A fat hiding place

chapter 2

Hazel replied, “You have to be an FFA or FA to be into it. They are female fat admirers and (male) fat admirers or just “chubby chasers”. Hazel glanced at her alarm clock it was after two in the morning. She looked at Teresa’s bloated little belly and said, “’bout time we get to bed and sleep off this binge, dear.” As she said it she patted her massive belly making it jiggle like jello. Making Teresa giggle. “Ok, what time do you or I should get up in the morning?” “The kitchen will have my, I mean our breakfast ready by around nine, I like to bathe before I eat and the day gets to hot.” Replied Hazel, so around eightish sound good.” Teresa helped Hazel settle back into her bed, Hazel could not help but notice how bloated Teresa’s belly was.

Teresa went back to her little bedroom, She was so stuffed her stomach was a little upset, she lay in bed massaging her bloated stomach until she dozed off. Her next dream was far more pleasant than her earlier nightmare. She dreamed she got really fat, even bigger than Hazel and that a really hot guy was feeding her and massaging her huge belly, whispering sweet nothings in her ear while putting sweets in her mouth. When she woke up around seven thirty she noticed she was wet. Teresa thought, “Geeze maybe I’m more into this feeding thing than I thought”, absently scratching her belly.

She weighed herself and after using the bathroom she was still 110. Showered, clean panties and pulled on sweats and a t-shirt. After helping Hazel up and bathing her, Teresa could not help admiring Hazel rolls of fat and her awesome belly. Teresa got Hazel dried off and dressed in a huge house dress and panties. She then went to fetch breakfast.

After Teresa had left, Saul stopped by. Now Saul was an FA, he adored Hazel and kept her in the circus even though in these politically correct times having a fat lady was not always cool. Hazel smiled, “I really like her, Saul, she is such a sweet kid.” Saul asked, “You’re not going to fatten this one up too, are you Hazel?” Hazel giggled, “Oh yes, this one has serious potential Saul, she even wants to get fat, too”. “Really?” asked Saul, “what’s up/” “She is hiding from a real creep of an ex-boy friend, who has threatened her, we had a wonderful chat last night while we binged”, replied Hazel. “She has decided to change her appearance by getting fat and changing hair style and color, plus traveling so much with the circus her ex will never find her. You know Saul, we could work her into the act, as soon as I fatten her up a bit, she could help me eat while dressed in a tight little sequined outfit, you know she will look awesome with a pot belly and nice round bubble bottom.” Saul was getting turned on just talking about this, “Ok, I’ll pay for all the food etc. I will even pay her more if she gains enough to be in the show, but you need to turn her into a little butter ball soon, Ok, deal?” “Yes!” said Hazel.

Just then Teresa and the kitchen boy starting bringing in the breakfast feast for Hazel and Teresa. Teresa set the table and helped Hazel sit down. Hazel said, “Honey take off those sweats, we don’t want any constraints on that tummy of yours.” Teresa giggled, “Ok, but I don’t have get fat today”. Hazel then explained the deal she had made with Saul. Teresa shrieked with joy, “You mean I am going to get paid to get FAT! Oh that is so awesome Hazel, how can I thank you enough?” “By getting FAT of course” replied Hazel, both of them started giggling. Teresa answered, “Oh I will.” Taking her third omelet and chugging a glass of whole milk.

Hazel became Teresa’s eating instructor. She taught Teresa all of her gaining secrets. Over eating, constant snacking, always going to bed full, night feedings and lots of heart to heart talks to go with frequent binges. Hazel had Teresa lay around after her duties were finished in either in her stretched to the max bikini or on the couch snacking with Hazel. She also told her to stop any unnecessary exercise.

It took a couple of weeks for Teresa’s slim body to adjust to all the calories and fat, but once she started to gain, the flood gates opened and she plumped right up.

After three weeks with Hazel, Teresa now weighed 140 lbs. Her t-shirts now rode up on a wonderful pot belly, her breasts were larger and rounder and her bottom was a FA’s dream, it was perfectly round as were her now plump thighs. Hazel watched as Teresa cleared the table, she noticed that Teresa’s belly and bottom jiggled when she moved, her arms too. Hazel poked Teresa in her soft plump belly, Teresa giggled, “Am I ready for the act yet?” “Yes Honey I think you are. You look so beautiful, Teresa, your figure is so fantastic, Yes we need to get you into the act.” Answered Hazel. She called Saul, he came over and like any red blooded FA he was captivated by Teresa’s new figure. He had costume come over and measure Teresa for sequined one piece outfit, with a low cut bodice and high French cut leg openings and ruffles of lace to accentuate Teresa’s already awesome bottom

The act that Hazel and Teresa now did, was a FA’s delight. The audience, bought food for Hazel to eat in front of them on stage. She was always fully dressed, though the tight dresses had special Velcro seems that would “strain and rip” at the right times. Teresa was to serve the fattening goodies to Hazel, showing as much jiggle as she could. Teresa loved it. Prancing around making her newly grown bottom jiggle and sticking out her pot belly she was having a great time. They even added a little eating contest at the end of the act.

Teresa and Hazel would have a race to eat eight hot dogs as fast as they could. Sometimes Hazel won and sometimes Teresa did. But Teresa would always give a profile to the audience sticking her belly out as far as she could at the end of the contest and patting it as the curtain came down.

After the show, Teresa would help her now best friend up and they both would waddle to their trailer. With all the eating, it was only one show a night, but it made Saul a fortune. He charged a stiff admission fee, plus the prices for the food were outrageous also. Many in the audience were couples some of them feeder/feedees so food sales in the audience were very good too. But no where was there an act like this one.

The season was getting close to the end. Teresa was getting to fat for the costumes. Hazel needed to eat an enormous amount of food to maintain her weight. But with Teresa’s gaining she was up to nearly 180 lbs. in the last weeks of the season.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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