Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 12 - the weekend - part 2 - testing the feeder

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Back in the kitchen, he cleaned up the boxes and took the trash out to the cans in the garage. He grabbed, filled, and chugged down a glass of water, then walked over to his phone. He hadn’t even looked at it since he set it on the kitchen counter this morning. There were several notifications. One was a note she shared that just said “shake recipe,” a message that told him to wake her in an hour with the shake loaded and ready in the feeder and then a notification from the scale app. He opened it, and it read, “254.5. An increase of 2.7 lbs in 15 hours.”

“Whoa,” he said to himself and then opened the note with her recipe. It was pretty simple. Basically, it was half a cheesecake blended with heavy cream and 2 shots of vodka. He set the alarm to remind himself when to make the shake. He contemplated incorporating some stuff from his stash into the recipe, but he decided not to push it. He was, after all, already getting what he wanted by indulging what she wanted.

Thinking about his stash reminded him about finding hers last week. He wondered if she touched it and looked in the cabinet. “Damn,” he thought to himself, as she saw only 2 boxes of Boost left in the case on top. The other 3 still sealed below it. He grabbed the unsealed tub of powder and saw that it was only about half full. He put it back as he found it, thinking that he could probably give his stash away. It seems she is doing pretty well on her own.

He brushed the thoughts aside and decided to check on her. He didn’t even need to open the bedroom. Her snoring could be heard in the hallway. He decided to rest himself and watched some nonsense in the living room until it was time for her next feeding.

He shut off the alarm before it could go off. He had been checking his watch every five minutes, too excited about testing the feeder to relax. He shut off the TV and went into the kitchen. He pulled out the blender, plugged it in, and threw in her recipe of half a classic cheesecake, 2 cups of heavy cream, and 2 shots of vodka. There was nothing elegant about it; it was just meant to be dense. He was fairly certain that if she knew he knew about her stash, she would just be chugging Boost and powder instead. He suspected this would be less about chugging and more about maintaining a specific level of fullness.

It didn’t take long for the mixture to blend smoothly. Well, as smooth as it was going to get. It had about the consistency of ice cream that was starting to melt. He tried the tiniest bit, and it just tasted like rich cream with a very subtle tang, sweetness, and alcoholic kick in the background.

He poured it into the feeder’s jug. It was no more than a quarter of the way full, but considering how dense it was, it was going to do plenty of damage. Also, if the feeder tricks her into consuming it too easily, she may end up asking for refills. His mind kept conceiving devious ways to sneak more calories into her, and then he realized he didn’t actually have to do any of that. He grabbed the feeder with its contents and headed to the bedroom.

He set the feeder jug with the cheesecake mixture on her nightstand and held the other end of the tube in his hand. With his other hand, he reached under the covers and started gently massaging her slightly less distended stomach.

She let out a pleasured moan and stretched her limbs as she came to, her hand then joining his in massaging her middle. It barely felt like any time had passed. She could only tell that it had as some of the overstuffed sensations had subsided.

Still groggy, she cooed, “Hey, handsome.”

“Hi there, gorgeous,” as he reached down and caressed the softer lobe of her lower belly, a substantial apron now forming a roll while she laid on her back.

She bit her lip, lowered her hand to grab it with him, and playfully said, “I know. I want to feel more of it too.” Then a huge groggy smile rolled over her lips as she saw the mouthpiece in his other hand. “Oooh,” her breath starting to quicken, “I’m looking forward to this. I don’t know what to expect, but,” grabbing his hand and sliding it between her thighs, “can you tell how excited I am to find out.”

He leaned in and passionately kissed her. Maneuvering his hand to stimulate her as her thighs clamped around it in approval.

He pulled his face away. It took very little to bring her near bliss while still this full, and he knew she wanted to get started.


She nodded yes with her eyes half-closed and her body starting to lightly writhe with his touch.

Putting the tube in front of her lips, he told her, “Suck once to prime the tube, then suck lightly every time you want it to pump into your mouth. Got it?”

She nodded yes again, anxiously wanting nothing more than to climax with the tube in her mouth.

“Be careful. I know you want to go hard on this, but start slow,” he warned as her demeanor was starting to turn impatient.

“I’m going to get so very fat with this,” she said as he put the tube in.

She sucked and watched the tube easily fill with the thick liquid. She sucked again and felt it flow into her mouth like creamy water. She gulped it down easily and intending to pause but sucked again. The next pump was swallowed and replaced, every swallow being the suction that triggers another mouthful. She had to reach up and pull it from her mouth to stop. This would take some practice to control. As he said, it didn’t drip. She was only aware of the rich contents she was consuming by the film of the cream on her tongue and the subtle burn of the vodka on her throat.

In catching her breath, she was brought back to the pleasure of his hand working her and the increasing reminder of the fullness in her stomach. The arousal overtook her again; she uttered, “so very fat,” and put the hose back in her mouth. She quickly figured out how to control it and went to work filling herself to the level she wanted to maintain. As the next wave started to rise, she realized how accurate the statement was, and she was exhilarated at the prospect. She thought about how she was going to be sucking on this for the next 5 days, and an earth-shattering orgasm shook through her. she pictured herself bursting through all of her new, bigger clothes. Quickly filling herself with a constant flow of the calorie-dense mixture, she met another wave of intensity, picturing how much more her belly is going to grow in another month.

She was riding the euphoric fullness wave again when she thought that this is the level she wanted to be at. Her body was still lightly spasming against his hand, and her eyes rolling back in her head as she let the hose fall out of her mouth. She stayed like this for what felt like half an hour and then reached for the hose again to “top off” with another gulp, only to suck on air.

She opened her eyes and found him gone. She was writhing against her own hand, and the jug was empty. She was starting to come out of the bliss when she heard the blender working in the distance. “He knows me too well,” she thought as she climaxed again. The fog of the vodka was starting to soothe her insanely stuffed stomach, and she was falling out of consciousness from the overstimulation again.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !