A fat hiding place

chapter 4

The contest began. Teresa and Hazel matching each others eating prowess for hours it seemed. Marie occasionally joined in on a mini binge with her two much larger friends. The Event was a roaring success. All three women were sporting distended bellies and huge smiles. The crowd loved it. There were even several curtain calls. Though Hazel and Teresa could not stand up, Marie tried to courtesy the way she used to after her old trapeze act, but could not with her new belly, so she did a profile to the audience with her hands behind her back and sticking out her belly as far as she could to the cheering crowd.

After they were driven back to Hazel and Teresa’s trailer for a little nightcap Teresa said she saw her ex in the audience. She looked right at him several times, but his attention was taken up by admonishing his date, who, in his opinion was eating to much. “I don’t think he had any idea it was me, with all this lovely fat I now have and different hair color and style, he could not possibly know it was me. My plan worked” she said, patting her magnificent belly.

The season ended with a fat bank account too. Saul bought Hazel a new trailer. Teresa started to date a chubby young bank president from one of the Midwest towns they visited. Saul and Marie relished in Marie’s new lifestyle. Saul loved watching her eat and eat she did.

By the beginning of the next season, Teresa had married her chubby banker, now becoming fat banker with his now hugely pregnant fat wife. Marie had become huge over the winter. She had become sedentary during the initial gain and loved just lying around eating. She had gained nearly 100 lbs. Her belly and bottom were to die for, Saul worshiped every roll and jiggle of her body. Hazel maintained her weight. Saul found a new assistant for her. While checking out locations for the circus’s next season, he had stopped at a burger place to get a dozen or so burgers for Marie to snack on before they got to the buffet thirty miles away at the next exit. There was a plump nineteen year old asst. manager who had been fired for eating to much on her shift and now needed a new job and a place to live. As soon as Janie met Marie, she new she had found the right “situation” for her future. Saul, Marie and Hazel decided that the act should continue with Hazel and Marie dueling with food and a rapidly expanding Janie as the plump little assistant.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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