The stowaway - marooned

chapter 7

“People of Ilha De Banha, we have a treat for you all!”

Cintura raised both bangle-covered arms in front of a packed crowd. It was a warm, sunny morning. Mist hung low on the ground, the canopy surrounding the city choking off most of the early light. Abram and I stood naked on a sort of stage behind Cintura, nervous and wondering what our host had planned for us. Abram, despite all his muscle, shivered gravely next to me. With all the insulation that had been added to my frame I was more than comfortable, but I was rather hungry. To my surprise, we had been led from our room just after sunrise. No lavash meals, no stuffings. At least, so far. There were many stairs leading to the top of this stage, but as with our rooms, we were not allowed to walk a single one.

There were barrels of liquid brought with us as we were hoisted up the steps. I didn’t see what was inside, but if these people were as skilled at fattening as Paula was I wouldn’t be surprised if much of it made its way into me.

‘Maybe she picked up some tips from them,’ I thought with a snort.

Cintura spun to us. They were beaming, the crooked look they wore hinting at what was to come. They turned back to the crowd and continued.

“Our gordura endured much suffering to gain his size. His captain cruelly fattened him against his will.”

The crowd booed. They tossed rotten fruits on the steps and made faces.

“You may recognize him! Abram is a frequent visitor to our home, and though he has aided us in the past he has fallen by his own word. Our gordura will give as he got, and create his own gordura!”

The crowd murmured. They sounded excited, but waiting for something more.

“And!” Cintura added with a wink, “after the captain is sufficiently stuffed, he will receive as he gave in another sense. His godura may not be able to see his own cock, but it still works. We made sure of that.”

This got a response, the horny crowd whipped to a frenzy. Whoops and hollers peppered a raucous roar.

‘So we’re an attraction,’ I thought, ‘a sex show, where the performers get fatter every day. At least I’m used to this by now.’

Wooden jugs the size of a tall boy beer can were laid in front of the barrels. One by one they were filled with a bright orange liquid, the smell reminded me of mango nectar. Two guards grabbed Abram by the wrists and pulled him onto what looked like a flat wooden table with a hole at the center on his back. He looked at me and grimaced as his hands and feet were tied to each corner. From there a crank was wound, propping him up at a forty degree angle. A jug was placed in my hands, I turned to see Cintura at my back staring hungrily in Abram’s direction.

“Get at least three of these down him,” they whispered, “then we will see if you are too fat to fuck.” I felt a slap on my flanks, and they were gone with a wink. Before I knew it, Cintura was staring at me expectantly on their throne. It wasn’t just them. The guards, the crowd, everyone was urging me on. I looked at Abram, the corners of his lips downturned, eyebrows furrowed. He looked miserable, but I just had to sigh. Given my last six months, I didn’t have much pity for him. I placed the rim of the jug by his chin and leaned down.

“Let’s get this over with. It’s only three of these jugs. Looks close to two liters total.”

Abram’s eyes bugged out like I was asking him to eat an entire buffet.

“Two liters?! Damn. I’m not a big eater like you, Carver. Even when you were skinny you could put down far more than I.”

Those words. ‘When you were skinny.’ I felt a twinge of anger, followed by a twinge of lust. From somewhere deep in me I realized I wanted this. Not just to put the fattening shoe on the other foot, but to fuck him as well. How many times had Abram brought me out for sex with company watching? And of those he had stuffed me beforehand many times. I was forced to fight the discomfort of an overfilled stomach with a cock in my ass, not a great experience. I used to be verse before this trip. Giving and taking in equal measure. I’d seen Abram’s sturdy ass hundreds of times and never so much as slipped a pinkie in. I pictured how Abram’s brown tan belly would look with a jug, two jugs, four jugs of liquid stretching it out. I felt myself stiffen.

“Well, I guess you’ll have to deal with it.”

Before Abram could protest I pushed the jug to his lips. He moaned as the orange fluid poured into him, from the taste or misery wasn’t my concern. I didn’t give him much time to rest. I listened to him swallow in big gulps, his cheeks puffing out to hold the excess. When I threw the first jug aside he gasped, a rumbling belch following within seconds.

“Our first sign of gluttony!” Cintura cried from their throne. They and many of their guards had unbuttoned their jeans, rubbing their bare members and grinning. The crowd too had begun to change. The men and women there were gradually going nude. Cocks stood erect, stroked slowly by their owner or a wandering hand. Women had a finger or more in their lips or nipples, some guided by the hand of a lover. A heavy breathing could be heard over the singing of birds and rustle of the wind. Clearly, we were doing something right.

“More, more!” Cintura demanded, moisture leaking from the tip of his cock. I nodded, and looked down at Abram. Dribbles of nectar ran down his beard from the corners of his lips. His hard stomach looked somewhat rounded, his face blushed. Before I brought the second jug to his lips he whispered.

“Please, my belly. I’m tapped. Please, I need to-” I nodded, knowing exactly the spot he was in. I drew my palm to the tender area. He gasped lightly as I rubbed his stomach, producing both grateful belches from Abram, and adoring ‘awws’ from the crowd.

“He cares for his gordura!”
“What a sweet one.”
“I wouldn’t be so kind.”

This time I blushed, and went for the second jug. This one went far slower than the first. Abram looked warily at me and swallowed small sips, but it was steady. I could see his stomach practically swell with each, I started to wonder how he would get the third down. By the end of the second jug I could see the discomfort etched onto Abram’s face. His cheeks bulged, he whimpered with each swallow, tears were in the corners of his eye, but he managed to finish it all. I let Abram rest for a moment as the crowd cheered, their horniness getting more and more brazen. Hands touched and grabbed, bodies were presented for pleasure, some had already begun to fuck right in the open. Some of Cintura's guards were sucking each other off as they applauded. None seemed angered, harassed, or left out.

‘What a sex positive society,’ I thought, the scene getting me going as well.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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HotChubbyBear 2 years
Please continue this story. I so like it!
Kyzarburner 2 years
Ha, I'm glad someone does!!
Kyzarburner 3 years
Thank you I'm flattered smiley and I wish I could take credit for the language, it's just broken Portuguese. Hope you will enjoy Abram getting more than a taste of his own medicine smiley
Stevita 3 years
Loving it so far! Can't wait to see Abram fattened up. Also I love your world building and even language building. (I speak Spanish too so I'm guessing your natives' language is derived from the romance languages? I like it though, the cognates make sense