Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 5 - later that night - part 2

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He heard the timer go off and waited. When the timer started up again, he heard her rustling. He shut the light off in the office and got peeped out of the cracked door. He had a clear view of the kitchen and the counter with the lasagne. He watched as she walked in and shut the timer off. She noticed the meal before her and then looked around for him. She shrugged her shoulders, gently caressed her stomach, and started in on the first of four pieces. She ate as if savoring every bite. It took about five minutes to finish the first piece at this pace. It was clear from her moans and demeanor that she was enjoying the food at that point. She paused for a moment and stood up straighter. While catching her breath and rubbing her belly, he noticed that she looked just a little rounder. And that was accounting for her stuffed state or bloating. It looked like she may have been about 5 pounds heavier before today's damage.

He was insanely worked up at this point but had promised himself that he wouldn’t get involved until, at least, halfway through.

After a quick breather, she looked around more diligently to see if anyone was watching (obviously not careful enough to notice him, but mostly to see if she was in a line of sight to any windows). Sure she was alone, her top and sweatpants fell to the floor, and the tray traveled with her to a lower counter, one she could lean on. She began to grope herself, feeling all of the softest areas. Squeezing her breast. Jiggling her love handles to make her belly shake. Roughly grasping her ample ass. Her left hand found its way between her legs, and a stifled moaning started. Still touching herself, she grabbed the fork and started shoveling the second piece into her face as fast as she could. Practically shoveling the next bite in before done with the last. He knew she would work through the rest of this and started sneaking out of the office and up behind her, waiting for the right moment.

He got it when she took a breath after swallowing the last of the second hunk. He gently placed his hands on the love handles bulging over her too-tight panties and pressed himself into her rear. She didn't seem surprised, continuing to touch herself and letting out a soft, guttural “yes.” He bent her over the counter. Her hand abandoning its task so she could lean forward on both elbows. He pulled her panties down, got on his knees, and stick his face into her cheeks. Pulling her hips, his mouth met her c#!% while his nose touched just between her lips. A sharp moan emerged, immediately stifled by more lasagna being shoved in her mouth. She was bucking against his face, and his hands moved to grab whatever fat he could reach on her hanging belly. What wasn’t drum-tight was softer than he remembered. She was taking the occasional break between bites to pant in pleasure, one hand occasionally slamming the table as if it was almost unbearable. Halfway through the third piece, she abandoned the fork and just grabbed it with both hands to shove in her mouth—a deep recursive moan coming from her nose as her mouth was constantly full. Not skipping a beat, the last piece was already being demolished. He could barely hear it, but a few bites in, she mumbled, “f#%k me.”

He pulled his face away from her and undressed. She was nearly done and was pushing the tip just past her well-lubricated lips. She stopped chewing for a second to catch a pleasured breath but waiting to feel the fullness of his girth as she pushed herself far past overly full. Holding there, he bent over and reached his arms to grab her bulging stomach. He could barely reach all the way around it. The skin pulled tight. With the last few bites waiting at her sauce and oil-covered mouth, he whispered “finish it,” and slowly but forcefully slid himself into her. His c@%k deep in her, his arms caressing and pressing against a stomach she never wanted to leave empty again. The thought that she was going to keep blowing up from the fat and carbs she was shoving into herself all collided in her, and the most intense shockwave of orgasm washed over her, rocked through her, and cascaded onto wave after wave of pleasure. Culminating with every rough thrust. Him sliding into her. His hips pounding against her expanding ass, sending vibrations through all of her newly forming flesh and the most delightful pain in her abdomen. There was nothing left to eat. She had already licked up every last drop and crumb. Even if there were nowhere to put it, she would keep consuming to never stop feeling this much pleasure. A delight that persisted as all of these thoughts and sensations kept washing over her. This is what she wanted. This was all that she wanted. His c@%k, a stomach packed hard like a rock, and to be covered in her own quivering, soft, jiggling fat. With her head getting foggy from the overstimulation, her climax started to subside. He was letting her catch her breath, her body rocking gently to his slowed thrusting. Contentment filled her up as she came down from the high, but just before she could commit to relaxing herself, he grabbed her hair, pulled himself fully into her. H leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I like finding more of you to grab. Don’t you?”

She responded in almost a soft, breathy squeal, “Yes.” Feeling the pleasure rise again within her.

“We’re going to make so much more of you, aren’t we?”

Her breath quickening. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

He started thrusting again. He reached an arm under her and grabbed her lower belly, which was just recently starting to slap against her thighs in this position. Squeezing it, he said, “I bet you can’t wait for this to hang down to your knees, but unable to slap against them with so much thigh fat in the way.”

She imagined it. She imagined what it would feel like. She imagined how big the rest of her would have to be at that point. She did want it. He was right, she couldn’t wait, but she couldn’t speak to respond. As she imagined the sensation, he was rigorously pounding again, and she could only let out the deep breathy moans that rode in with another climax. Her upper body collapsed onto the counter. Her arm reaching back to join his in squeezing and shaking her burgeoning adipose. She wanted there to be more in their hands, and knowing that both of them were working on getting her there sustained another lasting orgasm. She continued to ride the wave as she knew he was getting closer. With what breath and willpower she had left, she started quietly chanting, “fatter, fatter, fatter, make me fatter, fill me, feed me, fatten me,” to herself. As soon as he could make out what she was saying, he came in her, and when he stopped, her second climax subsided. They both stood there breathless but content for several seconds that felt like minutes. He pulled out and helped her stand straight. She turned and leaned against the counter, looking drugged, barely holding on to consciousness. He moved in and kissed her passionately.

“Holy f#&k!” She said with a dopey grin on her face.

He backed up a little and took all of her swollen, naked form in. “Holy F#%k,” he said, looking her up and down. Noticing her droopy eyes and her head occasionally nodding, “You look ready for bed.”

She gently shook her head yes while unconsciously rubbing her comically distended stomach. Getting a little bit of her senses back, she asked, “You said you have the weekend off, right?”

“Indeed, I do.”

“Good. Since I made myself lunch for tomorrow,” gesturing towards the fridge with the other massive lasagna, “you can be in charge of breakfast, dinner, and dessert.” She turned and headed towards the bathroom but stopped, spun, and leaned seductively against the door frame. “I know it was implied, but just to be clear, you’ll have to manage your own lunch,” then gave him a mischievous wink and disappeared into the bathroom.

He let his heart rate come down a little and then cleaned up while she showered. He looked at the clock and realized just how late it was. He did the math on how little sleep he would be getting. He would be waking up quite early to make all that he wanted to make for breakfast. His exhaustion caught up with him, but excitement welled back up as he contemplated how fulfilling this weekend was going to be for the both of them.
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !