Holiday dreams

chapter 4

am I to judge her.” “Taylor, I am sorry I got so freaked out. I have to admit I have never seen you happier. You are really carrying the extra pounds pretty well, too.” They hugged, Madison felt a tingle between her legs and blushed. Taylor did feel so soft!

Greg called from the patio, “Maddie, can you bring out the brats and burgers, Matt and I have the grill warmed up.” “Let’s grab the trays and go out to the patio, shall we Taylor.” “What can I take Maddie?”
“Grab the brats will you Taylor.” “Oh sure Maddie.” The girls headed out to the patio. Maddie was thinking, “God I wonder what Greg is going to say when he sees how fat Taylor is.”

The girls brought the trays out and set them down. Taylor immediately picked up a beer and a hand full of chips and starting noshing. Greg said, “Hey Taylor, good to see you! Did you have a Merry Christmas?” “Yes I did, thank you Greg.” Replied Taylor, absently rubbing her belly and grabbing another hand full of chips.

The guys started grilling the brats and burgers, while the girls chatted and drank. Maddie sipped on a glass of Chablis, while Taylor guzzle three beers and nearly a whole bag of chips.

When the brats and burgers were done, Taylor stunned Maddie and Greg by taking three of each, with buns, heaping scoops of macaroni salad, beans and potato salad. Taylor gleefully pounded it all down, causing her belly to bulge out even more. I just sat and watched, transfixed by Taylor’s performance. Maddie brought out a cheese cake they had received as a gift. She said, “I don’t know why my Aunt always sends these, she knows I am always watching my weight.” Taylor giggled, “Maddie, I not watching my weight any more, I would love a nice big slice please.” Maddie blushed, staring at Taylor’s bulging belly, “Certainly Taylor.” Maddie cut nearly a third of the cake, put it on a plate and handed it to Taylor, who laid into it immediately. Taylor smiled with her mouth full, “Maddie, your aunt is awesome, this is great!” “Thank you Taylor, I will tell her.” Replied a staring Maddie.

We chatted for a while after desert, Maddie and Taylor cleaned up. Maddie was dying to know, “Taylor, are you really not watching your weight anymore?” Taylor giggled and shook her belly, “Maddie I have gained over fifty pounds in one day! There is something very special about the lingerie that Matt gave me to do that! If he wants me to be fat that badly, than I am going to get as fat as I can for Matt, I don’t care how big this gets”, shaking her belly” or these”, slapping her bottom cheeks. Maddie was stunned, “Wow, Taylor, you must really love Matt to get fat for him!” Taylor patted her belly again, “I do, but I have also discovered how much I love to eat!”

It was time to go, Greg and I shook hands, Maddie and Taylor hugged, Taylor deliberately stuck her belly into Maddie, “Maddie, you should try bingeing and gorging, it is so fun to get fat!”

Taylor and I walked, or I should say I walked and Taylor waddled, she was really stuffed, having finished off the remainder of the cheese cake. I could see Taylor’s belly and huge ass swaying in her bikini, she just carried the t-shirt. The view was driving me wild, I slipped my hand inside her bikini and started to knead her bottom cheeks and love handles. Taylor looked up at me, “You really love my new body.” “Taylor, you are so gorgeous I love your new bod, baby.” “Matt I know you gave me the lingerie from “Mrs. Claus”, at first I thought it was sneaky of you, for not just asking me to gain weight for you. But I know, that you knew that I would never have agreed to “fatten up” for you.”

“Taylor, I did not want to trick you, but I thought if you got the chance to really let yourself go and really be able to just eat all you wanted to, not worrying at all about your figure, you would see that getting fat would be fantastic.” Taylor smiled patted her belly, “Matt you’re right, the moment I started pigging out on Christmas morning, I knew that I would be getting very, very fat! I am enjoying myself so much the eating is amazing!”

