Just had to flip the switch

chapter 26 - rest of the week 2 - friday

“Here you go boss. That is your full itinerary and every bit of paperwork you will need for your vacation next month.”

“Oh, man! Good work, Liv. Above and beyond.”

“Well, its the least I can do,” leaning forward, straining the buttons on her formerly loose blouse, and lowering her voice, “Jen’s already starting to stretch out of your wife’s smaller sizes. Connecting the remote to the feeder has dramatically influenced her intake.” Standing straight and patting her own belly, “I’m definitely coming around to it myself...whenever she’s not hogging it, that is.”

Trying to not inappropriately picture the scenario she was painting, he said, “Well, still this is a lot of work to put on top of your regular load. Tell you what. Let me make it up to you. I can very easily make you another feeder pump and tank. If you want it, that is.” Getting onto his computer to order the parts. “Juuust need to wait for these to come in and I can put it together for you by Monday nite.”

“Seriously! That’s awesome!” She said, walking around the desk and giving him a hug out of unexpected excitement. He sat slightly awkwardly with her draped over him. He was trying to keep it professional with her cleavage pushing through strained buttons in his face. She backed away but was still leaned over with an arm on his chair and his desk. “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would guess that you are slowly grooming us all for some super obese feeder orgy fantasy.”

It hadn’t crossed his mind, but hearing her say it raised his heart rate. He took a deep breath, working not to mentally indulge the fantasy. Getting it together after a beat, he calmly said, “It honestly hadn’t crossed my mind. But I’ll always be there for a fellow feeder.”

She knew he was being genuine, but he had also been unconsciously checking her out the more weight she put on. From when they first started hanging out to now, Liv saw the relationship between the 2 couples as platonic and supportive. But lately, she was entertaining the idea that they could play much more fulfilling roles in each-other’s lives. She stood up and moved back around to the front of the desk. “Do you just feel that way because you never considered it a possibility?”

Taken by surprise and still not sure if she’s serious, he was loosing the struggle to mentally indulge this fantasy. “I...uh...well...First and foremost, I love my wife, and I enjoy our friendship to a point that I never entertained the possibility.”

“Fair enough. Tell you what. Forget I ever said anything. I definitely still want that second feeder, though,” she said while moving towards the door. She was aware that she may have made him awkward, but had also started developing a plan. What may have come out as a joke, was actually a desire that she had been harboring for some time, and was beginning to suspect that their little group might be only a few good nudges from admitting that they are all on the same wavelength. Before she opened the door to leave, she turned and said, “But just to be clear, hypothetically—and indulge me for the sake of my own fragile self consciousness—if it were possible, would you want it?”

“Hypothetically, if it were possible, it was something that my wife wanted, and wouldn’t jeopardize our relationship, then, yes, I would indulge the possibility.”

“That’s all I needed to hear.” And she left his office knowing exactly how to get those wheels turning.

The now awkward silence of his office was broken by the chime on his phone. It was his wife texting. The message just said, “Don’t stay late. Get home as soon as you can. Not an emergency. Just want you here as soon as possible. Don’t come early or anything, just don’t stay late. I love you!”

“Hadn’t planned on staying late. I love you too. Everything alright?”

“Oh yeah. Everything is great. Just hurry home.”

“Okay. I’ll be sure not to linger.”

He was laying on the bed. The lights were out and he was naked on his back. A blindfold tied around his head, per her instructions. They came in a text he got as he pulled into the driveway. She hid well. He hadn’t caught even a glimpse on his way to the bed. Her footfalls were soft and quiet on the carpet. A gasp escaped him as a chubby hand settled on his abdomen. Her other hand grabbed his and brought it to her own substantially softer middle. His fingers instinctually pushed in. As his fingers sunk in further than he remembered, she watched his c#^k slowly stiffen. She moved his hand to her forming belly apron, their breath quickening as he squeezed and jiggled it.

“Fuck it. I can’t wait anymore.” she said, effortfully getting on the bed. She threw her hefty thigh over, straddling him, and moved her inner thigh fat out of the way as she maneuvered his firm erection past her lips and slowly slid down his shaft. Once settled she leaned over and let all of her weight rest and press over and into him. Her belly spilling over either side of his abdomen and her breasts against his chest and either side of his neck. He was starting to struggle for air with her new weight against him. He couldn’t reach her ass in this position, held down by her hips spread out and straddling him.

They slowly worked into and against each other as she moved to his ear, whispering, “Starting last night, I starved myself until lunch, wanting my stomach to be at its emptiest.” She started moving faster against his c%&k, ramping both of them to a quick climax. “And then I weighed myself. But I was half a pound away from a good number, so you know what I did?”

“What did you do?” In-between breaths and totally enamored.

Sitting up, putting a hand on his chest for balance, and riding him harder, she said, “I downed 4,000 calories in heavy cream for lunch and got on the scale again just now. You know what it said?”


She worked them until they were just at the brink and said, “It said your fucking a 300.2 pound wife,” they both came hard as he exploded inside her.

She fell against him and they lay there in the bliss of it, catching their breath, him struggling under her weight.

The rest of the night they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her glorious inflating figure. They went at it until she couldn’t stand the rumble in her hungry belly and he obliged by making a huge pot of meat sauce with extra butter and oil, then several boxes of spaghetti. He made her plate after plate of it, sprinkling generous mozzarella and parmesan on top. She knew she could easily have finished the entirety of what he made, but she wanted to be present with him and celebrate the achievement of her expansion. Finishing it would just put her in another fog of orgasmic satiation, though enjoyable, she would rather spend this time with her husband than disappear into her lustful gluttony. Besides, she had her fair share in the week before, and, if she wanted, the option to give in and indulge was always there.

He put away the leftovers and came in to the living room where his wife contentedly held her barley stuffed belly. Sitting as she was, her hands disappeared between her lower roll and her thighs. Her belly resting halfway down her fat thighs in this position.

Sitting next to her, starting to gently rub her belly, he said, “I know you’ve stuffed pretty hard this last week, but that is a lot of gorgeous weight to put on in a very short period of time,” reaching down to grope her ample upper thighs and try to get her to cop to her not so secret stash. “How did you possibly manage this sexiest of feats?” She opened her legs and his hand, fighting through ever more fat resistance found her clit. “Is it possible you’ve been doing something else to speed this up?”

She moaned as he worked his fingers gently and played along. “Maybe,” she said, pretending to be giving in to his wiles. She clamped her legs shut, the force moving his hand away from her mound, and her tone turned dominant, “and, maybe, if you’re a good little boy, I’ll show you.” She leaned forward and then towards him. She kissed him hard and standing up, she said, “Jen and Liz are coming over tomorrow for brunch, but we might make a day of it. Jen has made some wild accusations about eating me under the table and we’ll need supplies so that I can prove her wrong. I’m sending you a list on your phone. No questions or comments about contents or quantities of the list and I’ll reward you.”

He was taken aback by her assertive tone, but was a hundred percent into it.

She knew he was watching her body bounce and shake as she waddled into the bedroom. She stepped a little harder than usual at every footfall to accentuate the jiggle in all of her thicker layers of adipose. She loved the feeling as much as she loved knowing it hypnotized him.

After a few minutes his phone chimed and he heard the shower start. It was quite the list. Supermarket for meat to barbecue, several gallons of ice cream, and plenty of beer. Then the nutrition store for several tubs of weight gain powder and cases of boost. “Looks like she’s done hiding it,” he thought, and fixed his erection before rushing to the car to get it done and come home for his reward.

