Bellows farm

chapter 2

Before we moved to Bellows Farm, Jill would never eat pizza, much less coke and let the girls have chocolate milk too. They finished four pizzas, I was stunned, but then Morgan started crying, Jill asked “What’s wrong honey, do you have a tummy ach?” “No Mom, I’m not full yet!” Jill seemed really upset that Morgan was not full, I thought she should be stuffed to bursting the amount of food she had eaten. Jill cooed, “Oh honey let me fix you some ice cream that should fill you up.” Morgan just smiled, “Ice creams sounds great Mom.” Susie piped up, “Me too, me too!” Jill just smiled “You too Susie.” Jill got out a five galloon size tub of ice cream and fixed both girls huge bowls, added sprinkles and sauce. They both finished the ice cream in no time. Then to my surprise, Jill asked, “Girls are you sure you are full now, really don’t want to get up tonight for more snacks like last night.”

Dan continued. I was stunned. Jill was eating totally out of character for her. She was stuffing herself with rich, greasy pizza. She was feeding Morgan and Susie pizza and ice cream too. I couldn’t believe what was going on. Jill told the girls to get ready for bed. She even said she wanted them to get to bed while they were nice and full.

I watched as Morgan and Susie headed for their rooms. They both had gained weight since I left, both girl’s bellies were literally bulging with food. Their t-shirts rode up, their thighs and bottoms were now thick and round.

When the girls went upstairs Jill came over to me. She pushed her bloated belly up against me. “Dan, honey I have missed you so much! I’m so happy you are finally home. She kissed me hard on the lips. She said in a low sultry voice, while lifting up her t-shirt, rubbing her belly, “Dan I want you tonight!”

We made love for the first time in months and it was the best love making since we got married. I decided while lying in bed watching Jill’s belly rise and fall with her breathing, I wasn’t going to bring up her weight, eating or even the girls eating. Jill had packed on some pounds in the week I was away. Her belly bulged out past her boobs, her bikini panties were straining to contain her rounder (very soft) bottom cheeks and her thighs now touched together, no more thigh gap!

The next morning Jill cooked the girls and I a massive breakfast, pancakes, French toast, pastries, donuts, bacon, eggs, sweetened juices and coffee too. Jill and the girls gorged themselves, it seemed they couldn’t get enough to eat! I just watched as they ate everything in sight! We they were finished, to my surprise , Jill sent the girls to the den to relax either read or watch tv.

She cleaned up the kitchen still wearing only a bikini brief panty and a t-shirt, now riding up on her bloated belly. “Dan, let’s take the girls over to the pool, it isn’t as hot today as it was yesterday.” “Fine dear, that sounds good.”

Jill called Morgan and Susie, “Girls go get your bikini’s on we are going to the pool in a few minutes.” I started thinking “bikinis” they used to wear just one piece swimsuits before we moved here.
“Dan I got you a new swim suit too. You are going to look so good in it.” I followed Jill’s now widening bottom to our bedroom she got out a package and handed it to me. It was a “Speedo” bikini cut brief. “Jill, you really want me to wear this?” She giggled, “Yes honey I do. The girls are I are wearing bikinis, I think it is the least you can do to show support for us.” “Okay dear if you insist.” I pulled it on, it was pretty tight around my waist, but I didn’t want to upset Jill at all. She pulled on a tiny little bikini panty which barely covered her.”

The girls came out of their bedroom in their bikinis. Both of their bellies were bulging out in front of them, but neither seemed to mind or for that matter notice how bloated they were. We got in the car in Jill’s insistence, before we moved she would have insisted we walk for more exercise, not anymore.

We got to the pool in a minute and got out, the girls started to run and Jill told them not to. A cute, but very plump pool attendant asked us our address, which she Jill gave her. She smiled and checked the computer, “Thank you, enjoy your day. The snack bar is having a special today, everything is two for one.” Jill smiled, “Oh that’s wonderful. Dan the snack bar here is awesome, the girls and I have been having lunch here almost every day.”

“We walked in and found a couple of chaise lounges. Jill and I started to get settled, the girls went and got in the pool. I sat down and started to look around, I was stunned, every woman and girl there had a pot belly and a bubble butt. I couldn’t believe it. Some of guys had pretty good bellies on them and most were overweight, but no where near as fat and out of shape as the women and girls were. Everyone was wearing a bikini cut brief, even the fattest women and girls. I also noticed that most everyone was eating.” Said Dan.

Dan continued; “Jill and the girls stuffed themselves at the snack bar, which was really more like a buffet and an all you can eat one at that. I indulged too, at Jill’s insistence. We stayed all afternoon and then drove home. Jill wanted to grill out. I asked if she had some of her vegetarian burgers. She giggled, patted her belly and said, “No Dan, I don’t have any, just bratwurst, hamburger, just 70% lean and some hot dogs. Why don’t you get the grill going, dear.” Jill brought out pounds of meat and had me start cooking all of it. “Honey, this is too much for just the four of us.” Jill giggled and again, patted her belly, “Oh no it isn’t Dan, this is barely enough for the girls and I.” Jill was right of course, she and girls devoured everything in sight. I too, over ate, not in the same league as Jill, but I got pretty stuffed, still wearing the “Speedo”, my gut lifted up my t-shirt. I looked over at Jill, she was slouched back in her chair, with her belly, bloated and bulging up in the air. She was smiling caressing her belly. The girls too, were totally stuffed, but only a few minutes later I heard Jill say, “Girls, it’s time for desert! Morgan and Susie, go inside and bring out the ice cream and sauces, please.” The girls replied, “Yes Mom.” They gleefully went inside and brought out two gallon tubs of ice cream and four bottles of chocolate, butter scotch and strawberry sauces. Jill served huge bowls of ice cream to the girls and herself, all of them getting totally bloated. I was speechless. I just watched as my girls gorged themselves.

“So Dan, did you do or say anything to Jill about why they were eating so much?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer. “Yeah I did Matt. Later that night after the Morgan and Suzie went to bed, Jill and I were in our room. Jill was feigning waddling around playing to her bulging belly and bottom. So I finally asked, Jill we have to talk.” Jill smiled at me, patting her belly, “Sure honey, I’m sure I know what you want to talk about too.” She giggled, hefted her belly and let it fall. “It’s about how fat the Morgan, Suzie and I are getting, isn’t it?” I was relieved, I was expecting denial, but she seemed thrilled that she and the girls were gaining weight. “Yes Jill that is it. So why are the three of you eating so much and letting yourselves go?” Jill giggled, “Dan, we just love to eat now. In fact that is pretty much all I can think about is eating. I love to feel full, I just can’t resist stuffing myself with rich food every chance I get. You must have noticed at the pool that all the women and girls here are overweight , obese or rapidly becoming so. The rumor is that the soil and water here was contaminated with growth and weight gain hormones when this was a hog farm. The side effects in addition to making people gain weight, especially women and girls is the release of endorphins , to the point that you don’t care how fat you are getting, in fact you just want to keep overeating and getting fatter!” “ I sat on the bed dumbfounded. I started to get turned on thinking about Jill getting fatter and fatter, she notice right away. We made love that night, the best ever.” Said Dan.

I looked a Dan, still eating. He smiled at me and said, “Matt, I decided that if Jill and the girls want to get fat, than who am I to stand in their way. I even decided, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Dan patted is growing belly. “Dan thanks for sharing this with me. I am relieved by what you told me.”

Dan smiled, “Hey Matt, I’m glad I could help. So have you made a decision?” “Yeah, Dan, I have.” I replied.
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