Bellows farm

chapter 3

On the way home that night, I picked up Cinnabon, Duncan Donuts, Baskin and Robins and Pizza Hut. I grabbed the stash and went inside. Sally was standing in the kitchen, dressed only in panties and one of my t-shirts. She looked awesome, her belly was sticking out making her look pregnant, lifting up the t-shirt, revealing her pink, tight panties. Her bottom cheeks were being squeezed out the leg openings and she jiggled with every move she made. Missy was at the table with a huge plate of macaroni and cheese in front her. She was shoveling it into her mouth, the sauce was smeared around her face. She too was only wearing panties and a t-shirt. She smiled and looked up at me, “Daddy, this is my third plateful! I’m a good girl!” I smiled, winked at Sally, “Yes you are honey, now eat up for mommy and daddy. I brought home some treats for us.” “Okay daddy, I will.”

Sally’s eyes widened when she saw the stash of fattening treats I had brought home. “Oh Matt, Oh I getting so aroused just looking at all these goodies! I can’t weight to just stuff myself silly!” I smiled at her, “I get to help!”

We let Missy eat her fill of rich treats until she was too bloated to get up from the table. Sally and I took her to her room, washed her face and tummy off and put her to bed. She fell asleep when her head hit the pillow.

Sally and I rushed to our bed, piled high with fattening treats and just started to gorge! Sally was cramming donuts and pastries into her mouth as fast a she could chew and swallow. I partook too, but I really was enjoying watching my once slim athletic wife gorge herself. Watching her belly stretch and expand to accommodate all the fattening food she was eating.

That night soon became our new routine. Sally, Missy and I would eat a massive dinner. We would put Missy to bed and then fool around eating and making love.

Of course the three of us rapidly caught up with our neighbors, who I suspect had been doing the same thing for months. By the sixth month anniversary of moving into Bellows Farm the three of us were rotund!
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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