout, or even her grossly excessive soda consumption. It had been another nine months of routines and this time it was Lauren’s turn to visit Hailey, if not to just escape the cold. Lauren knew she had gained an ungodly amount of weight and this time she was generally concerned about meeting up with Hailey and having to sit through what she will say about her figure.

She made it through the Hilton Head/Savannah airport and caught a Lift to her old place. Hailey on the other hand apparently was finishing up at work still and asked if Lauren could meet her there by the entrance. Lauren called up another Lift and had it drop her off across the street from the parking lot to the office. She calls up Hailey on the phone saying that she’s arrived. Lauren beginning to cross the street spots a gorgeous, noticeably fit women walk out of the entrance on the phone. She starts to notice the way her lips synced up with Hailey on the phone, and suddenly the reality of the situation hit her in the form of a jealous pit deep in her stomach.

Hailey looked as slim and fit as Lauren did 21 months ago. Her trim waist sported an ass that popped out perfectly. Her stomach looked toned and slim, while her legs seemed pasted straight out of the Sports Illustrated bikini edition. She was tanned and walked with a strut that showed confidence and poise. The cherry on top was her face now shined with her sharp jaw line and lithe neck. Strong cheekbones outfit her endearing smile and button nose. The last time she weighed herself she was 138 lb’s and felt the most confident she’d been in all her life.

As she looked around for her blonde friend in the parking lot out of the corner of her eye she spot a portly girl practically waddling in her direction from across the street. Just then her jaw dropped as she recognized the total tub her once fit and lithe friend had transformed into.

“Oh my god, Lauren?” Hailey shouted out.
“Hey, I’m coming, I’m coming, just give me a second.” Lauren said short of breath with one hand fanning her bloated face and the other hand pressed above her ass into her lower back as if helping support herself during her short walk over.

My god, she looked like a completely different person. Her sandals slapped the pavement with each heavy step she took. Her belly jostled visibly with each step even from under her jogging shorts, which she certainly hasn’t been doing any jogging in. Let alone walking from the unsureness of her stride. If she looked like a couch potato last time Hailey saw her, now she looked like a full-fledged fatso. All of her limbs looked round and swollen, while she carried the bulk of her weight around her blubbery middle. To call her round would be an understatement. Her breasts were now bigger than Haileys but not by much, however, they seems to jostle and move like two pools of water in her D cups. They were being pushed to their respective sides of her chest by the slope of her jello-like torso. She was wider and more visibly out of shape than Hailey ever was and that was saying something. Her thighs folded over her knees in a way that created a broad roll on the inward facing sides of her legs. Her calves looked devoid of any muscle even under their doughy exterior and tapered to her chunky cankles in a way that made her feet look small. Her ass had become shelf like and each cheek would take turns pushing up and down with each step she took. Her facial features were rounded out with her jawline disappearing completely, being replaced with a big set of cheeks that sloped into a large double chin that made her neck seem nonexistent. It was something about the way her face gained weight since they last saw each other that made Hailey have the biggest grin on her face, she looked like a total porker just from the neck up. Forget out of shape, this girl looked like she’d been this way all her life. If she had the confidence to step on the scale she would have weighed 281 lbs, a full19 lbs more than Hailey weighed 21 months ago.

“Hey stranger, have you seen my hot skinny friend Lauren around?” joked Hailey
“Ha. Ha. Ha, really funny, I get it, we literally look like we’ve switched places.” said Lauren finally making it to Hailey’s side of the street in a huff.
“I mean seriously girl, you are looking rotund, what are you pushing now a-days? You look like you’ve been on the burger queen diet for the past two years.” said Hailey poking her finger into Lauren’s belly button that was partially visible through her shorts.
“Oof stop it, you know I’m self conscious about my new body type, I’ve never weighed more than 135 lb’s my whole life until recently. I feel like a parade float.” said Lauren as she pouted at Hailey while shielding her wide belly button with her hand.
“Well, thanks for not complimenting me on my weight loss, I feel like a new woman, I’ve never had a flat stomach before, and check this out.” said Hailey lifting up her top to show her tanned two pack abs and tight torso.
“Fine fine *huff* you do look amazing, it’s going to be hard for me to cut back to look like this again.” said Lauren lifting her tubby hand and grazing the contour of her friend’s abdominals.
“I’m sure you still got some abs under this bowl of jelly.” said Hailey giving Lauren’s jelly roll a heavy shake. Lauren felt defenseless being too lazy to swat her hand and also not fast enough to react in time.
“*Urp* ugh stop it, I’m still a little full from lunch. You're going to make me sick, plus you’re embarrassing me. I get it, I’m the fat one now.” Lauren said as she lifted up her shirt and put her pale distended belly on display.
“Jesus Christ, what have you been eating? You gotta give me a little twirl.” said Hailey making cat call whistles while a compliant but obviously humiliated Lauren held her shirt up doing a slow turn for her ex-fatty friend with a pout on her face.

It was surreal to watch a girl who had recently weighed over 120 lb’s less than Hailey become more than twice her current size. Lauren from the side really showed how her shape changed in the last nine months. When Hailey was at her largest she carried her weight mostly in her legs but the rest of her body seemed evenly distributed. Her thighs and calves were doughy but her belly, chest, arms, and back seemed dense. With Lauren her weight gravitated to her hips, waist, belly, and face. Rather than seeming curvy, even nine months ago she’s looked, to blatantly put it, downright fat. Her ass as well had also become huge but in width and broadness. She was a wide load in the essence of the term. Coming from being so thin, this change was the most comical for Hailey to admire. Its like all of her dexterity and range of motion was limited to the point where it became taxing to do the simplest of tasks. The flabbiness of her body seemed to effect her balance. The quivering of her pillowy thighs, the way her upper arms creased at the back of her elbows, and the small crease at her wrists that separated her balloon-like forearms from her bloated little hands. It was like nowhere on her body was spared from her newly poor metabolism and horrific eating habits. Despite how overgrown the rest of her body was, it was the flabbiness and shape of her jelly belly that stood as the monument of her transformation.

“Before you ask, yes, I know I turned into a total whale. No, I’m not used to it. I can’t cross my legs when I’m sitting down or touch my toes anymore. It’s embarrassing, I can’t even do a single sit up now. I’m literally the fattest person I know.” said Lauren pulling her shirt back down to her waistband.
“To be fair, a big girl like you should probably start laying off the snacks, you know.” said Hailey pointing to a king sized snickers in Laurens purse.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m on vacation, give me a break.”
“Whatever you say tubbo, you ready to grab a drink now, there’s a sweet bar around the block.” said Hailey pointing to the left
“Sure, but I don’t care if you’re walking, I’m catching a ride there.” said Lauren
Just then Hailey snags Laurens phone and starts running in the direction of the bar. In the most pathetic attempt at a sprint, Hailey looks back in hysterics at the jiggle frenzy as Laurens weak, heavy legs try to push her bloated body forward. She stops just feet away from her friend, completely out of breath, as Hailey is dying laughing with her hands on her knees. A red faced Lauren with her full gut on display leans against a nearby tree and says, “I’m officially never running again, and now you’re paying for my Uber.”
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Mahi 3 years
@kjdfduhfjdf thanks for the feedback, I was aiming for it to be a short read but totally feel where you're coming from. Sometimes I feel bored with slow burners that release weekly and this was me doing the opposite
Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I like it but I think it needs more detail about the change and an explanation in a gradually way
Mahi 3 years
Hey @Andi22, thanks for your support. I just came to a comfortable stopping point and decided it was time to post it. If I do continue it would be with untold scenes from before the switch contrasted by ones from after.
AndiFive 3 years
please tell me that this story is not over and that there will be a continuation, I really want to see how the relationship of the two will be with these exchange of roles and social status