A night of passion

chapter 5 - the nightclub (once more, with feeling.)

She didn’t even recognise me at first as I waddled towards her, my belly brushing against hers as I wrapped my massively blubber arms around her as we began sinking into each other. We must have been a right sight that night, two land whales embracing in the middle of the dance floor in stained and overly tight dresses. I pulled back from our embrace just enough that we could be face to face, our eyes locked in the passion and pleasure. I don’t know who initiated it first, but the next thing I knew we were both making out with a wild fervour.

Our hands running across each other’s bodies, squeezing and grabbing at the soft doughy flesh with each handful. Maybe it was whatever was in those drinks, maybe not, but either way we both wanted nothing more than each other in that moment. Her soft smile and those chubby cheeks mesmerising me as she pulled me towards the exit. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other as we clumsily clambered into a taxi, giggling as its suspension dipped low from our combined weight. It didn’t take long for our backseat fondling session to end as we arrived at my apartment, shoving a chubby fistful of cash to the driver as we almost fell out of the taxi.

As Sofia led me up to the door, my soft hand in hers, time began to blur again as a night of passion and eating overtook us both. I think my bed broke sometime during the night, clearly unfit to carry two massive balls of lard. Not that it stopped us of course, we must have been at it for hours before we both ended up laying together in a panting mess. Drifting to a blissful sleep in our sweet fluffy embrace.

Things were never the same after that night, for obvious reasons. We practically spent all our time together eating and making love, and every so often we’d get dressed up in the cutest tight dresses and whiling away the night at our favourite night club. We became well known by all the regulars, the two girls who could outdrink, outeat and outdance anyone. They even widened one of the bathroom stalls at one point, though nobody would admit that it was because there always a line of people to try and get into our massive panties. Sometimes we’d make it into a competition between us, seeing who could have the most fun each night. Though we’d always end up back together in my new (reinforced) bed of course, a little bit fatter each time.

Oh? What happened to Chrissy? Well, I’ll admit she was pretty pissed when her plan kind of backfired on her, but eventually we ran into her again at the night club. Well, more specifically, the greasy fast food place next door. I didn’t even notice her at first as she stood in the queue in front of us, but the last time I had saw her she had been a skinny little thing. The fat girl before us must have been at least 350lbs, which on her short frame made her ever so round. When she finally worked up the nerve to turn around, both Sofia and I were shocked. Gone was the commanding skinny girl that had once fattened us both up to extremes, instead she was replaced with a shy nervous fatty asking to make up with us.

I didn’t take that long for us to become a trio of friends once more, of course our combined weight must have been at least quadruple what it once was. We would spend each weekend dancing and fucking, feeding each other bigger and bigger all the while we writhed in constant pleasure as we became well renown throughout the city as paragons of excess, gluttony and hedonism.

I guess there’s more than one way to let loose and party, right?
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