It had barely been more than a day since her last feeding and, yet, she was already salivating at the thought of having the tube back in her mouth. She’d thought that the week of constant stuffing would have gotten it out of her system but it seems it just endeared her more to it. At the end of the week’s stuff-a-thon she was almost relieved to take a break from it. She knew now that the constancy of it was too much but her craving for the tube and what it did to her wasn’t going anywhere.

She sat him on a bar stool and told him to sit quietly until further instructed. He obliged. He’d completed the errands, put everything away, and silently awaited her to direction, not wanting to say something wrong and spoil the reward she promised. Which is what brought him to silently sitting in a chair as his wife slowly and seductively gathered everything she needed in the kitchen. He was already struggling within his jeans when she pulled out the blender and the 5 gallon feeder. When the case of boost, the tub of weight gain powder, and the 2 quarts of heavy cream came out, he just about unloaded in his pants. She then grabbed a chair from the dinning room and set it by the counter, next to the feeder. Then to the bedroom to retrieve her remote vibrator. Her dirty little secret…well, one of them.

He sat inane and silence as she proceeded to blend batch after batch. Pouring each into the feeder until her supply was used up. Her belly growled and she caressed her flabby middle while looking at the 1/3rd of the way full feeder tank and made a show of her dissatisfaction in a glance thrown back at him before she grabbed another case, another tub, and another 2 quarts of heavy cream. He had to resist his desire as he calculated calories in his head.

As she worked on the next batches she stopped putting on any sort of a sultry show as she was getting overwhelmingly horny herself. Thinking about putting all of this into herself while her husband watched was priming all of her pleasure centers and she could barely wait. Overcome with her greed, gluttony, and lust, she struggled to wait for the mix to be done, but resisted the temptation.

He watched as she poured the last batch into the 2/3’s full feeder tank and rinsed the blender out in the sink. She wore sweatpants and a barely loose stretchy tank top. She grabbed the vibrator and bit her lower lip, while making intense eye contact sliding it into place past her waistband. She let out a slight moan as she felt it connect with her g-spot and c%&t. She stuck the hose in her mouth and grabbed the remote for the vibe. He watched as she sat down, turned on her toy, and rolled her eyes back as she finally got on with filling her awaiting stomach. She may have had a generous meal for four 3 hours earlier, but in those 3 hours she had gone from slightly sated to starving.

The second the liquid started flowing down her throat, a pleasurable tingle swept through her every nerve ending. She felt her belly slowly filling, gulp by gulp, and couldn’t wait to get to the point that every swallow started pushing her stomach out. Her belly was still tucked into her sweats and her tank top was pulled over the rest. She wanted him to watch it push itself out of these restraints when the filling really started to show. His eyes were glued to the outline of her belly as it’s confines got tighter and tighter, jiggling slightly under the fabric as she twitched with every pang of pleasure.

The shirt was rolling up in no time, slowly crawling over her inflating middle, sliding up with the movement of her bucking against the chair and giving into the debilitating seduction of the hose that was making her fatter, the toy that was pleasing her, and the attention of the man that would fulfill her every fattening dream. She was a quarter of the way through when the climax started and the sweatpants rolled down, disappearing under her belly. The climax took over her very cognition and made her a slave to her own pleasure. The hose came out momentarily as she caught her breath and let out a gruff moan of orgasm with her eyes clenched tight.

She sucked at a steady pace until she got 2/3rds of the way through, still riding the climax, but running out of space as the mixture worked its way through her, and taking a gulp every time there was space for it. Her hands moving between groping her tits through a tank top that resembled a sports bra, rubbing her taught belly that looked like a fat woman about to deliver twins, and caressing her meaty, massive thighs. He could see from her expression that she had been cumming the whole time. It took every ounce of resistance to keep himself seated, to keep him from taking here right then and there. Instead he contemplated better recipes and more calorie dense mixtures that would turn her apparent talent and desire for stuffing into even more potent gains.

Still in a daze, she pulled the hose out and said, “come rub my belly. Help me make room for more.” To which he immediately obliged, getting out of his chair and racing to kneel before her comically engorged middle. His hands making contact sent seismic delight through her spine and the hose was back in her mouth. He gently rubbed her abdomen, helping the slurry progress through her. It was like a ball of lead in a dome of softness. With every suck, she shook in orgasm, and he felt her wobbling with pleasure.

Time disappeared and they sat in their collective drive to feed her. He was amazed that this feat was even possible, while she was relishing in the return to her preferred state.

With only a quart or so to go, she took the hose out, let out a massive belch, and groggily spoke between heavy, pleasured breaths. “When done…take me…to bed…Don’t let…me pass out…for more…than 2 hours…and…clean this…up.” She closed her eyes, put the hose back in, and went right back into her trance and filling the space made available by her burp. He continued to rub as the last of the calorie dense mixture filled his wife to extremes he had not thought possible. With every gulp her continuous climax persisted. To him she looked miles away but she was fully present in the sensations washing over her engorged body and his gently touch.
He’d *** now were he not so afraid it would hurt her, so he watched the remainder disappear, very gently helped her to bed, took the toy out, set it on her nite stand, and cleaned up the kitchen, like she wanted. There would be plenty more time to celebrate and experiment with this scenario later.
He got on with prepping tomorrow’s feast while, in bed, she writhed in a comatose climax of indulgence. Dreaming of herself as the blob she would soon become.

She woke to the sensation of lotion being applied to her still mostly engorged midsection. The smell of cheesecakes wafted in and the urgent need to use the bathroom. The last one being expected, the first two were a pleasant addition to the scenario. Delighted by the sensation of his finger sinking into the doughy parts of her middle, but the pressure it put onto her internals reminded her of the urgency to get up. She slowly dropped a leg over the edge of the bed and gave him peck on the cheek as she used his arm to pull herself up and saunter to the restroom.

She reemerged, standing in the bathroom doorway, completely naked, looking twins pregnant and starting to bulge with fat all over. Her belly apron, a swollen spare tire connected with her flaring hips, was no longer affected when stuffed like this, still hung and rested just above her pu%&y. A hand on her hip and the other lightly caressing her lotioned and packed stomach.

He sat on the edge of the bed as she walked towards him, jiggling with every step, a jolt of arousal hitting every time her belly lightly smacked her fupa. She stopped when she was standing in front of him where he was immediately compelled to rub her smooth belly where it is hard and soft, now a little softer. Becoming more a ball of fat than food.

She let out a contented moan and started, “While you slept and when you were at work, I snuck out, filled, and emptied the feeder on top of constant stuffing.” She pushed him back on to the bed, pulled off his underwear, climbed on top, and lowered herself onto his raging erection. “I stuffed myself when you were around to pretend I wasn’t sneaking feedings. Steadily increasing my capacity.” Slowly working him inside her as her belly best along his abs. “Within days a daily case, tub, and quart became 4 of each to get me satisfyingly full.” Nearing climax she started to grind against him. “Staying full like this is exhausting work,” grabbing her fat tits through heavy breaths, “but worth the effort.” Seconds from the both of them cumming. “Wasn’t long after I stopped the feedings that I craved the end of the tube again. Fantasizing about riding you with my ass to your knees and my belly covering your chest.” Her belly bouncing up to his belly button as her pace increased with both of their moaning and said, “I’ll be there soon,” as she came to him exploding inside her.

Collapsed onto him, her full weight taking his breath away, she whispered, “And I’d go for another feeding right now, but I’m making room for the weekend.” Still grinding, working to orgasm again, “I’m going to set new records. I’m going to push way past my capacity. I’m going to cum again because you are going to help me get sooo fat! Aaahhhh!” Her body spasmed against his until she finished and rolled to the side, laying next to him.

She caught her breath and worked her way off the bed to clean up in the bathroom.

He watched her ass dance as she waddled away, thinking, “won the fucking lottery,” to himself.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !