Bucket list

chapter 2

Karen brought my shake out. “I will get you two your refills, so eat up!” Katie and Karen kept me eating for nearly an hour. Katie would encourage me to eat and Karen kept the refills of everything coming. I sat back in my chair, my belly swollen with rich heavy food. Karen came up, “Ready for a desert cart, Nat?” “Oh I don’t know, Karen, I am really stuffed right now.” Katie poked my belly, “Oh you’re not too stuffed for desert Nat, remember we are on this cruise to fatten you up!” I patted my engorged belly, “Yes Dear!” Karen rolled a cart over covered with rich, fattening treats and Katie fed me two slices of pecan pie, two pieces of cheese cake, an ice cream sundae and some chocolate candies. I was totally packed!

We or I should say I, staggered back to our cabin. Katie massaged my swollen, engorged belly until I fell asleep. Katie shook me awake at two AM, “Nat, it’s time to eat again! Come on, get up sleepy head!” “Whoa, Babe, it’s two o’clock in the morning!” Katie, giggled, “That’s right Nat, time for your night feeding!” I hoisted myself up, went to the head, still just wearing a “Speedo” brief and t-shirt , we walked down to the dining area.

I another adorable plump waitress met us, “Hi my name is Gail, I will be your server this morning. Karen left a note, that you two, or at least Nat, might be in for a night meal.” She seated us and took our order, no buffet but a huge selection of breakfast treats. I ordered French toast, waffles and pancakes, with extra butter, syrup, bacon and sausages. When the plate came out it was huge fifteen inches in diameter, covering several inches high in the rich food. Needless to say with Katie’s encouragement, I gorged myself for the second time that night. It took me forty minutes to pound down everything, plus another rich milk shake. I struggled to my feet, my belly was bulging, rock hard, I was so stuffed, packed with rich food. Katie helped me back to our cabin, washed off my face and helped me change into a clean t-shirt. I fell asleep almost immediately.

Katie lay in bed watching me sleep. My bloated belly was rising and falling with my breathing. “Nat honey, it is time to get up and have breakfast.” “Oh morning honey.” I replied, rolling on to my side to face Katie, my belly splayed out, still bulging from my largess. Katie poked my belly, “Nat, I want to be sure you really want to get fat.” I patted my bulge, “Katie, I was the one who had getting fat and growing a huge belly on my bucket list. Why do you ask?” Katie had tears in her eyes, “Nat I have wanted you to gain weight and get fat since we got married. Since you were in the military reserves, I knew you would get in trouble and ruin your career if you put on weight. When you told me about your dream of getting a huge fat belly and huge butt, I thought I was going to explode I was so excited! Nat, I want to stuff you and feed you until you are absolutely enormous! I want your belly to bulge out in front of you and your bottom to be so fat you have to waddle!”

I thought , “Oh my god is this a dream come true! Katie wants to stuff me into oblivion!” I started to get aroused. Katie put her hands on my groin and giggled, “Not so fast big boy, foreplay first and foreplay for you from now on is to eat! So get that growing belly and fat ass out of bed and let’s go stuff you!” I got out of bed used the head and held Katie’s hand as we gleefully sauntered down to the casual dining area.

We were seated immediately, as it was only six thirty in the morning. Karen came over right away. “Good Morning you two, what can I get you to drink?” Katie piped up, “Nat will have coffee with plenty of cream and sugar, plus a chocolate milk shake, I will have a large glass of orange juice.” Karen left to get our drinks, we looked over the menu, “Nat I really want you to eat as many calories as you can get into yourself, so instead of your usual pancakes or French toast, I want you to have an omelet, with everything especially plenty of bacon, ham and extra cheese.” “Sure honey anything you say, but can I have pancakes and French toast too?” “That’s the spirit Nat! Of course you can dear!” Cooed Katie.

The plates arrived soon after our drinks. Karen kept my coffee cup and milk shake glass refilled. Katie helped me pound down the omelet, then I started in on the pancakes and French toast, I drenched them in syrup and smeared butter all over them too. I gleefully gorged.

“Nat honey, let’s get you back to our cabin, you need to get back to bed and digest the awesome breakfast you ate!” Katie had to help me up, I was so stuffed. I staggered/waddled down to our cabin and Katie had me get back in bed. “Nat I am going up to the pool for a while, you sleep in for an hour or so, then if you want come up and join me. Oh, I want you to eat the snacks and candies on counter, so they will refill them when the stewards clean our cabin.” “Sure Katie, I will eat all of them.”

I lay back in bed, my engorged abdomen was bulging up in the air. Katie, gave my belly a kiss, “Nat I am so proud of you! You are doing great, honey!” I snoozed for an hour. I woke up around nine-thirty, hoisted myself off the bed, used the head (bathroom on ships) and then laid into the snacks and treats in our cabin. I got nice and bloated again. I changed my t-shirt and went up to join Katie by the pool.

“Nat over here honey!” called Katie. She looked on as I made my way to her chaise and the one she saved for me. She was thinking, “Nat is really bloated, his belly looks fantastic! I can’t weight until he gains more weight and gets a really big belly.” I lowered myself onto the chaise. No sooner did I do so than another cute, adorable and plump waitress came over rolling a cart covered in rich pastry treats. “Sir you like some donuts and pastries?” My belly growled, fortunately she did not hear it or at least was too polite to show it. “ I’d love a couple of donuts, please.” Katie piped up, “Nat! You need more than a couple! Miss, please serve him at least six of the cream filled ones.” “Oh and I would like some “bear claws” too.” I said. Katie smiled and poked my belly and winked at me. I happily stuffed morning away, bingeing on rich pastries. I fell asleep again (despite all the sugar!), Katie poked my belly to wake me. “Nat, dearest, it is time for lunch!” I thought, “Oh my God, is this a dream come true. Katie was not kidding at all about wanting me to gain weight and get really, really fat!” I patted my belly, “Well let’s go, honey I am starved!”
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
Nibler 2 years
great story i'd love to see how ian and alan grew there story out smiley