Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 6 - back to work - part 1

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The weekend flew by. Both of them were almost looking forward to going back to work so they could have a break. Eating constantly, getting pleasured, and perpetually cleaning the crumbs, creams, and sauces off of herself was more work than she thought it would be. Work she was more than willing to put in, but work nonetheless.

It was the same for him. Work well worth it. He was constantly cooking, cleaning, and bringing her to climax. Whatever sleep they got seemed like just enough to recharge the batteries and get back to it.

They were both excited to get back to work for parallel, covert plans that they both had for expanding her girth. She planned on breaking into her secret stash of gaining supplements (on top of the ridiculous quantity of meals she made him prep over the weekend). And he was excited because all of the components and extra supplements that he ordered were being delivered to his office in the morning.

He noticed her biggest clothes were already becoming constricting. The seams on her shirt and sweatpants were straining as she sat down at her desk. Her breakfast waiting for her. Breakfast being a mixing bowl of cereal and whole milk. She still had another 20 minutes or so before her day started. He admired the scene, then walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek. They smiled lovingly at each other and separated for the day.

Her Work Week:

As soon as his car was gone, she got up and headed to the bathroom. Her heart racing waiting for the scale to settle on a number. Her hands grabbing her hips and ass as she was leaning a little forward to keep her eye on the readout. 246.3 flashed out 3 times, and she backed off of the scale, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Shocked that she had put on about ten pounds in 2 weeks, both proud of the accomplishment and frightened that she was already losing control. What frightened her the most was how much she liked it. Typically there was so much pressure in the other direction that it felt odd to be so excited and resolute about gaining weight. She knew she couldn’t dwell and had to get back herself in order before her work started. Putting the scale away, she reminded herself that deep down, this is what she wanted and smiled to herself, feeling the waistband of her pants bisecting her belly.

Looking at the clock, she noted there was still time and went to the kitchen. She moved to the cabinet by the sink and, struggling to reach all the way back, grabbed a tub of the weight gain supplements, 4 boxes of the Boost, and a 32 oz blender bottle. She ended up fitting in 2 scoops of the powder, 3 boxes of the Boost and topped it off with a little bit of whole milk. She screwed on the top, put everything away, and headed back to her desk to finish breakfast before morning meetings started.

Finishing the huge bowl of cereal left her just about full, which is right where she wanted to be. Her goal for the workweek was to maintain this state throughout the day. Afraid that if she took it too far while at work, then she’d be too horny to concentrate. However, fun that sounded, it wasn’t an option. Besides, she was conducting an experiment this week, and overindulging would mess with the results. She was testing to see how much weight she could pile on in 5 days by staying just shy of full all day long. Using the shakes to sporadically top herself off with an exorbitant load of calories between meals. At least while at work. She could snack for the rest of the day.

She figured the only struggle would be resisting the temptation to overindulge at night, especially with her husband's encouragement. She could always say she only wants to indulge on weekends, and hopefully, he would let her.

It turns out it didn’t really matter. The rest of the week, he ended up having to stay late and was halfway catatonic by the time he got home. She felt bad for him and was typically there to comfort him (when she wasn’t eating). But it all kind of worked out. She had kept up her “diet” and was excited to step on the scale before he got home on Friday. It was the carrot at the end of the stick (well, carrot cake would be a more apt metaphor), and she couldn’t wait.

Fortunately, he had thought to stop by a store and get her several sweat pants and tops that were a couple of sizes too large because nothing would fit anymore. One of these days, she would have to address the wardrobe issue, but he bought her some time with the baggy attire.

By Friday afternoon, the temptation to chug the whole shake and empty the fridge was powerful, but she was going to hold out and let that be the evening's reward. Having done well the whole week. Staying just full while she was awake, no more, no less. It didn’t matter that she stayed disciplined, though. She couldn’t concentrate at all today, excited and a little horny, with anticipation for the weekend. Not only was she excited to see how the week's work had paid off and celebrate her gluttony with her husband, but she had secretly taken Monday through Wednesday of the next week off to try out another 5-day experiment. Just thinking about this experiment had her heart racing because it meant indulging constantly.

The plan was to weigh in Saturday morning and stuff herself to max capacity straight through to Wednesday afternoon. She told herself that she was conducting these experiments to figure out the difference between how much she consumed versus how much she gained at 2 different consumption rates. Figuring, she could then roughly gauge a growth rate, but, deep down, she knew the second 5-day experiment was because the thought of it made her so damn horny, and she needed to excuse it to herself.

Either way, she had just clocked out for the week. She finished what little was left of her second shake of the day and cleaned up all of the evidence from the kitchen. She didn’t want to cook and wanted to know about when he would be home, so she texted him.

“Pizza? How much and when should I order it, so it's not cold by the time you get home?” Then she went to the bathroom and pulled the scale out while waiting for him to respond.

Before she could put her foot down, her phone went off.

“Sounds great! I’m leaving in 5. I can order them, and it should be there shortly after I am.”

“Perfect! Hurry home. I’m starving!!!” Which she wasn’t, but in 45 minutes, she was only going to be a little full but voracious.

She put the phone down and tapped the scale with her toe to turn it on.

“Ready,” it said.

She was already turned on.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !