Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 15 - the weekend - part 5

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By the time she came out of the bathroom, he had completely cleaned the bedroom, including changing the sheets. She crawled back into bed naked, not wanting to bear the burden of clothes. She lay back, propped up against some pillows. She was somewhere between laying down and sitting up. It was the position that worked best to keep her stomach comfortable. She made a mental note to order a pregnancy pillow so she could be comfortable on her side, then realized she would forget and grabbed her phone. She ordered one of those, but hen realized all the other stuff she should get while she thought about it. Her order included replacement clothes, but just a couple of pieces in case she blew past them too quickly. Then put in for repeat delivery of her last grocery order, not wanting to bother looking through it. Then, after checking that he was occupied, she ordered herself a couple of fancy sex toys. She was already getting worked up thinking about it. She got one suction cup dildo that reminded her of her husband, a discreet, remote-controlled piece that would stimulate her c&^t and her g-spot simultaneously, and then a wand just for the hell of it. The groceries would come Sunday morning and everything else she paid priority shipping to get it all on Monday morning right after he left for work.

When he came back in, she was leaning back and massaging her belly, content.

“Could you grab me a big bottle of water?” She asked.

He returned with it in seconds, walked over to her, took off the top, and handed it to her. She started taking a bunch of short sips, clearly thirsty but not having enough room to chug it.

“So,” he started, he sat down on the bed, facing her, “What’s the plan? It is getting late, and I was wondering how you would like to proceed.” He took a deep breath, “but before you answer, I have some thoughts.”

Her curiosity was piqued, “go ahead.”

“So, I know that we are both extremely committed to this, but also are getting quite tired. I have an idea, and something, that could give us some rest while keeping you ‘topped off.’”

“Spit it out. I’m getting hungry waiting for you to tell me your proposal.” A blatant exaggeration. She was probably an hour away from even having room for anything. The water was actually starting to expand the cake in her stomach, which was starting to send her those pain/pleasure signals again, and she was only minutes away from not being able to focus on anything.

“Okay, so, the tank on the feeder could likely last you for about 3 hours or so, but I actually made a larger tank for it that could probably keep you going for about 7 or 8 hours. Theoretically, you could relax and “sleep” while topping yourself off until morning.”

She looked at him blankly, keeping her poker face from giving away how much she wanted to cum at the thought of it. She knew it was the plan, but being faced with it while thinking about how much she would abuse that tank when he left for work was throwing her over the top. She repressed the thoughts and came back around. “Good girl, you can do this,” she thought to herself and took a deep breath.

Having regained her composure, she asked, “So, how big is this tank?”

“About 5 gallons.”

“Okay,” she was keeping her composure, but she couldn’t take it anymore. “Here’s what you’re gonna do.” While grabbing his hand from her belly, pushing it lower, getting 2 of his fingers inside her, and showed him what she wanted while she talked. “So, I ordered enough groceries to replace anything in the fridge you’re about to use and more. I know we don’t have any more cheesecake, but—yeah, keep going—we should have the components in abundance—oh, f@&k, that feels good—Bring out all of the cream cheese, butter, and milk you’re going to use, and let it come to room temp.—put another one in—That way when you blend it all, it mixes. Otherwise, it’ll just separate, and you’ll have chunks of stuff just floating on the top—don’t stop, but don’t go faster yet—I’ll make a recipe for you, and you can blend it in batches to keep the consistency until you fill the whole tub—just like that, keep going—As soon as we’re done here, pull all of the butter, cream cheese, heavy cream, and—oh god, I’m going to get so fat—whole milk and spread it on the counter—oh god, its all going to go into me—,” her eyes rolled back, and she clenched them shut. He sped up. She bucked against his hand and imagined her belly being so big that she couldn’t even see his forearm. He stopped as she spasmed and came back to normal breathing.

“Perfect. Now get to work,” and grabbed her phone to find the cheesecake recipe she was going to convert. “Actually, let me look something up, and then you can get to work.”

He pulled his finger out, inspiring a groan, and then washed his hands off in the bathroom. She was scrolling through stuff while he just stood there and ogled his naked wife. He realized how lucky he was.

“There. I sent you a recipe. Pull everything at that ratio and keep multiplying it until you run out of an ingredient. It should be pretty close to filling the tub…I guess. I don’t actually know what we have, but I’m assuming it should be about right.” She grabbed her water and the remote and went back to concentrating on the contentment that washed over her.

He went into the kitchen and did as instructed.

After laying it all out, he had 7 batches worth of ingredients before him, and it was quite the pile. He was a bit surprised that they had as much as they did, like the 7 boxes of cream cheese and 4 tubs of sour cream, but it was equally not a surprise.

She told him to let that sit for an hour, so he came back into the bedroom and decided to rest his eyes or veg out while he waited for his timer. They lay on the bed, both taking turns mindlessly watching the TV or dozing off. About a half an hour of silence passed when he felt her nudging his shoulder.

“Hey. I just thought of something,” she casually started to say.

“Yeah?” he followed up, coming back to reality.

“Do you remember a couple of years ago, when I tried your Ambien for a week?”

“Vaguely. Didn’t you try it for a week but then stopped for some reason? I don’t remember any of the details, though. Why? What’s up?”

“Well, I had forgotten about it too, until just now, when I remembered why I had to stop.” A smile starting to spread on her face. “I think I stopped because I started putting on weight, and at the end of the week, I realized that I had been getting up and sleep eating. And, well, we both know I didn’t have the same perspective about weight gain back then, so I just discounted it as some terrible drug I should stay away from.”

“Huh,” he said, not really sure where she was going with it, “I honestly never knew about that. I just assumed it made you dizzy.”

They went back to mindlessly watching the screen again.

After a prolonged pause, “So, uh..,” she started saying but drifted off.

“Yeah?” he chimed back after another uncomfortably long pause (they were clearly more tired than they were willing to admit).

Eventually, almost reluctantly getting it out, “So, um, do you still have any?”

“I actually got some a couple of months ago but completely forgot about me.” Not entirely sure if he should ask, but going for it anyway, “Dooo you want some?”

She was thinking about it and getting a little excited about the prospect. “I don’t know, maybe…I think I do,” seriously considering it. There was potential for her to use this to her advantage at some time, but she would need him around and pay attention to feel safe about it. Also, she would need to fully know what it did to her while she was on it, which tonite was the only practical time for her to ask him to stay up and watch her. “But only if you stayed up and watched me the whole time to make sure I was safe. But also to generally be able to report back to me what I did while I was out.”

“I don’t know. I will only consider it if it is something that you really want.”

“I think I do,” she said in all seriousness and getting more serious by the second.

“Okay. If you’re serious, I suppose I’m in, but only if I can take a couple of power naps; otherwise, I might pass out altogether.”

“But what if I do something weird while your sleeping. I want you to see if I do weird stuff.” She said, almost pouty.

“Well, I could set up the camcorder when I nap, and we could watch it tomorrow.”

“Oooh, yeah. Do that,” starting to get excited about the prospect of waking up fatter. She had a thought then. “So, and I almost hate to have to propose this, but…it may be necessary for you to make me get up every couple of hours to use the bathroom. I’m afraid if I don’t, it could be a tragic mess. Sorry, but if I am going to down—How many batches did you say we had enough for?”

“I actually didn’t, but 7. There was enough for seven. It’s a little under 5 gallons.”

“Yeah, so, 5 gallons—holy crap—5 gallons of fat and liquid id going to have to come out, and I won’t have the cognition to deal with it. I know it sucks, bu—“

“Not a problem. Whatever you need.” He said while standing up and going to get his camcorder and tripod.

He brought it in and set it up, trained on her side of the bed, framing all her. He then plugged it in, shut it off, went to the bathroom, and found the Ambien.

He walked back out and asked, “When do you want to take it? Do you want to be out before I bring in the feeder, or do you want to pass out after you’ve started?”

She thought about it for a second.

“How about you give me a good, but quick f#^king when you start me on the feeder, and then I take the pill.”

“Agreed.” He said before walking over and kissing her on the forehead. “I think it's about time to get your mixture started.”

Catching him before he left the room, “Oh, and before you ask what I know you want to ask: I would like you to record it too.” She gave him a wink as he l
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !