Bucket list

chapter 4

About fifteen minutes later we had a little “ceremony” to celebrate my gluttony. The Manager took our picture together with Katie and Julie standing on each side of me pointing at my belly. Then a picture of Katie and I with Katie caressing my belly and then one of me, my hands on the small of my back, arching out my engorged, bulging belly. The Manager told us we could get a discount on this cruise or a discount on a future cruise if the company could use my picture in its promotional material.

I woke up before Katie. I was on my side, my forty-four inch belly was splayed out on the sheets. It had been twelve days since I won the pizza eating contest. I thought that I had gained about twenty five to thirty pounds. We were going to fly home today. I was a little worried about what I would wear home. I had not packed much in the line of clothes, knowing that my goal was gaining weight and growing a belly, I did not think anything I wore before the cruise would fit.

“Nat honey, are you awake dear?” Coed Katie. “Yes babe I am.” “Everything okay, dear? Are you hungry? You must be starving!” “Babe, lately, I am always hungry!” I patted my belly. Katie called room service and ordered a huge breakfast cart for us. I had become a bit of a celebrity with the pizza eating. The cart arrived in ten minutes. I hoisted myself up and found a t-shirt, pulling it over my head and struggled to pull it down over my belly, vain attempt, it only covered about half. I opened the door and a giggling, plump waitress rolled the cart in. She was staring at my belly. I figured no other guy on this cruise gained as much weight as I have, or at least it does not show as much. I thanked her and she left, still giggling.

“Nat she was checking you out! You have become so hot, you are really starting to get fat!” “Speaking of fat, Katie, what am I going to wear home? The sweats you gave me a couple of weeks ago at the pizza parlor, barely fit anymore. You know what else?” “What?” Katie giggled. “I think my “tush” is getting really big, I have trouble getting my bikini briefs and Speedos on.” I sat down on the side of bed pulling the cart full of breakfast treats closer. Katie reached her hand under my rear and gave my cheeks a squeeze. “Ouch, hey not so hard!” I shrieked. Katie laughed, “Oh my God Nat you have grown a huge booty! No wonder that waitress could not keep her eyes off of you!” “Well that doesn’t help my situation, what am I going to wear home. The pants I came down here in definitely won’t fit, with this belly, but with this huge ass I have, there is no way I can even get close to pulling them up.”

“Nat stop worrying, I brought down a pair of XXL sweat pants for you and some XXL t-shirts too. I knew you would not disappoint me and get really fat!” “Thanks Katie, I don’t know what I would do without you!” “Oh thanks Nat, honey that was nice. Now back to work, eat honey, I want you to clean off this cart, so we can pack.”

We arrive home around ten at night. Katie and I did get some looks at the airports on the way home. It was pretty obvious to even the casual observer that we had both gained weight.

There was a message on my “Blackberry” that I was needed in the office tomorrow morning for a meeting. “Katie, I have to go in to the office tomorrow morning, early! What am I supposed to wear?” Katie came over to me, giving my belly a pat and my cheeks a squeeze. “Nat I have a little surprise for you. I bought some clothes at the Big and Tall shop at the Mall. I knew you would need some clothes as soon as we got home.”

I tried on some pants, forty six inch waist. A little big in the waist (that would not last long), but my rear end was so big, they actually fit pretty well. Katie also got me some polo’s and other shirts. “See Nat, you look good, not bursting out of you clothes.” “No honey you are right, these actually fit pretty well, it makes it look like I have been fat a long time, not just a week or so.” “Nat, are you ready to “face the music” tomorrow?” “Yes I am, I didn’t think it would be so soon, but yes, I really want to be fat and I am confident in my decision to become fat too.”

I arrived at the office at my usual time and went in. I did get some serious stares. Several people did double takes as I went by them. The pants and polo I was wearing really accentuated my weight gain. The pants had a high waist and the polo though the correct size, the material clung to “rolls”.

I went into the meeting. I heard more than one stifled gasps at my new girth. But most everyone took my weight gain in stride. I did eat several donuts and one of my co-workers even pushed the tray closer for me.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
Nibler 2 years
great story i'd love to see how ian and alan grew there story out smiley