A night of passion

chapter 2 - letting loose

Chrissy grabbed hold of each bag after having paid and lead us back outside and down the street to a small park nearby. She found a picnic table and quickly began laying out the massive feast of greasy falafels, kebabs, burgers, and chips covered in cheese… Sofia’s favourite. I gently helped Sofia down onto the bench, her eyes going wide at the sight of all this food. Even with a stomach laden with alcohol it didn’t take long for Sofia to relent as she scooped up some falafel and began to munch away.

“Are you sure about this? I mean there’s no way she could finish all that right?” I asked with slight concern only to be shushed as Chrissy simply smiled and pointed at Sofia. I turned to look as could hardly believe my eyes as I saw her magnificent ass spread out on the bench from behind. Her little black dress highlighting her curvy form as her soft arms began to speed up in her mission to devour everything before her. I slowly walked forward to stand level with Sofia and almost jumped back in shock as I saw the sheer size of her new potbelly sticking out before her, oh so close to drooping down to rest on her thighs. In fact, I could almost swear that her thighs were looking a little thicker than usual, the space between them looking a lot smaller than just moments before.

Chrissy and I watched in awe and even arousal as our friend threw caution and manners to wind, shovelling handfuls of food straight into her waiting maw. Bits of food flew as she chewed, grease and sauce mixing as it dripped down her hands and chin and landing on her poor dress below. I couldn’t tell if it was the immense amount of alcohol or some other unknown force but gone was the fun-loving fit party girl, in her place was an insatiable monster of greed and gluttony.

I watched as Chrissy pulled out her phone, recording this whole ordeal with glee. By now Sofia had managed to pack away more than half of the great feast before her and it was really starting to show. The formerly taut pot belly had now surged once more into a full-blown gut, lined with impressive love handles that oozed out against her tight dress. Below that I could see her pert ass growing wider as she took up more and more of the bench, rising slightly from the added inches of blubber. I carefully raised myself up on my tip toes and caught a glimpse of her thighs, now looking flabby and soft as they pushed together so beautifully.

Up above, her small and perky chest had slowly begun to swell bigger too, forcing her dress to strain even more. Her arms began to lose any last bits of definition as they became so very soft, while her neck puffed out slightly to meet the newly formed double chin. I worked my way around in front of Sofia so I could really take in the changes to her face. Where she had once had a relatively slim face with some very cute chubby cheeks, now she truly looked the part of a lifetime glutton. Sauce, grease and specks of food lined her mouth and flabby cheeks, meanwhile her new puffy jowls wobbled with each rapid bite. Around that, her face rounding out even more to suit her new form leaving me struggling to hide my own attraction for her as she ate.

I was so focused on studying Sofia’s new curves that once more my attention was only grabbed when she let out an earth-shaking burp, panting as she carefully rubbed her distended gut, accidently smearing even more grease and sauce on her dress. It even took me a few moments to look away from her and realise that she had actually done it, every last bit of food that Chrissy had ordered was now stuffed inside Sofia’s new beachball sized belly. Any doubts in my mind were assuaged as I couldn’t resist sitting down next to her, my hand finding its way along her new overstretched gut as I tried my best to soothe her discomfort.

Sadly, my moment of pleasure was only brief, as it didn’t take long for Chrissy to throw away each empty container and wrapper before she pulled poor Sofia to her feet. The newly plump fat girl genuinely struggled to keep her balance between the alcohol intake and the dozens of pounds of fat that now lined her body. I watched as her incredible ass cheeks wobbled with each slight movement, the black material of her dress pulled taut against every new inch of her body while showcasing her brand-new thunder thighs off to the world.

Admittedly I didn’t think that Chrissy would continue her assault on Sofia’s body tonight, so I simply took hold of Sofia’s cute and plump hand as she slowly waddled along. By the time we caught up to Chrissy outside the nightclub, I’d assumed that she had ordered a taxi, and yet instead she was slipping money to the bouncer on the door to let us back into the club. I erred for a moment as I held Sofia’s hand tightly, the poor drunken fatty totally oblivious to what was happening to her. Before I could protest though, Chrissy quickly spun around us and pushed us inside the club and onto the dance floor.

Perhaps it was the low light, or the general atmosphere of the club, but Sofia quickly perked up as she instinctively began to waddle to the middle of the dance floor. My hand still interlocked with hers as we made our way through the crowd, myself apologising as Sofia unknowingly bumped people around her with her big swaying hips. Finally, we reached a small clearing as Sofia pulled me close in front of her as she cheered and swayed to the rhythm. Her wide grin offset by her big chubby cheeks, which were infectious as I could hardly resist letting loose and dancing with my new plumped up friend. Each flash of the neon lights highlighted some new aspect of her body to me, lighting her in a new way as I adored each new curve.

Suddenly the atmosphere of the club changed dramatically, as the neon lights switched to a bright white strobe effect, the music becoming faster and more intense. I looked round to see Chrissy over by the DJ booth, no doubt responsible for the change of pace, but I simply shrugged and focused on dancing with Sofia. But that’s when I began to see it. It was hard to spot at first, what with the way the strobe light effected my vision. But each flash would light up the room, lighting up Sofia, and with it I would quickly realise that she was beginning to grow again. I could only describe what I was seeing as akin to watching a slideshow of a fat girl dancing as she grew even fatter.

I watched as her tits swelled forward before beginning to sag onto her belly, which by now had grown even bigger. I could see the clear outline of a beautiful double belly forming beneath the stained black dress, her deep belly button forming a clear divot. Her arms filled out into soft doughy excess, as her whole upper body widen slightly. But down below was where the real magic was occurring. I had to stop myself from drooling on the spot as her hips visibly grew a solid twelve inches wider, her ass jutting out behind her into an impressive shelf while her hips thickened into massive tree trunks that slapped and wobbled wildly.

By now her dress was practically at its limits, more than half of her ass was on full display as the dress was pulled up around her new double belly while her fat sagging chest caused her to display an incredible amount of cleavage. In the space of a few hours my formerly fit friend has blown up into a true big beautiful woman, I could only guess that she must have packed a solid 250lbs onto her former 120lb body. And yet she didn’t even seem to notice how out of breath she was as she danced, how wildly her body jiggled with each motion.

As I looked around, I could see the closest people had began to notice the swelling beauty growing before them, some with looks of shock or disgust. But one face stared at her body with the same fervour that I shared, a young skinny guy in a cheap shirt and off brand jeans. It didn’t take long for him to work up the nerve to dance on over to Sofia, willing her to dance with him. Just as I was about to step in and scare him off, I felt a firm hand pull me away from the dance floor. A panic washed over me as I turned, only to see Chrissy’s almost evil grin looking back at me. “Leave her be hun, you know Sofia always loved getting the guy’s attention.” She winked as I turned back in horror, seeing Sofia bent forward, her double belly scrunched up in her dress as she grinded her fat ass against the guy’s crotch much to his delight.

I figured Chrissy wanted to fatten her up and get her revenge, but I never imagined she would have let it get this far. However, I hardly wanted to end up in the same situation as Sofia, so I bit my tongue and watched as the guy lead Sofia by the hand over to the toilets. I could literally see the huge grin on Chrissy’s face out of the corner of my eye when she grabbed my own hand and forced me to follow her. She made sure we took our time getting across the dance floor, and by the time we got to the unisex bathroom I could already hear a commotion inside one of the stalls. Chrissy only smiled as she pulled out her phone once more and started filming, reaching up as high as she could so she could film what we both knew was happening.
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