Weight gain 'fiction'

chapter 3

I grabbed the second sample mushroom from the closet and cooked enough mushroom pasta to literally fill the bathtub up with pasta. Completely full. I shaved the last mushroom on top of the whole thing and mixed it all together.

When she saw the tub, her eyes welled with tears and lunge hugged me, “Thank you.” Then she dropped to her knees and plunged her face into the pasta and began moaning again. “Ooooooo yeahhhhhh.....that’s it.” She was using her hands to shovel it in faster and faster. Her ass was sticking up in the air shaking as she ate.

I was rock hard instantly. “Sooo hooooorny.” she moaned. I grabbed her plump hips, knowing this was the last time they’d be this small. She pushed her chubby ass up against me as I drove my cock into her soaking wet sex. “MM...Ooooooo yeahhhhhh.....mmmmm....that’s it.” she moaned with her mouth full of food as I pumped faster and faster. Sauce and tears streamed her face. “Ooooo....I don’t want this to ever end!” she screamed as we both orgasmed together.

All night and into the next day she ate, and we fucked. It took her almost 18 hours to eat the whole thing. Her massive belly growing larger and larger as the pasta disappeared. When she finally finished, she fell onto her back sound asleep. Her massive stomach, comically large looked to be crushing her as she mumbled “mmmmooooore.” It took me a few hours to clean her up then drag her back to the bed.

The next morning, her stomach had shrunk but the rest of her had really filled out. All that pasta was being distributed to the rest of her body. “My god she’s going to be huge” I thought. She’d be over 300 by the end of the week.

While she continued to sleep, I cleaned the house, restocked the kitchen and contemplated my future. If 1 mushroom added 15 pounds then my plump little wife was heading towards a ton. And it was all my fault. I thought about her lying in bed desperate for just one more taste. After what I’d done to her, I didn’t want her in any more pain. And it wasn’t like it mattered if she ate more mushrooms, she’d be immobile soon regardless. I knew what I had to do.

The next day, I bought the farm from the old man. It cost me everything we had. The house, stocks, retirement, everything.

But once the sale went through, he took me to a small cave opening deep in the forest. Inside was a massive cavern filled with mushrooms that looked like it went for miles. Millions and millions of mushrooms. Not only had I found more than enough for my wife, but I had found my revenue stream.

Today, I sell the mushrooms to all kinds of businesses. The fortune 500 fast food company whose burger people wait an hour for, the bakery whose cupcakes are orgasmically delicious, the weight gain shakes promising massive gains, they all have sprinklings of my mushrooms in them.

So, before you reach out to me for your own sample, ask yourself this. Do you want to read “weight gain fiction” or do you want to live a weight gain “fiction.” Living it means messing with the goddess of gluttony. And like my wife, she’s never satisfied.

As for my wife, she’s so fat that I had to build a special barn for her. The floor is all bed so she can just lay and expand. There’s a series of harnesses for bathing and sex. A massive 100-gallon drum sits above her always full of a combination of cream, cake mix and shaved mushrooms. A hose connects it to her mouth. It’s always on, endlessly flowing in her. The only sound from her is the quiet moans “oooohhh soooo goooooood. Soooo hungry. Sooooo hoooorny.”

It’s hard to even describe how large she is because she spreads out so far. Like batter on a griddle. 1000’s of pounds and growing by the minute. As for her breasts, the feature that started it all, they’re each the size of a king-sized waterbed.

Every night, I use the crane to roll her over and pound her massive pussy while she screams for more. After we’re both satisfied, I roll her back over, climb between her breasts and drift to sleep nestled in my very own goddess of gluttony.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Tablesofacha... 3 years
Love it
Stevenandrews 3 years
After reading 'Your Sisters Shadow' by MrWhiteShin I was inspired by his reference to my all time favorite story Katy: A Fattening Story by the legendary Studiofa. There's a lot of connective tissue between the weight gain stories we read. So....maybe...