Fattening the frat

chapter 16

Apparently the officers had planned to use all of winter break to accept 9 new pledges into the fraternity for the spring semester. They had procastinated until the last 2 days, spending the past 6 weeks stuffing their faces.

The guys invited me to look along at the applications. Each of the guys were just as fit as everyone used to be, and I didn't know if these guys knew what they'd be signing up for. The officers agreed upon 9 of the most athletic and party-like freshmen they saw - as that's probably how they still viewed themselves. They were just over 100 pounds bigger now.

The rest of the brothers returned to the frat the next day, and they were absolutely shocked at how much fatter the officers had gotten. Sure, these brothers had gained some weight back at home (like 20 pounds), but each of the officers gained upwards of 50 pounds in six weeks! And Zach and Wes were gigantic! The two biggest guys gave up the stairs altogether and moved into the two rooms closest to the kitchen. Now that the rest of the frat was back, I had gone back to relying on grocery-bought desserts and snacks for the house on top of the meals I cooked. The returning brothers missed my food just as much as the officers, stuffing themselves full of calories, gainer powder, and beer.

Even with the rest of the brothers back and a small celebration to kick the semester off, I still found time to feed Zach and Wes their gainer shakes for the night. Half asleep and tipsy I was eager to head back to bed with Zach, but Wes had other ideas. He was also a bit drunk himself, and had just finished his 10 gallon shake. Wes laid back on his mattress - springs and bedframe broken - and he nearly took it up the entire thing. The bedroom downstairs was smaller than this bedroom upstairs, and it felt cramped with me, the tanker, and the 400lbs+ Wes. I started to bring the empty tanker to the door when Wes stopped me.

"Luke, could you help me out with something?" he asked, still laying back. "Sure." I whispered back.
"Lift my belly up. I can't reach it." He said. Wes stretched his long arms as much as he could, but failed to push his giant belly up, which looked like it was pinning him down. I was too tired to think what he was doing, but I did as he said. His belly was tight and tan, treaded with dirty blonde hair around his deep belly button. I lifted his belly and I felt his underbelly was covered in precum, sticking to the hair of his happy trail. I realized my hand was covered in it, and he reached for his fully erect penis. Even though his belly, thighs, and fupa covered surrounded his penis with fat flesh I could still see how big his dick was. I looked over his belly and met Wes' eyes, and he was staring at me with his seductive smile and a drunk demeanor. I still held his belly up as he stroked his penis, and I was confused what to do next. Zach and I were definitely a couple now, but this is the second time Wes had came onto me. I was extremely aroused, a bit drunk, and I decided to go for it. I placed my mouth on the tip of his penis and began to suck, and let his belly fall ontop of my head (which weighed more than I thought it would). Wes began to moan as I stuffed my face further into his pubic area, his thick fatty thighs and belly nearly suffocating me. My nose filled with the smells of Wes' sweat, cum, and musk, and sucked faster and faster until he came in my mouth. I crawled out of his groin and he was drifting off to sleep. I examined how large he was, his moobs and belly pinning him down, fat thigh pushing his legs apart, feet hanging off the end of the mattress. I snuck out of the room into Zach's, who was looking equally as large.

"I was wondering where you were.." he said, sitting up (with difficulty), grabbing me and pushing me down with him. There was barely enough room for the two of us on the mattress, his fat nearly pushing me off. I was still feeling horny from Wes so I reached for Zach's penis from beside him, and began to stroke it. I got up on top of Zach and pushed his hairy belly out of the way as I positioned his penis into my ass, and my penis rubbing up against his mountain of a belly, making us both closer to cumming with each thrust. We both came at the same time, and I knocked out right on the spot, laying atop of his belly.

The next day the new pledges would be coming to the fraternity for the final interviews. The new guys looked out of place in the fraternity. They were fit, lean, and dressed in sports jackets and khakis. Meanwhile the current members were exploding out of their sweatpants and officers waddling through the house naked. I can tell the guys were thrown off guard by how big everyone looked compared to their scouting at the beginning of the fall semester.

One of the pledges came to me, and introduced himself as Jared. Jared was 6'2, curly brown hair tied into a bun, with dark eyebrows and a thin beard that covered his masculine jawline.

