Just had to flip the switch

chapter 24 - tuesday

They woke, then parted ways much like the day before. Her working on a mixing bowls worth of cereal and heavy cream as he kissed her cheek and ran out the door. This time she wore baggy clothes, appreciating not being restricted like yesterday.

She rushed through her cereal as soon as he was gone. She wanted to get on to her morning feeding session. She started looking through the kitchen cabinets and eventually came across what she was looking for. The 5 gallon feeder was in the cabinet to the right of the sink. She made a note of how she found it so she could put it back, while realizing that she kind of didn’t care. She just wanted to stuff. Part of her thought to put it back where she left the 2-gallon one and see if he noticed.

She grabbed the blender, 2 cases of boost, and 2 tubs of powder. Then reached in and grabbed the last 4 quarts of heavy cream. Just when she started to think it was time to make another grocery order, the doorbell rang. Instantly she remembered what she did during her late-night fullgasm and became overwhelmed with excitement and embarrassment.

She closed the fridge, realizing she needed to sort out this order, at least the refrigerated portion, before she could get on with her feeding. Faced with the palette worth of food before her, she knew that she was going to have to get creative to make this little transgression disappear before this afternoon. She was also getting turned on staring at the mountain. She hurriedly got all of the cold stuff in the fridge and moved to the blender to start on the batches of gaining slurry to put in the 5-gallon tank. With all of her ingredients and the blender next to the feeder, she poured the first batch in and started sucking it down while she made the rest. It went down so easy with her increased capacity, she was finishing batches just as she was ready to pour the next in. Eight batches in and she knew she still had a while to go before she would be full. Nevertheless, she slowed down and depleted the ingredients.

She was 3/4’s of the way through the full dose and climaxing intensely. She lowered herself to sit on the floor and gulped every time she felt room for it, radiating with pleasure every time that she did.

The air of the emptied tank hit the tube and she sat, satisfied, feeling like she’d downed 50,000 calories before 10 am, on top of last nite’s feeding. A fact she could hardly wrap her head around but couldn’t stop being aroused by. She slowly and gently pulled herself up and cleaned up her stuffing. She decided to lay down for an hour and figure out the rest after. Back in bed and snuggling her pillow. A part of her brain reminded her this perpetual stuffing would end with the experiment on Thursday morning. Another part of her was trying to renegotiate the extent of the experiment. That part wanted this to be status quo. She silenced the thought and decided that she wouldn’t try any other experiments until she had a few days rest from this one.

It felt like seconds had passed before her alarm was going off again. She rolled out of bed and went to face the pile of groceries. After the bathroom, that is.

“So, you had some notes,” he said as Liv brought in their lunches. A reasonable salad for him and 2 double cheeseburgers with fries for her.

“Ah, yes,” bringing a fry to her mouth. “I had 2 thoughts. One, I was wondering if you could connect the sensor that detects suction, you know, the one that activates the pump, to a remote that would control a sex toy. So, like, say every time you sucked on it would pump and activate like a vibrator, or some kind of oscillating dildo, or fuck machine or whatnot.”

“I appreciate how cavalier you are about this definition NSFW convo, but, yeah, I think it could be possible.”

Working through to chew and swallow the massive bite of burger she took in the reprieve. “And, second, could you make one that bypasses the sucking part and basically just has a manual button that pumps while pressed.”

“Yeah. Totally doable. Bring it back with whatever toy you want to connect it to, well, the remote at least, I can set it to work with the sensor. The pump thing, should be easy enough, but I’ll just make you another hose and pump attachment with a button instead of a sensor.”

“Sweet,” she said, sinking her teeth into another huge mouthful.

“So…getting into it, huh?”

Finishing her what she had in her mouth, “hmm. I sent you an email with a bunch of vacation ideas, by the way. Also, do you mind asking your wife if she has any outgrown clothes she wants to get rid of?”

“Oh, I forgot about that. Thank you for the reminder, and I’ll try to remember to ask her when I get home.”

They went back to finishing their lunch and idle chit chat.

Back Home, his wife finally got the grocery situation handled…for the most part. The Boost and powders were easy, they just refilled the spots that she had cleared out the last 2 nites. The pantry wasn’t too bad, they now had about a months supply of flour and sugar, and that accounting included her new gargantuan demand for baked goods. What was left was a box full of junk food, that she would temporarily, hide in their shared closet in her office, and another mountain of junk food, of similar proportions to her Sunday junk feast. She figured that she would handle this pile today, the closet box tomorrow, make several cheesecakes, and she would have, for the most part, lazily concealed the evidence of her accidental reorder. Oh, and that includes her having to double up on her Boost and powder stuffings. This was all far beyond what she had intended when she set out to do this stuffing marathon. All she had to do was think about how much bigger she felt, how much bigger she was getting, how continuous her sexual gratification has become and any concerns about this being too much became a question of whether it was enough.

With everything else sorted out, she looked at the pile of food before her and realized that she had several hours less than it took to finish this same amount of food on Sunday. She also realized that she may have had more room in her stomach when she started on Sunday too. “This is going to be quite a task,” she said to herself. She was already wet.

He pulled into the garage about an hour later than usual. He’d stayed to noodle over the push-button pump system for Liv’s feeder before leaving. Passing by the garbage cans and recycling bin on his way to the door, he noticed all of them just about overflowing with bags and broken down boxes. He suspected investigating would surface myriad evidence of junk food and gaining supplements, as well as evidence of even more groceries. He smiled to himself, letting her have her dirty little secrets and went inside. He was happy to let her have her secret binges, then swoop in and reap the rewards of her indulgences.

The kitchen looked clean, but he could hear the TV on in the living room. He walked in to find her sitting on the couch eating a slice of pizza.

He walked over and gave her a kiss, “Sorry I was a little late, but I’m glad you didn’t wait for me.”

“Welcome home, handsome. Get comfortable and join me,” she said, patting the couch next to her. “I hope pizza is okay. I had a busy day and didn’t really feel like cooking. You’ll have to share this one with me though. I may have eaten the other one while I was waiting. I didn’t mean to, it just kind of happened.”

“Pizza is fine,” he said, “and you know I can’t eat that much anyway. Have as much as you want.” That was when he realized just how much her stomach was sticking out. She looked pregnant with twins and was clearly struggling to shove more in, sweat forming on her brow, but she kept going like nothing was the matter.

“Oh, before you get settled, and I hate to ask this, but would you mind picking up my office for me. I snacked a bit throughout the day and forgot to clean it up before you got here. And now that I’m all comfortable, I just don’t really want to have to get up and deal with it.”

“No worries. I’ll take care of it.” He kissed her forehead, changed into home clothes, grabbed a trash bag from the kitchen, and went into her office.

She was glad he left so she could stop hiding her intense discomfort and ongoing fullgasm. It took everything within her not to yell in delight and let her eyes roll back in total rapture of her predicament. She had become proficient at hiding it though.

He was blown away by the litter covering more than half of the floor and her entire desk. There had to be about 75,000 calories worth of spent wrappers all around him. Fortunately, it was all easy to gather and he made quick work of it. He added it to the overflowing cans in the garage and came back in, silently joining her on the couch.

She looked like she was barely conscious as she worked to put the last bite of crust in her mouth. It was her second slice of the second pizza, but on top of what he cleaned up from her office, this was a level of stuffed even beyond the 5 gallon Saturday night stuffing. He leaned over and grabbed himself a slice. The motion caught her attention and she just watched him bring the slice to his face. Interpreting her attention as interest in the slice he gestured it as if offering. Not wanting to let him think she couldn’t take it she nodded her head yes and just opened her mouth. Her hands stayed on her ridiculously swollen abdomen as he inserted the grease dripping slice into her mouth. She closed her eyes and let her body react to the climax that followed. Her hips bucking against the couch and her eyes rolling back as she swallowed. She opened her mouth to gasp in pleasure and was met with another mouthful.

The feeding continued for 2 more slices. Slow and methodical, he stuffed her and stretched her stomach even beyond its newer, impressive capacity. She passed out and left him to finish the last 3 slices while she appeared to be dreaming of feeding and f%&king next to him on the couch. He was a little sad that they didn’t get to spend any real time together, but he let her sleep it off for the next 2 hours, while he cleaned up and set the trash out at the curb for the next morning.

She came to with her husbands hands rubbing her still very stuffed middle. He had pulled up her shirt and was working lotion into the stretched, angry skin. She cooed and stretched a little, as his hands moved between soothing her stomach and groping the flabby belly below it. A smile spread across her lips and she pulled him in for a kiss.

“Oh, my lovely man. How did I get so lucky?” She mused as he pulled away and went back to lightly massaging her engorged and exposed middle.

“I’m pretty sure that I am the one that lucked out here.” He grabbed, rubbed, and squeezed her significantly jigglier lower belly. “There seems to be so much more of this than I remember. Even with your third trimester food twins in the way, you’ve a real belly coming along.”

“We most certainly do.”

However much she wanted him right then, she was overwhelmingly exhausted. He could see it in her face and they just sat there content and comfortable until he helped her to the bathroom. It wasn’t so early that they were turning in unreasonably soon, so they did. She was struggling to keep her eyes open by the time he helped roll her into bed. She grabbed her phone as soon as she heard him in the bathroom. She set the alarm, put it under her pillow, and was out in moments.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !