A night of passion

chapter 3 - betrayal

I tried to look away, but curiosity got the best of me, and I quickly saw it all on the small screen. Sofia was bent over, tongue lolling out of her mouth as she moaned. Her dress pulled up over her ass and her tiny panties pulled out of the way, the guy thrusting inside her forcefully. Each impact made a loud slapping noise as his skinny thighs collided with her humongous cheeks, sending her entire body into further jiggling as her belly and tits rocked back and forth below her. And yet I could clearly see the look of pleasure on her face, she was enjoying every second as she steadied herself with her weak arms against the stall walls while trying to push her backside against him even more.

I watched silently for a few more moments, trying hard not to focus on the growing heat between my own legs as I watched my newly fattened friend get fucked from behind like an animal in heat. An ear shattering moan rang out as the guy finished inside of her, her body convulsing from her own powerful climax.

A couple awkward minutes passed as we waited in the bathroom by the sinks, when suddenly the door swung open to reveal the guy standing there. A look of shock on his face as we stared at him, but he quickly scurried off. Instead, our focus returned to Sofia as she slowly waddled out of the stall, and I swear I could see another inch or two of fat added to her already wide form. She was clearly still trying to catch her breath as she made her way towards us with a dumb grin on her face, and only when she got close did I realise she hadn’t even thought to rearrange her panties or dress back down. I gave her a quick smile as I helped stretch her panties and dress back into place, my hands almost trembling as I ran my fingers across her titanic ass.

“How about some more drinks ladies? I bet some of us have worked up a good sweat.” Chrissy chimed in with faux concern. Naturally, Sofia was more than happy to agree as she nodded her head, her double chin growing more pronounced as she did. But enough was enough, I couldn’t let this continue right? Chrissy had taken this too far, and I had to stand up for Sofia even if it meant pissing Chrissy off. I quickly walked up to Chrissy’s side as we slowly followed Sofia back to our previous booth, whispering in her ear; “We need to stop now, this is serious! She’s already so big, you can’t make her any bigger Chri-“

“Oh, don’t worry you big softy!” she interrupted, turning to face with me with a smile. “I’ve had my fun okay. So why don’t you go join her in the booth and I’ll go fetch the drinks.” Frankly, part of me didn’t believe a word she said, but I had to admit that last part made her sound so commanding. I had to help Sofia squeeze into the booth, and even then, her new belly oozed around the edge of the table in the most adorable way. We spent a few minutes chatting as she regaled me with her most recent sexual adventure, while I tried my best not to get any more aroused as I imagined her naked in my bed.

Once again everything was disrupted with the return of Chrissy, holding a tray with three regular sized cocktails on it. She handed them out, each one our favourite flavour, before scooting around to sit beside me. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I didn’t spike her drink this time.” She whispered into my ear, and with hindsight it would have been pretty easy to see that she was technically telling the truth this time.

I lavished the incredible taste as it washed down my throat, it felt like nothing I’d ever experienced before. It didn’t take me long to finish my glass and I could already feel myself getting tipsy, the lights seeming brighter as the music pumped deep into my ears. I could feel the tension slipping away as I sunk into the booth, brushing up against Sofia’s soft side with a grin. Suddenly I found the glass in my hand again, still full of that sweet nectar. I could have sworn I’d finished my glass but hey, who am I to complain about getting to experience that taste again.

This time I could feel my whole-body tingling as it flowed down my throat once more, my upper body feeling delightfully warm. I could hardly focus on anything else but the strange new sensations, the idle chatter of Sofia bouncing off me with little response. I tried my best to look round at Chrissy, but she wasn’t there and as I looked back towards Sofia, she was gone too? A pout formed on my lips as a wave of sadness washed over me, my eyes struggling to scan the crowd when I could just about make out the sight of Sofia shaking her ass on the dance floor. I clumsily began to scoot around the booth to go join her when suddenly a couple of brown paper bags landed on the table in front of me. God, the smell alone practically overwhelmed me there and then, as I watched impatiently as Chrissy appeared in front of me with a grin.

“I figured you’d be hungry babe.” She said with a huge smile, but I could hardly focus on her as I quickly tore open a container full of chips and began shovelling them into my mouth as quickly as I could manage. It was so incredible, overwhelming even as each new mouthful sent shivers down my spine as the flavours exploded across my tongue. More and more I ate, not once feeling full or content. I needed more and so I simply eat more. I relished each bite before it quickly disappeared, ignorant to the familiar sight of grease and sauce that now ran down my own chin and landing on my dress.

After a few moments or maybe half an hour, I could hardly tell, I found my hand reaching out but unable to find anything. I blinked a couple times as I tried to focus again, seeing the mountain of empty food containers and wrappers spread across the table before me.

As I took it all in, I finally began to feel full, rolling my head back as I sighed in content. A soft moan escaped my lips as I felt the most wonderful feeling, and as I finally looked back down, I saw a familiar hand pressed against my stomach. Chrissy was rubbing her hand up and down my full belly. Wait, did I always have a belly? Confusion flooded through my head as it mixed with pleasure, trying so hard to figure out what was happening when suddenly I heard a voice.
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