Just had to flip the switch

Chapter 9 - friday night - part 1 - pizza and a movie

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He pulled into the garage and found a decent hiding space for his feeding stash. He walked through the door to the kitchen to find her leaned against the counter, arms crossed, and a mischievous grin spread across her face. She was stuffed into the too-tight shirt and the pants she barely fit into on Monday morning.

She strolled over to him, wearing a demeanor of fake anger, and said, “Well, I see that you hurried home, but I see neither pizza nor any other source of sustenance.” She reached him, and they pulled each other into a tight, loving embrace.

“I love you, sweetheart,” he said, pulling her softness into him.

“Welcome home, love.”

They stood there for a solid minute before her growling stomach shattered the tender silence. She was a little surprised. It hadn’t been that long since she “topped herself off.” He was also surprised, swearing that her stomach felt hard, like it wasn’t that far off from full. They pulled away from each other—her blushing and him adjusting his erection.

“I promise you that plenty of pizza is on the way. Also,” looking her up and down, “That outfit looks amazing on you!”

“Why thank you,” and she did a clumsy little twirl. “I figure neither of these was long for this world and wanted to give ‘em one last hurrah.”

“Speaking of clothes, I am going to get more comfortable, and if the pizza shows up,” pulling out his wallet and handing her a 20, “here’s cash for a tip, in case I'm not out yet. It's all paid for.”

“Twenty? Do you need change back? That's a big tip.”

“No. Twenty is fair.”

She was doing the math as he headed to the bathroom to shower. Looking down at what she was wearing, “wait. Are you just leaving me with this, so I accept an excessive amount of pizza, bursting out of my clothes?”

Popping his head around the corner. “No, but a pleasant side effect.”

Right on cue, the doorbell rang. A little embarrassed but hungry enough not to care, she answered the door, accepted eight pizzas, and tipped the stunned and wide-eyed teenager. She brought the boxes into the kitchen and immediately dug in. The top pizza was an extra-large with cheese. She had folded one slice onto another and wolves down her double slice in less than a minute. The box underneath, she discovered, had all sorts of meats, so she doubled up again and was mostly through it by the time he came back out to join her.

“Sorry, I was excited and may have gone a little overboard with the pizza. I figure we’d have leftovers for a while, and neither of us minds leftover pizza.”

Swallowing what was left in her mouth, she moved over to him and firmly grabbed his c@*k through the sweatpants. “There won't be any leftovers.”

He had his doubts about that being a feasible possibility, but there was no way he was going to stifle her enthusiasm.

She felt him stiffen in her grip as she moved in, biting his neck with her greasy lips. She very suddenly backed away and let go of him. “I need half of that in me,” gesturing to the pizza boxes, “before we get to put any of that in me,” gesturing to his crotch.

“Yes, ma’am!”

“I can eat more when I’m distracted. Let’s move this into the living room. Friday nite pizza and a movie.” She turned and headed to the couch, saying, “bring 4 of the boxes and a bunch of napkins,” before stuffing the 2 slices into her mouth. He quickly grabbed a stack of napkins and the bottom four untouched pizza boxes. He set it all down on the coffee table and then grabbed a pillow and set it behind her so that she could lean back onto the couch. He then slid the ottoman under her legs.

“Anything else I can get you?“

“Ohh, a beer, please,” she said, putting the last bites into her mouth. She started to lean towards the boxes, but he stopped her and grabbed her 2 more slices. He set a couple of napkins within her reach. She gave him a grateful look before starting in on another two-stack of what looked like hamburger pizza.

He grabbed her beer and himself a glass of water, then two slices of the cheese pizza, and put them on a plate (enough for him). He walked back into the room, set his plate and glass down, then opened her beer and handed it to her. She took a swig between bites, set the bottle down, and hit play.

The last of the Rings movies started, chosen so she could be enjoyably distracted for at least the next 3 1/2 hours. A necessity if she was serious about finishing off this pizza. She also had her doubts but wasn’t going to let them get in her way.

She was washing down the crust of those two slices when the sensation of fullness started creeping back up. She knew slowing down would be a necessity to keep this train chugging along. She took a breath and felt him slipping another slice into her hand. Thankfully, it was just one. Green pepper, onion, and mushroom this time. Realizing he would keep this pace for her, she dug in at a slightly reduced clip, focusing her attention on the pleasurable contentment that washed over her with every bite and the dancing screen in front of her.

1 and 1/2 pizzas disappeared by the 40-minute mark of the movie. She realized this as he threw an empty box on the ground. There was a fresh slice in hand as he was walking back in with another beer. He twisted off the top and set it next to the nearly empty one. Her slight buzz was starting to counter any discomfort, and she pressed on, washing down each crust with a healthy swig.

By the time the movie was wrapping up, she was only 3 slices shy of finishing 4 extra-large pizzas. She hit uncomfortably a slice ago but was determined to finish these last 3. There had been underlying arousal the whole time, but as she pushed herself through this slice, the pain mixed with a carnal pleasure she usually only got from a good f@^king. The sensation rising incrementally with every swallow. Watching her, he noticed her pace increasing, her breath quickening, and a glazed-over look accompanying a slight bucking of her hips.

Finishing the last of that slice, she kicked the footrest out and slowly lowered herself onto the floor. She got on her knees and leaned onto the ottoman with her elbows. Her bloated belly hanging below her, spilling out of her too-tight clothes. Her ample ass in the air. She opened both hands, gesturing for him to hand her the last 2 slices. He put one in each hand, and she started in on each, alternating between hands. He got on the floor behind her, helped her out of the constricting sweatpants, then reached around and started rubbing her belly while she chewed, grunting and moaning with his touch…with each mouth full. She felt a climax rising as she stuffed the last of the 2 crusts into her tired jaw. She was about to cum, with his hands on her belly, the intense fullness radiating from her stomach, and knowing she had but this actualized fantasy to look forward to. When she swallowed, she felt him enter her, and the sheer intensity of the orgasm took the feeling from her legs. She became prostrate with pleasure as he rocked into her. Eyes rolling back into her head, she never wanted it to end, each thrust a wave of sensual reward. Her face collapsed sideways onto the ottoman, mumbling, “yes, yes, yes.” one arm outstretched over the cushion and the other fondling her nipples through the pulled-up, too-tight shirt, grunting louder and louder.

At this point, hands on her hips, he was very gently thrusting, but she reacted as if he was giving her the f*%king of a lifetime. She hung, suspended and entranced in overwhelming euphoria, as he gently pumped into her for what felt like hours (really only about 20 minutes). She was limp the whole time, fully supported by her shoulders on the edge of the ottoman and him holding her ass up.

When it looked like she was starting to come out of it, he gave her a firm thrust. She squealed and grabbed her bloated belly. The jostle brought her back as the pain/pleasure of her full stomach collided with the sensation of her slightly more swollen layer of body fat vibrating from the impact. He was worried he hurt her and didn't want to shake her stomach too much, but then she propped herself up, ready to ride this next intense wave, and shouted, “Yes! F&^k! Make me shake!” He took the hint and started pounding into her. Her hips and ass smacking against him. Her back fat rocking with each pump. All of her fat was in glorious motion.

It was the most intense pleasure she had ever experienced. Her body shaking more than ever before. Her breasts colliding with the top of her drum-tight belly, the rough impact radiating intensely. Her breasts, which felt bigger to her, and her too-full stomach had never collided like this before now. Pain and pleasure exploding from nipple to navel. She was practically screaming “F^$k!” and, “Yes!” and, “I'm going to be so fat!” or just, “So Fat!” Overstimulated with him throbbing deep within her and his hands all over her bigger ass, and barely in control of her own impulses, she yelled, “C^& in me! Make me bigger and &#m in my fat a—!”

He was almost there already, but with that, he started slamming into her, and over the sound of her howls, he said, “I’m going to make you huge!” and exploded inside her.

He pulled out. She lowered her a— to the ground. Catching her breath and still getting pleasure signals from her stuffed belly, she looked back at him and said, “you better.”

He helped her up and slowly escorted her to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet, and he went off to clean up after them. She held her stomach while she peed. Feeling its mass in her arms, as soon as she was finished, she reached down and got herself off again.
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Incredible, 12/10 story. It just needs to continue, are there plans for new chapters?
Mark 2 years
must have been a little warm "he waited in the oven"
Mark 2 years
chapter 4
Jktab 3 years
Justenjoy 3 years
Love this, please continue!
Pd500 3 years
It keeps getting better & better! 10 out of 10!
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Nice! Want to read more !