"So are you like the only not-obese brother here? What happened to these guys?" he asked with a tone of disgust. As much as I would have enjoyed to flaunt myself as the cause for the huge weight gain, I couldn't help but to try to entice Jared. "This is a party frat. If you want to join the fraternity with the best parties, the most girls, and the most connections for jobs, this is the one. Some of the guys got fat, doesn't mean you will!" I said. He looked off as if he was contemplating what I said, and then walked off toward one of his lean friends. I got closer to them and heard their consensus to join the fraternity despite their concerns about fitness, as Kappa Sigma Alpha used to be known for their rock hard abs until I came along.

I was delighted to find out that the nine new pledges would be inducted into the chapter tomorrow, followed by a large party. I knew beer got both Zach and Wes especially horny, so I was excited for hopefully a round two of last night. l looked over at my two lovers who were stuffing themselves with cookies. I looked back at Jared and the new pledges, excited to see how I could fatten them up.

It's important that I start by saying I in no way support hazing, but I wasn't going to complain when the nine pledged were forced to strip to their underwear and burn their clothes for the party. I watched on as the guys drank beer after beer, becoming more suggestive to the ridiculous tasks the officers ordered them to do.

"What do you want me to get them to do?" Zach asked me with a wide grin on his face. I looked toward the tanker and Zach picked up on my message. I headed to the kitchen to make a gainer shake while Zach ordered the pledges. I heard some laughs from the backyard where the hazing was going on, and Zach helped me pour the mixture into the tanker.

Everyone watched in amusement as the guys failed to funnel the shake, each guy barely finishing a gallon, and I looked on thinking how soon I could make that change. Throughout the night, I tracked how much of my desserts the new pledges ate. I loaded it with my gaining mixture to hopefully get their appetites going right away, but I was disappointed in the fact that the existing members ate nearly everything. Besides, the pledges looked far too drunk to eat anything (as I noted with their bloated stomachs). Even though it was only night 1, the guys' washboard abs didn't seem to stand a chance.

The next morning everyone was pretty hungover. Zach and Wes both drank their tankers full of gainer powder and had a little sexual action, but I had to get up early. I was cooking for 9 more guys and I had to figure out how to get them to eat without the others dominating themselves in the kitchen.

I decided to cook breakfast abd deviate from my dessert-only policy for the first weeks with the pledges here. I needed to hook them into my cooking rather than scare them away with the calories of a cake. I got to work making a huge breakfast, and the pledges strolled into the kitchen first.

"Wow, they weren't kidding when we were promised a personal chef!" Dominic said, sitting down. Dominic was a new pledge and was tall, dark skinned, with black hair faded and a handsome face.

"And it smells great!" said Jared, who was a bit taller than Dominic and sat beside him. The guys ate away at a heaping pile of scrambled eggs and bacon. "Maybe this is how they got so fat!" someone had said, and the new pledges joked around. Before anyone else was up I knew I had to get as much food in these guys as possible. I had added some of my gaining powder to the food, so I hoped it would kick in soon. I came around adding more eggs and bacon to everyone's plates and I wasn't met with any resistance. The guys seemed too distracted in their conversation. I laughed to myself how familiar this felt to August, until I heard the loud footsteps of an officer approaching. Cody waddled into the room, sat right in the middle of the pledges, and began shoveling food into his mouth at his typical pace, one that amazed the pledges. The guys looked on in amazement, with their hunger creeping back with the appetite stimulants. I added some more bacon to their plates and the pledges ate away as they watched Cody chow down. More of the original brothers joined in the kitchen and I knew my early head start was up, and I hoped I my food had made a good enough impression.

(Thank you everyone for still reading my story, I appreciate the support! Feel free to like, share, comment, or message me for any thoughts/ideas! :))
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Kaka 5 months
Love your stories
Kaka 1 year
Please post again you make the best stories
BulkBrit 2 years
Absolutely brilliant story. Thank you for your hard work.

I would pledge to that frat without the slightest hesitation. Maybe a real world version could happen if a few of us clubbed together?
S1234567 3 years
Tolle Geschichte.....hoffe das die beiden ihren feeder schön durch die Gegend jagen....das er nur noch sie füttert
AshBear 3 years
This just keeps getting better and better!
AshBear 3 years
Azismiss 3 years
Normally I like weight gain to be focused on one person, but this story is crazy hot.
Please keep writing!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Soooo good!
Zachi 3 years
best story for months here, keep on this good work!
Stevita 3 years
Loving the romance between Luke and Zach, but also LIVING for the background action of the rest of these hungry hungry himbos stuffing their faces! Sexy af.
Algoalgo 3 years
This story is amazing.
PubBudd 3 years
Loving this story. Can't wait for more
TheDuke54 3 years
Love the theme!