Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 22 - the work week - monday - part 3

He had been groggy from the get-go. The weekend’s sporadic sleep schedule had done a number on him. He was the first in the office, as usual, but he preferred it that way. He got settled and started looking over his day. It looked like this week was going to be a doozy, but a rather manageable and hopefully profitable one. Not that there was any insecurity, but anything else would mean more to celebrate. Thinking on that, he wrote down a note to have Liv look at some stuff for him when she had time.

The office filled in shortly thereafter, and the sounds of a working environment began to ring throughout.

The day progressed until a little after noon; Liv walked in with his lunch order.

“Oh, Hi Liv. Thanks. Sorry I haven’t been able to say hi earlier. How are you? How was your weekend?” Putting his pen down, grabbing his lunch from her, and giving her his full attention.

“Oh, it's busy. Me too. I’m good—are you taking a break? Do you mind if I just join you for lunch?”

“Of course. Go get it and pull up a chair.”

She came back, pulled a chair up to her desk, and set her 2 massive burritos on the corner of his desk. She started talking, taking sporadic breaks to keep eating, “It was good, but I’ll be honest, I feel like it was over about as soon as it began.” Leaning a little closer and lowering her voice, “After we left on Friday, I introduced your little contraption to Jen, and we went into a stuffing frenzy all weekend. I don’t know if you can tell, but these are Jen’s old clothes. Thank god she held onto all of her, what she calls ‘skinny outfits,’ because I apparently have left my current business wardrobe behind.” Taking another huge bite of her first burrito. “It's a good thing that she works from home because she, unlike me, doesn’t have a fat girlfriend to leech off of when she grows out of her workwear.”

“Yeah. Similar problems for us. I bought her some larger stuff earlier last week, and it looked like she was about to pop the seems on it this morning.”

“Damn, that’s hot,” she said, starting in on the second burrito.

He noticed the note he made for himself earlier in the day and asked, “I thought about it this morning. I wanted to take a decent vacation and wondered if you knew of any that tended to cater to…you know…our—“

“Preferences,” she finished for him.

He nodded back at her.

“Off the top of my head, I would say a long cruise with a room close to the buffet, but only if she doesn’t have any issues with seasickness. Other than that, just about anything that says all-inclusive. Or you could just hit up Vegas and sample all of the buffets…but that also means dealing with the desert and walking. Tell you what. Let me look into it, and I’ll get back to you.” She shoved the last two bites of her burrito in and cleaned off her mouth while she chewed. “I take it you had a very fulfilling weekend as well? You look exhausted.”

“You could say that. I mentioned the already bursting out of her replacement clothes, right?”

“You did, yes. I take it she took to your little contraption, then.”

“She did, indeed. I think she might have been more excited about it than I was.”

“Good for you, buddy! Oh, I had some thoughts about small improvements you could make, but I need to get back to work,” she said while gathering her trash, “Same time tomorrow, and I’ll tell you all about me?”

“Absolutely. We’ll talk then.”

She shut the door behind her. He grabbed his phone, sent a message to his wife, and got back to work.

She put off the alarm and noticed a text.

“Do you get seasick, and can you take 2 or more weeks off in the not too distant future?”

She brought the phone with her as she groggily dragged her heft to the restroom. Sitting down, she was greeted by the realization that more thigh and ass were hanging off the seat than 3 days ago. She also noticed the belly spreading farther down her lap with the pressure of her still reasonably filled stomach pushed the new flab out and down. She ran her hands up and down her sides, admiring it all.

She flushed, stood, and pulled up the tattered remains of the mornings sweatpants. She left the waistband down as it would no longer comfortably sit over her belly…especially with what she was about to put into it. She splashed some water on her face and said, “Alright. Time to get back to work,” and let a dirty smile spread across her face.

She remembered the text, grabbed her phone, and responded, “Love boats. Never had an issue. I have a little over a month of vacation days that I need to use up within the next 6…so, yes, I can get some time off.”

“Looks like someone wants to take a cruise,” she said to herself. She left the bathroom, figuring out exactly how she wanted the rest of the day to work out. Once decided, she got to it.

He called her when he was leaving work, letting her know he could get out the normal time and be there in about 45 minutes. She essentially just said “Yay” and not to worry about dinner or dessert, but she said the dessert part all mischievous like. He laughed, and they got off the phone.

He pulled into the garage and then walked into the kitchen to find 2 huge bags of take-out and the smell of baking, but everything was clean. He checked the fridge and saw 2 cheesecakes chilling on the bottom shelf.

He walked into her office and found her bent over, picking up all o the fat wrappers around her desk and shoveling them into a trash bag. There was still a mountain of empty junk food wrappers covering her desk. With her bent over, he could see her massive ass and thighs still ripping the torn and tattered remains of the destroyed sweatpants. The rip down the back showed perfect clearance for him to get to her pu@^y. So he hurriedly took himself out, walked up to her, lined himself up, and pulled himself deep inside of her with his hands grabbing her hips.

She had been playing aloof because this is exactly what she wanted him to do. All afternoon she imagined him walking in, losing control and f$^king her onto the evidence of her afternoon splurge. Little did he know that this was only from the last 2 hours. She made a mix for 3 cheesecakes, but only 2 made it into the oven. She bet he assumed this was what she consumed over her entire day when it barely scratched the surface of her reckless gluttony.

“You’ve been a sneaky little piggy today, haven’t you,” he said while thrusting into her.

This is exactly what she wanted. Letting out a weak, “yeah. I’ve been a bad little piggy. I just couldn’t help myself.” Her ass and back fat colliding. Her thighs shaking in the impact. Her lower belly slapping between her thighs and the hard mass of her upper abdomen. Her massive tits shook but were held almost like in a sports bra by the too-tight shirt that had already split up the side of her belly and rode up under them.

“Well, Piggy didn’t spoil her appetite for dinner, did she?” He said it while ripping apart the waistband at the middle of her back, grabbing it like reign in both hands, and using it to slam into her.

“Oh F$*k!” She screamed. “Not spoiled. So hungry.”

He reached over her and felt how full her belly was. It was this at her fullest early this weekend. He doubted there was room.

“I don’t know,” he started saying, still in character, hands on either side of the massive hardness of her stomach, “This piggy may need to make some more room bef—“

Her head looked back at him as far as she could turn in this position, her face looking possessed in orgasm, speaking with full sincerity, said, “I can fit far more than you know.” Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she twitched and shuddered while he exploded inside her. He had been overcome with lust, shock, and excitement, witnessing the intense sincerity emerging as she herself was overcome with the passion of it.

He pulled out and backed away. She stood, turned to face him, and said, “I hoped you would take the bait,” and make her ass. She then pulled the remains of her sweatpants off and threw them into the trash bag. “Finally. Those have been biting into me all day.”

She went back to cleaning off her desk, then turned and said, “Well, go get cleaned up. It is dinner time, after all.”

He just stood there for a second, still shocked that she was serious and a little bit curious how much more she could fit in her.

She gave him a look as if to say, “get on with it,” and he woke up and went about settling in for the night.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !