The stowaway - marooned

chapter 10

Turns out, Cintura was a master of feeding. I took my oversized seat by the foot of a massive feasting table, Abram brought from his cage to take his place by my side. I couldn’t help but notice the jutting stomach that looked stapled to his torso. It wasn’t just that either, it looked like Abram had been overinflated. The creases in his face had smoothed, his neck less wiry, he looked positively puffy. As he was seated next to me a shout broke the scene. Cintura stood tall, their green eyes shining.

“This was a good first day fatties, now for the final part of your routine.” Cintura motioned to his guards, who produced ropes. Our backs were forced against the chair as the ropes were wrapped around our middles. Once measured they were taken and held high. My length of rope was far longer than Abram’s, but it wouldn’t be that way for long. If we weren’t full enough already, Cintura pushed us to our limits. Men under the table played with our cocks to get us hard, forcing a few more bites in as we got close to coming. We were poked, prodded, and teased all through the night. By the time it was over I felt like an overstretched elastic band. I couldn’t even attempt walking anymore, we were wheeled away to the laughs of the crowd.

Once back in our room we simply lay down and digested. It took a few hours, but eventually Abram had regained enough strength to roll me onto the bed. I felt immense, moaning as my hands rubbed at the expanse of my gut. From above, Abram’s accusing eyes laid into me.

“You were having so much fun, what happened to that?”

I looked to the side.

“It was fun, and you know you deserved it.” Abram frowned, the look pooching out the start of a double chin.

“Being exposed like that? Humiliated?” I sighed.
“We’re being honored, it’s not like that.” Abram grunted.

“And I’m sure you're fine with being honored like this all the time? Cintura described your routine.” I blushed and gave my belly a poke. It was a lot to take in so fast, despite the pleasure I felt.

“Well, what are we supposed to do? Run away? We can't make it out there, they might make things even worse if we resist.”

Abram clenched his jaw, but as he went to retort the energy fell out of him.

“I suppose. Damn, at this point I don’t want to argue.” Abram fell next to me in bed, I felt the dome of his stuffed belly press into my side.
“Just lay here with me awhile.”

I nodded, but deep down I did share his concerns. I was already fat enough that it affected my everyday life. Too much bigger, and I might not be able to do anything for myself.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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HotChubbyBear 2 years
Please continue this story. I so like it!
Kyzarburner 2 years
Ha, I'm glad someone does!!
Kyzarburner 3 years
Thank you I'm flattered smiley and I wish I could take credit for the language, it's just broken Portuguese. Hope you will enjoy Abram getting more than a taste of his own medicine smiley
Stevita 3 years
Loving it so far! Can't wait to see Abram fattened up. Also I love your world building and even language building. (I speak Spanish too so I'm guessing your natives' language is derived from the romance languages? I like it though, the cognates make sense