We got home and went upstairs to our bedroom. Taylor looked awesome in her red bikini bathing suit, her belly was bulging out over the waist band, her love handles were jiggling all around her waist, her bottom cheeks were creased by the bikini panty. “Matt,” Taylor said while looking in the mirror getting ready to go to bed, “I never felt this sexy when I was slim. I can’t believe how much I love my body jiggling, my thighs rubbing together, my fat bottom bouncing up and down, even my little boobs jiggle now!” “Taylor you are so hot, with your new pounds baby!” Taylor came to me and pushed me onto our bed and we made love several times that night.

The next morning after Taylor had gorged herself comatose, her mom called, I answered the phone, “Hello” “Urp, Matt, Urp, excuse me, is Taylor there, Urp, dear?” “Oh good morning, yes, she is here, but she had a bit too much breakfast, she is out of it, can I have her call you back.” Just then, Taylor came out of her engorged stupor, “Is that Mom, Matt?” “Yeah Babe it is, here.” She took the phone, “Hi Mom how are you this morning?” “Urp, great dear, Matt tells me you are still stuffing yourself silly!” “Yes mom, I really got stuffed this morning, Matt fixed me a whole box of pancakes.” “Good girl, dear, I wanted to tell you that I have gained over one hundred pounds! Dad is so thrilled, he loves me all fat and round. Dear, I am so fat, I can hardly walk! I waddled my thighs are so huge, it takes me ten minutes to go upstairs! I want you and Matt to come over for lunch!” “Oh Mom that would be fun, it will be fun to have someone else to eat with. What time should we be there?” “Taylor be here at eleven thirty, I am already hungry again!” “We will see you then, Mom.”

We got to Taylor’s parent’s house at eleven thirty sharp. We walked/waddled up the walk to the front door, Dad opened it, “Please come in Mom will be delighted to see you. Oh Taylor dear you look wonderful, how much do you weigh now, dear?” Taylor giggled, “Daddy, I weigh one hundred and sixty eight pounds!” Taylor replied patting her belly, nearly bursting out of pair of stretch pants and t-shirt. We went into the dining room. Mom came in waddling, she was huge! She was only five foot two, but now weighed two hundred and forty pounds. Her belly was magnificent, sticking straight out in front of her, supporting two huge breasts and bottom must be forty inches across. She smiled, “Oh Taylor dear, you look wonderful dear, what a cute tummy you have!” Taylor giggled and patted her belly. “Mom you look fantastic, your breasts are amazing!” “Thank you dear, you Dad really loves them!” She giggled.

“Taylor and Matt, please sit down, I am starving, as I am sure you are too, Taylor.” No sooner did we sit down and say grace, than Taylor and Mom laid into the food. Dad and I just watched, as the two gorged themselves. Plate after plate disappeared into Mom and Taylor, both of their bellies were soon bulging with rich, rich heavy fattening food, but they kept eating. Finally three hours after we sat down, Taylor and Mom were finally sated! Dad helped Mom up, she now weighed two hundred and seventy pounds, her clothes had all torn as her girth increased. Taylor’s weight had hit two hundred pounds, her belly was bulging lifting up the t-shirt and pushing down the waist band of her stretch pants, her belly swayed back and forth as her huge thighs squeezed past each other.

It was after three in the afternoon when “lunch” was over. Dad and I had to help Mom upstairs; she was so huge she could barely waddle. Taylor sat on the couch caressing her engorged belly. I came back downstairs; Dad was going to stay up there with Mom. Taylor looked up, “Matt did you and Dad get Mom upstairs okay?” “We did honey, she is so happy, I actually think she likes eating and getting fat more than you do!” “You may be right, she dieted her whole life, I think when Dad gave her the Mrs. Claus lingerie, she really started to eat so much, realized what she had denied herself nearly her whole life!” “How big is she going to get?” I asked, just a little turned on. Taylor giggled, patting her own round belly, “I am sure she will hit three hundred pounds, she will be enormous, but I am sure that’s what she wants to do to herself, she loves eating now so much, even without the Mrs. Claus lingerie.”
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