Fattening the frat

chapter 18

That night, the officers clearly felt I had betrayed them. I felt a little bad, but I was surprised at how mad they were. It's not like they'd be starving, they just had to save some food for the pledges! Both Wes and Zach were silent as I fed them their gainer shakes that night, but I knew any food lost to the pledges in the day could be made up with more gallons at night.

Everyone slept in on Saturday morning, hungover from last night, but the pledges woke up first. They entered the kitchen to see a large spread of french toast, waffles, and pancakes, all soaking in butter, sugar, syrup, and of course some of my gainer powder. The pledges dug in, handing Jared extra plates for his success last night. The guys also thanked me for advocating for them, and I hoped I had gained their trust. The celebration quieted down as we heard heavy footsteps and empty plates shake. Tyler waddled into the kitchen, dreading what he would have to do today but too hungry to hide in bed. Tyler grabbed a plate and sat down at the table, his chair squeaking and threatening to break. He shoved an entire french toast into his mouth, and as he was grabbing another, Jared stopped him.

"Uh uh uh, give that one to me." Jared said, opening his mouth and closing his eyes. Tyler gave me a dirty look and shoved the food in Jared's mouth. Tyler started to take a bite for himself, when Dominic interrupted him.
"Nope, that one's mine!" and Dominic opened his mouth. Tyler groaned, seeing how both Jared and Dominic were sitting in front of full plates. Tyler shoved another french toast in Dominic's mouth, waiting for another officer to come down so he could eat!

Zach shook the entire kitchen as he waddled in. He didn't meet my eyes, but grabbed two large plates stacked high with pancakes. He sat down on the couch (the only thing that could hold his weight) and began to eat his breakfast.

"Hey Zach! I think you're eating some of my food!" one of the pledges copied Jared and Dominic. But he wasn't as smart, no one was to get between Zach and his food. Zach got up and walked toward the pledge. Zach was three inches taller and 250 pounds heavier, his huge mass of a belly dwarfing the pledge. No one said anything, and the pledges should appreciate that Zach didn't take their food. Eventually the rest of the frat came down for breakfast and ate away, but the pledges kept up. Just like they said: the more they ate, the hungrier they became. And now that they got a seat at the table and were free to eat as much as they wanted, they ate as much as they could.

At dinner, Jared laid back as one of the original brothers fed him a huge bowl of pasta, bringing the fork to his mouth. "Wanna hit the gym?" Dominic asked Jared.

"No way, this week we're taking it easy. When are these guys gonna let us eat this much again, let alone feed it to us!" Jared said, and took another forkful of pasta. "You're right, I'm gonna go get some more pasta." Dominic said.

The pledges operated on this policy all week, stuffing themselves every meal. But this didn't impact the other brothers from gaining weight on their own. By Tuesday, Wes had officially gotten too fat for his room. He had trouble squeezing into the door for the past few weeks, but today he got really stuck. His beefy arms met both sides of the door frame, his hair brushing the top of the door, his love handles trapped in the frame, and his gut jolted forward, making the whole scene look like a fantast of mine. The guys attempted to pull him out, but he was just met with more resistance as his ass was bigger than his lovehandles and would be harder to get him out. The guys resorted to try to push him back in so they could have people on both sides of the door pushing and pulling him out, but he was too big to even move back in.

"We have to crack the door frame." Zach suggested. It seemed like the only reasonable option. The problem was that his fat was covered by the entire door frame, from his fat thighs to his chest, making the only exposed area of the door where his head was. That was too tall to break him out with an axe, they needed to break the frame towards the center where his belly was. I came up with an erotic solution.

"We can just make his belly big enough to crack the frame on its own." Everyone turned toward me, at first confused. But after a minute or two it seemed like the best way without tearing down the entire wall.

"Wes, you think you can eat your way out of this one?" Zach asked.
"Bet I can. I was hungry anyways." he said, and I got started right away on some cake while the guys ordered some pizzas and burgers. I fed Wes the entire day while the others fed the pledges. Wes' arms were stuck as well so I hand fed him everything, and I could tell he was enjoying this just as much as I was. When the guys were out of the kitchen I made a gainer shake and brought it to his mouth as he chugged.

I was surprised at how much longer it was taking to fatten Wes up out of the frame. I knew it'd need a lot of pressure to crack the frame, and I was going impatient. By the end of the day he was still stuck in the door and it looked like my plan was a bust. The guys agreed to call the fire department tomorrow to get Wes out and headed to bed, but I knew I could do more.

"What do you say I feed you the gainer shake all night?" I asked Wes. Wes was drowsy and full from doing nothing all day but stand and eat, but he nodded his head in agreement. "Make me big enough to get out of here..." he said, his eyes closed. I began feeding him his shake around 1am, and by 2 he finished his typical 10 gallon shake. He was barely awake at this point, but was willing to continue. I was making the shakes all night, 10 gallons per hour, and by 5am Wes was completely asleep. He drank 40 gallons and was still stuck! I woke him up to see if he could manage to crack it himself, but no use. His belly only jolted out further from his body. I sighed, desperate for sleep myself, and began making the next 10 gallons.

Just as Wes finished the tanker again, I began to hear cracking. "Wes! Is it working?!" I asked. Wes wiggled in place and the cracking got louder until we heard a pop. Both sides of the frame had broken, and Wes pushed himself out. He fell right onto the floor with a huge bang, cracking the wood where he fell. Some guys rushed downstairs at the sound of the bang. They helped Wes up and went inside the room to grab his mattress. They set the mattress down in the living room and Wes crashed there. Finally, he had fattened up bigger than the frame.

I didn't get much sleep, only 3 hours, but I was still ready to make breakfast the next morning. The pledges walked into the kitchen, passing an even bigger Wes than they saw last night sleeping in the living room. "You got him out?"

"Yeah, took all night but he cracked the frame." I said, handing out the triple cheese meat lovers omelettes.
"Jeez boys, looks like we're not eating enough of Mr. President got too fat for his frame this week. Lets step it up!" Jared said, and shoved an omelette into his mouth. The pledges agreed and determined they'd want to eat even more.

"Hey Luke, since you spent the entire day yesterday feeding Wes, think we can get another day being waited on? It's only fair..." Dominic asked. "Sure, sounds good." I replied, pouring extra gainer mix into the omelettes with a devious smile.

By Sunday, the agreement was over, and the pledges no longer had to be waited on anymore. They spent the entire week laying back being fed by the other brothers, and now had enough of the appetite stimulants in them to have them addicted to my cooking. And after just a week they all looked a lot bigger. Jared's belly and moobs now was outlined in every shirt he wore, slighty revealing his happy trail, and Dominic couldn't button his jeans. The guys looked like they gained a good 15-20 pounds each that week. And I had no intentions on slowing it down.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Kaka 5 months
Love your stories
Kaka 1 year
Please post again you make the best stories
BulkBrit 2 years
Absolutely brilliant story. Thank you for your hard work.

I would pledge to that frat without the slightest hesitation. Maybe a real world version could happen if a few of us clubbed together?
S1234567 3 years
Tolle Geschichte.....hoffe das die beiden ihren feeder schön durch die Gegend jagen....das er nur noch sie füttert
AshBear 3 years
This just keeps getting better and better!
AshBear 3 years
Azismiss 3 years
Normally I like weight gain to be focused on one person, but this story is crazy hot.
Please keep writing!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Soooo good!
Zachi 3 years
best story for months here, keep on this good work!
Stevita 3 years
Loving the romance between Luke and Zach, but also LIVING for the background action of the rest of these hungry hungry himbos stuffing their faces! Sexy af.
Algoalgo 3 years
This story is amazing.
PubBudd 3 years
Loving this story. Can't wait for more
TheDuke54 3 years
Love the theme!