A night of passion

chapter 4 - succumbing

“Why don’t you go dance babe?”

I recognised that voice, I think? It reverberated through my skull so powerfully I couldn’t even think about anything else. Why don’t I go dance? That’s what people do at night clubs right? Before I knew it, I was clumsily scooting my way out of the booth, but I swear it didn’t usually take this long to get out. Suddenly I found myself in the writhing crowd, sweaty bodies pressed up against one another as the music blared and the lights flashed. I felt good, but my movements felt slow, and it was like my body took a few seconds to respond to my desires. Suddenly I saw a tall figure before me, and as I slowly looked up, I saw a bright smile. He was so handsome, his athletic body threatening to burst out of his tight shirt.

We were dancing. We had been dancing for a while, right? I couldn’t keep track of time as everything blurred together. Our eyes locked as we swayed. My ass pressed against his powerful thighs. His hands wrapped around me pulling me close. His tongue overpowering my own. His teeth nibbling my neck. My back pressed against the bathroom stall. My body shaking as he lifted me. His cock impaling me as I bounced up and down. A deep guttural moan as I felt him cum inside me. Succumbing to the pleasure.

It felt like an eternity had passed when I shook my head out of its daze, looking round to see the bathroom stall empty. I lifted myself up slowly, feeling heavy and weak, god he was strong. I slowly fumbled with the handle and looked ahead, my eyes landing on my reflection in the wide mirrors. “Oh fuck…”

I could barely recognise myself in the reflection, was that really me? An experimental hand pressed against my cheek, pinching it as I yelped. Yeah… It was really me. My hair was a mess, but that was hardly a concern when my face looked absolutely swollen with fat. Sure, I had been chubby, but I still had a relatively slim face before. Now my cheeks puffed out while my rounded face sat atop multiple chins. Scanning down I saw a wide set pair of soft padded shoulders, leading to two massively fattened arms, my elbows almost being swallowed by blubber from above. My hands weren’t spared either, reduced to flabby uncoordinated paws with fat sausage fingers. Down below I could make out my fattened cankles resting below two squishy thighs pressing together with force.

But if Sofia had become a pear shaped ssbbw, then I was definitely an apple shaped ssbbw. Two massive breasts exploded forth from my chest, my poor dress tearing slightly as they tried to contain them. The only saving grace was that my breasts had a sizable shelf to rest upon. Well, that might have been an understatement. My belly was unbelievably massive, sticking out a few feet in front of me, and more importantly I could feel it drooping down onto the middle of my thighs. I looked like a fat fetish cartoon; my dress pulled so tight it was almost see-through as my own belly literally spilled out beneath it. Hell, I wouldn’t even need to worry about wearing underwear, no one would be able to tell with a hanging gut like this.

Suddenly I felt a sharp smack against my sizable ass as Chrissy laughed loudly. “Don’t you just look adorable my tubby friend! Wow this belly could even make Sofia’s ass look small!” Her head cocked back as she lets loose another round of laughter. I should have been angry, furious with her even. But as I looked back to the mirror, slowly exploring every new inch with my soft hands, I only felt happy. So what if I was so fat? Sofia was having fun so why shouldn’t I?

Chrissy was midsentence in some no doubt gloating speech as I simply brushed past her with my sheer size, waddling as my belly dictated my centre of gravity. With each slow laboured step, I could feel how my entire body moved of its own free will as I shook and jiggled. It felt so indescribably amazing, even more so as people began to lay their eyes upon me. Watching as people quickly stepped aside to let me through, filling me with a sense of power and gravitas as I waddled deeper into the crowd. It didn’t take long to find who I was looking for, my perfectly buxom pear-shaped goddess shaking her flabby ass with reckless abandon.
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