The stowaway - marooned

chapter 11

The next few months went by all too fast. We each settled into our routines, eating and fucking for the cities enjoyment. I had to say it was thrilling, for the first few months at least. Now that my kinks had fully awakened, I relished the mornings on stage. Abram fattened quickly. He told me he was stuffed much in the same way once I was taken to the sex temple for the rest of the day, and the results showed within a week. There was no springy twenty-something metabolism keeping the pounds at bay. Each day he’d be strapped to the stuffing table that much softer. At first it wasn’t noticeable other than the stomach that stretched out further than yesterday. I would pump Abram with the nectar, him moaning through it. His belly would quickly deflate, but nothing jiggled on him. Until one fateful day.

Abram had just finished his last drink. He got to his feet and spun to present his ass, knowing the drill by now. As he staggered to the table though, I noticed something new. There was a slight wobble in his flanks as he fell onto the table. Hardly noticeable to most, save the one in charge of his growth. My vision seemed to sharpen. I looked over every inch of his body, hungry for changes. I waddled to him, flicking the spot on his bum. To my pleasure the flesh bobbed around, not only that his entire back looked like it had lost its edge. The muscle was still there, but there was softness too, the beginning of a back roll had just begun to form. I flicked it again, relishing in the movement.

“Quit it!” Abram pleaded, his skin glowing warm with embarrassment. That only made me harder. I pulled apart his cheeks and thrust inside, coming quickly.

After that day the changes came fast. My favorite part each day was seeing how Abram changed, how he moved with the new weight. His ass grew the most at first. What started as a runner's ass swelled into a bouncy bubble. Slight wobbles in his cheeks became waves all through his body. Soon the roundness spread. His belly curved out into a proper gut, his strong chest weakened without exercise and drooped into moobs. He widened, got a double chin, his bones disappeared, day by day he began to look more and more like me.

Through it all Abram pouted as he swelled. The first day he had to change how he bent over to accommodate his new gut had me going wild. His look of shock when his belly got in the way was like a sexual epiphany. He was growing fat and helpless, and he knew it. When he couldn’t keep his thighs from rubbing together when he walked I came right there. Each bulge, each stretch mark, every new wobble was an admission of how quickly he was losing the war of the waistline. Every day my thrusts sent a new soft part of him in motion, and it wasn’t long before I began our session with a motorboat to those growing ass cheeks.

After our dinner stuffings Abram would stare in the mirror in our room. He’d cluck as he spun, taking in his new corpulence. I’ll admit I enjoyed these times more than I should have. He pinched his love handles as they came in, cursing his new width after He knocked over a glass not realizing his ass had gotten too wide to squeeze past me. He hated the first day he noticed his moobs jiggled. The first real panic was when he got too fat to see his cock by just looking down. He had been asked to check on the way over once Cintura noticed his belly sat in his lap while sitting. Abram stood defiantly, looking down like he always had. The shocked gasp told the crowd all they needed to know. From that point on Abram was released from his cage, deemed officially too fat to get away. Since we were both too fat for clothes, it wasn’t far off.

I wasn’t spared either.

All my time in the temple had surged my weight up as well. I only got more popular with the locals as time went on, soon I was pleasing and drinking until late into the days. My body thickened further, forced into a permanent waddle. One chin turned into four, my ass widened to a shelf, every part of me was covered in inches of soft fat.

By the time winter came around I had to do a double take when I saw how Abram and I looked laying together. I asked Abram to sit up, his eyes going wide as he realized he couldn’t do it by himself. I propped him up and looked him over once more, my lust finally taking a back seat. A gut bigger than a basketball sat in his lap, wrapping around to his sides. Stretch marks ran up and down him much in the way they did me, and he was only a hundred pounds in! I began to worry about our futures.

It was beginning to be difficult for me to take care of myself. I had no idea how heavy I had gotten. My belly had spread and widened the most, along with my thighs, but no part was spared. I couldn’t wipe anymore, it was a struggle to touch my own penis. Walking was a labor, all I could do to try and stop the swell was wave off the treat carrying old ladies. Try as I might my pleas fell on deaf ears. As I grew bigger I also grew slower. My walks took more time, I was forced to eat and eat, with no end in sight.

Abram fell on his back, the strain at sitting up too much, I flopped next to him. I grabbed a fistful of his belly and sighed.

“I think we might be getting too fat.”

Abram turned to me glaring, his chubby cheeks making him look cherubic.

“Oh really? Not like I tried to tell you that months ago. Now that you're getting too fat to fuck you want to take action.”

I grunted and rolled over and sat between his legs. At my size, it took some serious effort. I purred as I played with him. I scooped his moobs, hefted his gut, all while he pouted.

“Well, I couldn’t let myself be the only fatty now could I? You had a penance to pay.” Abram frowned harder but didn’t disagree. Eventually I took him in my mouth and brought him over the edge. As we lay in spoon he sighed.

“We really are though, what are we going to do?”

“Captain Paula! Captain Paula we’re near!” A harried-looking lad with a roll of dark brown flesh poking out the bottom of his shirt burst into the captain’s room.

Paula extracted an old-school pair of binoculars from her overcoat and smiled. In front of her was a familiar sight. Beautiful white sand beaches stretched to the edge of her vision on either side, though this was no summer excursion. Snow dusted pines, trails of smoke far into the forest. Just as her chubby first mate had said, the Ilha De Banha was on the horizon. She put the binoculars down and grinned at her assistant.

“Wonderful. I think those two have had enough, what do you think?”

Paula’s 1st mate, a short boy in possession of fifty recently gained pounds, poked the belly roll that stuck out from under his shirt and winced.

“They can’t be fatter than you made me get, right?” Paula laughed and slapped the lad on his plentiful rear.

“You have a long way to go before you approach where Carver got, and that was just the last time I saw him.” She pictured the former stowaway growing wider and fatter, herself growing wet. “I can’t wait to see what the natives did to Abram. They always warned us to stick to our word. I’m sure they stuffed him good.” Paula shot her 1st mate a mischievous glance. “Now, go get six triple cheese burgers and a quart of ice cream and bring it here. I want to see you good and stuffed.”

The first mate’s cheeks went scarlet as he bowed and left the room. Paula watched him go, admiring the way his new back rolls bounced.

‘Delicious,’ she thought, ‘but if everything went the way I planned those two will vibrate the ground where they walk.’
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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HotChubbyBear 2 years
Please continue this story. I so like it!
Kyzarburner 2 years
Ha, I'm glad someone does!!
Kyzarburner 3 years
Thank you I'm flattered smiley and I wish I could take credit for the language, it's just broken Portuguese. Hope you will enjoy Abram getting more than a taste of his own medicine smiley
Stevita 3 years
Loving it so far! Can't wait to see Abram fattened up. Also I love your world building and even language building. (I speak Spanish too so I'm guessing your natives' language is derived from the romance languages? I like it though, the cognates make sense