Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 7 - back to work - part 2 - his work week

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His Work Week:

Monday started as an ordinary day. Nothing of consequence unless you count the notification he got to his phone mere seconds after he pulled away from the house.

“246.3. An Increase of 10.5 lbs in 12 days 2 hours.”

He had gotten her a fancy scale 2 months ago but failed to mention that it connected to an app. Instead of pairing it with his phone and getting a notification every time, she weighed herself. It was an impressive number, but not all that surprising given the effort they were putting in. It was nice to see it paying off. He was a little curious why she had waited for him to leave to weigh in, but considering the genuine enthusiasm to the stuffing and gaining talk all weekend, he assumed she was celebrating the increase.

He eventually got to work and had to break the haze of the gratifying weekend. A bit before his lunch break, he realized that the latest project that had the whole office in overtime for the last weeks was coming together nicely. Meaning that he had the option to get home at a reasonable time for a couple of weeks.

Then came a knock on his office.

“Come in.”

Olivia, the young, chubby office assistant, walked in with a bunch of boxes on a cart. “These just showed up for you. They are kinda heavy, so I’ll leave them with the cart.” She walked to his desk and handed him the manifest. He smiled, noting that it was all there.

She was about to leave but instead stopped in the doorway and said, “You know. She’s lucky to have someone like you that’s into it too.”

His heart stopped short, and his mouth couldn’t form a response.

“Oh, come on. I’ve been here a year and a half, and I pay attention,” she said, breaking the silence. Lev was the only person in the office that he would consider a friend, so this banter wasn’t entirely out of character, but her insight into this part of his personal life was new. “Don’t worry, no one else here is observant enough to know about your little kink. Hell, I only put two and two together because we all hang out.”

Still shocked that someone knew, he just sat there.

“Oh, don’t be so shocked. How many double dates have we been on? You look at your wife eating like I look at Jen dancing naked. I assume by the order here that you two finally had the conversation and/or she somehow became less prudish about it. Besides, you’ve met Jen. She may not be your wife’s size…yet, but we’re working on it” She crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame. “Seriously, I assumed you knew that I knew. Sure, we all got along real well, but that’s partly because of how much we have in common.”

“I honestly did not know, Liv.” The newfound tension melting from him. “I just assumed we got along because the only other available personality types in this office were still stuck in the frat house, a cat house, or their mom’s basement.”

“I mean, that is how it started, but, clearly, one of us is more observant than the other.”

“No shit! How long have you known?”

“Took me about five minutes after you introduced me to your wife. You know, about 30 pounds ago. Back when she didn’t want to admit to herself that she was into it and you were too scared to tell her what you were into. You know, the good old days when the two of you would rather drunkenly confess your deepest desires to new friends than each other.”

“Wait, I actually told you about this.”

“Not directly. You tend to like talking in code after about 5 drinks, but she went full confessional before 3. I am honestly surprised she hadn’t outed herself to you like a million times. Also, don’t give me the ‘Why didn’t you tell me we both wanted to have kinky food sex?’ spiel. I saw the look on your face when I wheeled this crap in here. You know you’re glad you got here naturally.”

“Fair enough.”

After an awkward silence, she said, “Sssooo, Anything else, or should I go back to waiting for the phones not to ring?”

“You’re good. I can-Wait! You and Jen are also into…” He drifted off, gesturing to her slightly rounded middle.

“Well, we dabble,” she responded, resting a hand on her barely chubby waist. “I mean, Jen is a little more into it than me, but we’re also not one kink wonders. Nor are we,” gesturing to the boxes, “as…well…dedicated as the two of you…for the time being-” the phone started to go off in the background. “On that note,” and she shut his door as she hurried back to her desk.

They didn’t really talk for the rest of the week. He was too focused on getting his work out of the way so he could use the afternoon to tinker and finish his “feeder” apparatus. Fortunately, he had set the expectation that he would be working late all week, so his wife thought little of him putting in so many hours and coming home exhausted. She seemed fine with it, snacking but not stuffing and just letting him rest while she took care of everything else. Other than the constant snacking, everything seemed normal at home.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !