Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 13 - the weekend - part 3

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She looked comatose in ecstasy when he came back in and poured the refill into the feeder jug. Pleasured grunts escaped her lips, but she was fully passed out, the tube still in her hand. Her other hand mindlessly wandering up and down her body, caressing thigh, mound, stomach, and breasts between small snores and grunts of delight. She had been going between this passed-out state and waking up to get herself off while sucking down more of her shake for about 2 hours now. Mumbling “more” whenever the tank emptied. This was his second time making a refill for her, cutting it down to half a shot of vodka, though. Meaning that when she was done with this, which he assumed would be in another hour, she will have drank down 1 1/2 cheesecakes and 6 cups of heavy cream.

The hose was back in her mouth again. She took a couple of short gulps and fell back into her stupor.

He has going to take the feeder away after this session. Mostly so that she would snap out of it enough to visit the bathroom, but also to check in and be sure that this is what she wanted. He was fine with keeping this up, but if so, then he would need to change up the recipe. Mostly, he just wanted her focused enough to let him know that she was getting exactly what she wanted this weekend.

With her basically running on autopilot, he crawled into bed next to her. He lay on his side facing her and groped her while she lay there. Letting out the occasional moan, her body was constantly rocking like she was getting laid in a dream. He took the opportunity to feel and enjoy all of the new, swelling fat that had distributed itself all over her. It was hard to tell how much was on her belly with the deceptive mountain of food that turned her abdomen into a tight, hard ball. The 20 pounds she put on in the last several weeks was evident everywhere else. Her breasts were nearing another cup size. Her upper arms were substantially more pillowy. Her cheeks were a little puffier, and her ass was certainly spread out farther beneath her. Even with the skin pulled tight, her belly felt softer and connecting to her more pronounced love handles, which led him to notice some new rolls of back fat bunching at her sides. Her thighs had clearly expanded, softer all around, but even more of them touching together when she clamped them together.

He lay there caressing every fold and roll, occasionally rubbing the warm globe of a stomach that she persisted in “topping off” every couple of minutes. By this time next week, there would be even more of her to fondle.

Her mind flashed in and out of reality. Sometimes she was present, feeling every nerve in her body sending pleasure signals to her brain. Other times she was in a halfway place, living out new and wild feeder fantasies with her husband in her bed and watching her body expand and contract in rapture.

But in her deepest dream state, she was floating in the center of a lake filled with cream. Totally buoyant, wading in the center of it, and content like she’s never known. She starts to feel hands lightly caressing every submerged part of her body. The hands' caress, massage, and squeeze, intoxicating her with their touch. She drinks the cream, and she feels the euphoric touch within her as well. With every swallow, she feels herself expand. More hands are felt upon her as there is more of her to grab. She drinks more and more, but not seeing under the surface, she has no idea how much she has expended. Her body feels infinite under the cream. Thousands of hands fondling and caressing what feels like a planet-sized belly with moons of ass and tit flesh. She floats here for a blissful eternity.

In a blink, she’s back in bed, floating in a different kind of bliss.

She started coming to. Her naked and bloated body was coated in sweat. The sheets damp with sweat. Her body still tingling, but her mind stabilizing in this reality. She turned her head and met her husband's groggy gaze, a smile spread on his lips. His hand reached for her face. He lightly brushed her cheek with his thumb and quietly said, “Hey, welcome back, love.”

She just smiled back and said a raspy, “hey.”

He very gently got up, walked around the bed, moved her legs over the edge, and very gently helped her to her feet. She had to pause, finding her balance and having to adjust to the massive amounts of liquid in her abdomen shifting with gravity. She became immediately aware of how urgently she needed the toilet. Fortunately, it was no more than ten steps away. She raced (as best she could) into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

While she was in there, he changed out the sheets she had sweat through, putting the others in the wash. When he came back, she was toweling off from a quick shower. He grabbed the towel and dried her legs and waist for her so she wouldn’t have to bend over, which she adamantly appreciated. He hung the towel for her, and she walked back to the bed. After adjusting some pillows, she carefully climbed in. Propped up and holding the sides of her overdue food baby, she looked genuinely content.

He walked over and kissed the top of her head. He stroked her hair with one hand and pet her belly with the other. She smiled and let out a happy sigh, leaning into the hand on her head.

“What time is it?” She asked, realizing that she didn’t see the feeder on the nightstand and honestly had lost all concept of time.

“It is 3:30 on Saturday afternoon.”

“Oh good. I was afraid I lost a day in there.”

“You probably would have, if I let you.”

“Did I just dream it, or did you refill the machine for me?”

A little worried that she may not have wanted him to he, tepidly replied, “Yes. I made you 2 refills.”

“Oooh, that is a lot to consume.” Her hands starting to caress her belly. “That was a good boy.” Her hand reaching down and rubbing the erection through his sweatpants.

“Of course, I just did what you wanted.”

“You did, and it seems I forgot about some silly f*%king that I promised you.” As she intensified her stroking.

He moved in closer, bit her earlobe, and whispered to her, “There’s plenty of time for that, but I had to stop filling you to rouse you from your stupor,” caressing her full belly with his hand, “and we better get back to filling it to keep you, ‘constantly topped off’ is, I believe, how you put it.”

“I did say that, didn’t I?” She said, pulling his pants down to stroke his member unencumbered.

“You did.”

“Well, then,” she let go of him and pulled his pants back up, “hand me that remote, my phone, and get me a bag of chips. I’m going to send you a few recipes to make for dinner. When those are going, come back in here, and I’ll give you my plan for the rest of the weekend.”

He grabbed them all for her and asked, “Do you want to stay in the bedroom, or would you like me to help you to the living room?”

Sending the recipes and instructions to his phone, she looked up from hers and said, “Honestly, other than the occasional trek to the bathroom, I don’t want to leave this bed until Monday morning.”

“Good decision, dear,” he gave her a wink and went into the kitchen.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !