Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 4 - later that night - part 1

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The alarm blared. He addressed it with a groggy hatred until he remembered why he was getting up. He sat up and just stayed there for a minute to fully get oriented, then rose and went out to the living room.

She had passed out herself, laying sideways and stretched out fully over the couch. Her show was still playing on the tv, but she was completely out with a new bag of chips and the empty box of Oreos on the ottoman before her. He quietly grabbed the Oreo package and threw it away in the kitchen. When he returned, he heard a crunch and noticed her mindlessly bringing a handful of chips to her mouth and chomping down. He confirmed that she was definitely still sleeping and then watched as she went through a good portion of the bag. Casually grabbing a handful at seemingly random intervals.

Thinking this might be something to take advantage of, he tiptoed into the kitchen, then grabbed and unwrapped another Twinkie and got a small glass of water with a straw. He set the Twinkie where her hand would find it on the way to the chips and waited. After about a minute, she reached for the bag, but when her hand grazed the Twinkie, she grabbed it and brought it to her mouth. She moved slowly, but it was gone in about four bites. Then, before she started to reach for the chips, he got close and put the straw in her mouth. Her lips instinctually wrapped around it, and she slowly drained the contents of the glass until the straw drew air, and she opened her mouth, letting it drop away.

He pulled the glass away and grabbed what was left of the bag of chips. He moved towards the kitchen and turned back to see what would happen when there was nothing there. After a second, she reached, and when her hand met the empty table, she just pulled it back and rested it on the side of her belly. She remained undisturbed.

He went back into the kitchen to figure out what should happen next. He decided to note the sleep eating for future use, but he wanted her to make enough room for the exorbitant amount of lasagna that was still left. If she had been mindlessly snacking the whole time, then there was no way she would have the room. Besides, she was the one that wanted to stuff herself silly. It would almost be cruel to get her there without being conscious of it. He decided to let her sleep for another hour, giving him a chance to reheat the lasagna later.

He set the oven to preheat. While waiting for it, she opened the pantry back up to see any other items of interest she may have gotten in the last order. Pretty much what she already noted. A bunch of junk food, but also a lot of baking components in bulk. There were several bags of flour, sugar, confectioners, sugar, brown sugar, several bottles of vanilla extract, and many boxes of graham crackers. It looks like someone was going to be making a good bit of cheesecakes. He closed the pantry and crossed the kitchen to get some foil to cover the lasagna. He opened the lower cabinet, grabbed the foil, and replaced the cellophane covering the dish with the foil. The tree the cellophane away and went put the foil back, crouching to set it down. That's when he saw what she was hiding down there. Tucked all the way in the back were 4 tubs of weight gain powder on top of several cases of boost very high-calorie supplements. Whereas this may have seemed like an effective hiding spot to her, but he would have to pretend he never noticed it.

“Interesting,” he thought. Putting it together with the sleep eating and drinking, he got an idea. He grabbed his phone from the counter and ordered 2 big tubs of weight gain powder (one whey and one maltodextrin), 2 cases of 27 boxes of the boost, a 5-gallon tub of lard, and had it all shipped to his office.

Filing all of that into future plans, he switched back to attending to the matters at hand as soon as the oven dinged that it was done preheating. Because of how thick it was, he figured it would be about 30 minutes before it was thoroughly reheated and another 10 to cool, so it doesn’t burn her mouth. He haphazardly cut it into pieces and spread it out in the tray so it would heat more evenly, replaced the foil, and set it in the oven. He set 2 timers. One for 30 minutes, on his watch, so he could get it out of the oven without waking her, but the second timer for 40 minutes (when the lasagna should be edible) on the oven. He expected the second alarm would wake her to the smell, and she might find her way into the kitchen on her own. It felt slightly like he was setting up a trap in a looney tunes cartoon, but adult-themed.

While he waited in the oven, he started researching and designing a device that would be somewhere between a medical feeding bag and a beer bong. A gravity-fed jug or bag would work, something interchangeable so he could increase the volume over time. The tubing would have to be just wide enough to let a thick-ish liquid flow easily, but not too wide, so it just gushes out all at once. If there were a mouthpiece that resembled a straw shape but had a pressure sensor and valve, then it wouldn't just leak all over the place while letting her grab it and suck on it intermittently. He was undoubtedly going to miss some sleep testing all of this out in the near future.

He had sketched it all out and ordered the last of the parts he would need when the timer on his watch went off. He put everything away and pulled the lasagna. It felt like it was about 4 pounds worth as he set it on the counter. He transferred the pieces onto a large serving tray right next to the oven timer, put a fork into one of the pieces, and went into his office. It was definitely still too hot on the outside, so the ten minutes would make it edible. While he waited, he ordered all of the components he would need to fiddle with the feeding apparatus he designed. If she really wanted to, he was ready to help it along. He figured that if he got it working, he would give it to her a present, selling it as something she could casually sip soda, milk, or juice out of throughout the day. He wondered how long it would be before she starts filling it with gainer shakes…or not. Who knows? It was all just fantasy at this point, and he knew he was probably getting ahead of himself. He had been repressing his feeder urges for so long, it was almost expected that he would hit the pavement running at the first sign that she was into it. The evidence was mounting in support of her being into it, but he should probably let her lead the way for a while. Enjoying the ride before really leaning in.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !