Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 18 - sunday - part 2 - morning(cont.)

She heard him sleeping and checked the time. 8:45. She’d been sitting there for no more than half an hour. Then thought to herself, “This is going to be a good day—nay, week,” and got out of bed. She skipped the underwear and put on a tank top and pair of pants that he got for her earlier in the week. The top was stretched to just before too-tight around her belly, which hung out of the bottom. The shirt stopping just below her navel, leaving a generous roll dangling just shy of colliding with thigh. If the waist of the sweatpants went any higher, they would be comfortable, but since they sat at the widest radius of hips, butt, and belly, she split the difference and pulled it over her butt and hips but let her belly flop over it. She also liked the idea that of her belly outgrowing her newest clothes anyway. Until tomorrow, that is, when all of her naughty treats would get here.

Reminded of those, she went out to see what she would do about all of these supposed dry goods he was going on about, from her grocery order. First, she looked in the pantry, which was, much like her, packed to the gills. Most of the space seemed to be occupied by her overzealous stocking-up of junk food. Predominantly chips, Twinkies, ho-ho’s, swiss rolls, other classics from the Little Debbie/Hostess catalog, Oreos, chips ahoy, and e l fudge. The rest was components, sauces, pasta, and various other things that she couldn’t consume in a manner that would be helpful. The prospect of downing a pound bag of sugar seemed neither fun nor productive to the cause. Basically, she was going to be eating all of the junk food.

She moved to where he put what he said wouldn’t fit. There were 3 boxes. One had essentially a repeat of the junk food that they already had, plus a little extra. The second box was a couple more bags of chips and then several pounds of flour and sugar. “That’s right,” she said to herself, “for all of those cheesecakes I had him make.” She moved to the third box, opened the top, and felt both panic and excitement to see that it was another order of the boost and weight gain powder.

She immediately snuck into the bedroom to make sure he was still sleeping. Relieved to see him still out, she moved to where her other stash was to see if she would be able to stash it there. It was a hard “no.” She needed to find another hiding spot for it or decide if she just wanted to own it and let him in on her secret gaining experiments. Nah, she kind of liked having her own little secret. She wasn’t sure yet if he was on the same page with her getting as big as she wanted to get, as fast as she wanted to get there. She knew they should probably just have the discussion but then told herself that she was already committed to her stuffing experiment and enjoying this weekend. They could have the discussion next Friday.

Then she figured out what to do with it all. She was going to get rid of it by Thursday. Technically her 5-day solid experiment would have to include Wednesday night as well, and she would just have to work through still being a little stuffed on Thursday. She would have to put off the weigh-in until Friday to give everything enough time to clear her system and give her a real reading of how much fat she accrued.

She was formulating the plan. She would have to get rid of it when he was at work. She had planned on getting rid of her initial stash this way, but this new cache meant she would have to also try to do it at night, which seemed tricky, but then she figured it out. She’d slip an ambient into his nightly vitamins tonite through Wednesday; he never looks at them anyway, he just throws them back and swallows, and as soon as she knows he’s out she would pour a case and a tub of gainer into the feeder, set an alarm so she that if she passed out, she could clean up the evidence. She knew that this was ridiculous, and she could just throw it out, flush it, or cop to wanting to down gainer shakes, and if she told him he either wouldn’t care or would be all about it, but she was kind of getting into the sneaky part of it. The idea of elaborately covering up her glutinous kink was becoming a massive turn-on. Especially the part where she would still stuff her face whenever he was around to keep up appearances. She had a plan, and she was excited, but she had to get on with it before her arousal distracted her again.

There were little spots all over the house where she could hide a case of boost or a tub of powder. She successfully tucked those away and pulled the rest of the groceries into the kitchen. She started pulling things out of the pantry and setting them on the counter until she thought she had enough room to fit everything. Having to pull a little more here and there eventually getting it all in.

After breaking the boxes down, she looked at the absolutely massive pile of junk food that lay before her. It was more bags and boxes of snacks than could even fit on their substantial dinner table without packaging. She looked at her phone. It was 9:30.

Hands-on her hips, she said out loud, only to herself, “At least I know what I’m doing with the next 12 hours.”
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !