A fat hiding place

chapter 3

Carrying around seventy more pounds and serving Hazel on stage, Teresa was just getting to fat. She loved her all of her fat and what it did to her once lithe body, but she needed to figure out something else to continue in the act.

Saul, his wife Marie, Hazel and Teresa sat down in Hazel and Teresa’s trailer to discuss what the plan should be. The meeting was being held during Hazel and Teresa’s dinner time, since they went to bed full, and their act was a night show.

Marie, had been with the circus in the trapeze act for many years. She loved Saul and he her. She did not want to gain because of her career which she loved. But she was now nearly forty five, and it was difficult to stay in tip top shape to continue with the act, so she decided to retire.

Teresa and Hazel noticed that Marie was really putting away the food. They asked her and Saul if she had changed her mind about gaining. She giggled, “Yes, I am finally going to become the woman of my Saul’s dreams.” Saul just sat there beaming in FA heaven, one SSBBW and nearly BBW and one now dedicated to becoming a BBW.

During now what had become a gorge. Hazel had a thought. What if Teresa continues to gain, she and Teresa could have an eating contest every night. Marie could fatten up and become their plump attendant. It might work, but Teresa would need to gain at least another 100 lbs to look like a creditable challenger to Hazel’s 400 lbs.

Hazel had everyone stop eating for a moment. She explained her plan to her friends. “Well, what do you think?” Saul piped up, “I love it. It would be fantastic, We would pack them in and charge more because we now have three women not just two.” “Sush” said Marie, “You are not one of the one’s getting fat, we are. Teresa, you will have to gain the most. What do you think, dear.” Teresa burped, “Excuse me, I would LOVE to gain 100 more pounds that would be fantastic, let’s do it!”

Marie got up from the table, not without a struggle, the once lithe acrobat now was sporting a nice pot belly she had been having trouble maintaining her weight for nearly a year and had recently decided to retire and let go. Marie opened her robe revealing tight, white, lacy bikini panties with an awesome tummy bulging over the waist band. She patted her belly, burped and said, “Let’s go for it girls!”

Go for it they did. The kitchen worked overtime to fatten up Marie and Teresa to get them ready for the last two weeks of the season. Under Hazel’s expert eye, Marie and Teresa gorged themselves. The two stuffed themselves with six meals a day, night feedings and frequent binges.

Marie gave up exercising all together adopting the sedentary life style of the two binging companions. Being the oldest of the three she gained rapidly, her slower metabolism packing fat on belly, bottom and thighs at prodigious rate. Her love life with Saul, which had been pretty good, became fantastic, improving with each pound she gained, each new jiggle of her bottom, belly and boobs.

Teresa was in hog heaven, she loved eating and getting as stuffed as she possible could. Her belly became a huge round orb of fat bulging out in front of her, even past her boobs. Her bottom was now wide and round jiggling with even the slightest movement. She kept her belly oiled to help prevent stretch marks and to keep her skin supple under the pressure of her engorged stomach.

Saul promoted the heck out of the “match” on different FA and FFA websites and publications. He was overjoyed by the transformation of Marie’s body. She now had a magnificent round pot belly the bulged out further than her breasts. Her bottom had become soft round with a new width that hung out of her now very tight bikini panties. Her once lithe thighs were a sight to behold, nearly perfectly round and soft they jiggled with every move she made. Her breasts, which before were quite ample now strained at her tight bra, with a nice roll of fat bulging over the top.

The morning of the eating contest, Marie sitting in bed rubbing her distended belly after finishing a massive breakfast in bed, burped, and said to Saul, “Honey, had I known how much fun it is to get fat and stay fat, I would have chosen a different career in the circus” finishing her sentence with a another belch. Saul resisted temptation, replied, “Marie you are a dream come true to me, you have never been so beautiful to me. Your body grows more lovely with each bite of food you take. Dear, you need to rest for tonight.” He patted her fantastic belly and kissed her. Marie yawned, “Honey go check on Teresa, she needs to be fat enough to challenge Hazel tonight.” “Yes dearest” replied Saul and left their trailer to go check on his stars.

Marie need not have worried. Teresa was now huge. Her body had adapted to the on slot of calories and fat. She had gained nearly seventy pounds in two weeks. Her belly bulged way out in front of her and was pushing her legs apart. Her bottom looked like two beach balls in her panties, her thighs rubbed together as she waddled.

It was now time to get ready for the Main Event, as Saul called it. Hazel with some help from Teresa struggled into her costume. She then helped Teresa struggle into hers. Saul, much to his delight, helped Marie struggle into her costume. The costume dept. had opened the seems of Marie’s last leotard and sewn in spandex panels which allowed the tight fitting leotard to adjust to Marie greatly expanded figure. It hugged her belly, allowing her ample beasts to push up with a nice roll of fat over the top, and her bottom squeezed out past the tight French cut bottom showing awe inspiring rolls.

Hazel and Teresa were seated prior to the curtain going up. Marie walked/waddled out in her tight leotard and introduced herself and the two contestants. Marie felt a tinge of pride when she walked out and several women gasped at her once lithe body, now carrying thirty pounds of soft fat. She also heard several “Oh Yesssses and Alrights! From the mostly male FA audience.
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