Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 21 - the work week - monday - part 2

She climbed into bed, setting up all of her pillows how she wanted it, then reached down to insert the toy through the rip at her crotch. In leaning forward, the rip along the side of her shirt spread to the hem with her belly bunched up. She was already excited, feeling her fat cause such a ruckus upon clothes that so recently fit. She leaned back and was already at the brink, feeling as huge as she was, with the silicone just pressing against her nerves and knowing she was mere minutes away from spending the next several hours full beyond her desires.

She knew it was tight, though. She only had about 2 1/2 hours to finish this. That would give her an hour to digest and work some of this through because she would have to spend the afternoon gorging on junk food and whatever she could find to make it look plausible for her belly to be as stuffed as it is going to look when he gets home. She was going to eat at her desk and leave all of the garbage stacked around it, then time it so she was cleaning it all up when he got home. Putting on another show but still concealing how much she was actually consuming.

She set the alarm when she needed to check back into reality and stuck the hose in her mouth. She started sucking. Taking in as much as fast as she could to be at her fullest. She was a quarter of the way done when the hem of her shirt gave out, relieved and excited to find that she was that much farther from being full. She was really hoping that the waistband of her pants would give too. They were bisecting her belly, and she really wanted to feel it pop off, but not wanting anything to get in the way of her fitting as much of this caloric splendor into herself as possible, she decided to pull her belly out. In doing so, she was met with its heft and let it crash against her lap, which it spilled even farther into than she was yet used to. She was just about there, the pulsing intensity of her stomach washing over her. Her hand still on her belly, she realized that she now had a significant jiggly bulge that didn’t go away when she reached a capacity anymore. She squeezed and jiggled it while her other hand used the remote to activate her toy. Her body went into an immediate pleasure spasm. An intensity of sensation rocking her as she had yet to experience. Her body collapsed underneath her, occasionally twitching, as if in a low-grade seizure. Her body was overwhelmed by the pleasure rocking through her body as if a semi had hit it. This was where she wanted to be for the next several hours, then again tonite, and for the next several days.

She kept taking sporadic gulps as she rode out this ecstasy. She hadn’t realized that after the weekend stretching out her capacity, that it took more than 3/4’s of the mixture to get her here, and she only had a couple of gulps left.

It was barely more than an hour after she first started draining the tank, and she already heard the telltale air pop at the base. She had emptied it. She still lay there, riding wave after wave, still sucking air but being too far gone to notice or care for another half an hour. Spent already and stuck between content and disappointed that there was nothing more for her to chug, she turned off her toy, pulled it out, and went into the kitchen to figure something out. She didn’t need to stop filling herself for another hour, and so she would find something that would allow her to continue to do so with the least amount of effort. She hurriedly grabbed a half-gallon of vanilla ice cream and a quart of heavy cream, and a tub of just lard. She spooned half of the ice cream in, poured half of the cream, and dropped a decent-sized heap of lard in. She blended it until smooth and walked it into the bedroom and poured it into the tank. She went back in the kitchen, blended the rest of the ice cream, cream, and a bit more lard, then poured into the tank, on top of the rest. She took the blender back into the kitchen and just set it in the sink.

Back in the bedroom, she slipped her toy back in and found where she left the remote n the sheets. She lay back, checked her phone to see that she still had an hour before she needed to take a break from the feeder, stuck the hose between her lips, and turned her vibrator back on. She practically melted into the bed as the cold, liquid fat poured down her throat and filled her already overly full stomach. She just noticed the pleasure and was completely unaware that she could only swallow as quickly as her stomach could make room. Keeping this up, her stomach could probably handle the full 2-gallon load within a week or 2.

Her alarm roused her from her daze. The tank was again empty, but she needed to relax and make room for solid food. She very slowly got up, pulled out her toy, and took the feeder to the kitchen. After cleaning up everything in the kitchen, she came back to bed and snuggled up to her pregnancy pillow, which perfectly accommodated her feeder inflated beach ball of a belly. She set another alarm and was instantly out.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !