Bucket list

chapter 5

After the meeting I went to my office and sat down. I looked up and one of my co-workers was in the doorway of my office. “Hi Nat welcome back!” said Mary Ann. “Thank you Mary Ann, come on in. I am sure you have a question or two!” She blushed, “Yes Nat I do, uh this is awkward to say the least.” “Huh, Mary Ann is it about how much weight I have gained?” “Yes Nat it is. What happened to you? You must have gained thirty pounds! What does Katie think about your gaining so much weight so quickly?”

“Mary Ann, please close the door.” She closed it and sat down. “You know I was in the reserves for over twenty five years. I was deployed and all that.” She nodded. “Did you know that you have to stay in really good shape to stay in the military?” She nodded again, “Yes I did know that Nat.” “Did you know that you have to weighed at least twice a year and pass a physical fitness test too. It is very difficult; you have to watch what you eat constantly. Mary Ann after twenty five years, I finally can just let go and really enjoy myself. I have envied fat people for years, being able to eat whatever they want and not have to worry at all about gaining weight or staying in shape. I told Katie a few weeks ago that the first thing on my “bucket list” was to get fat and have a big, round belly!”

Mary Ann had tears in her eyes. “Wow Nat, I never knew! I thought you were just like the fitness Nazis around here, constantly working out. I never even imagined what a sacrifice you were making to serve your country! Nat what did Katie say when you told her?” “Mary Ann she was ecstatic! She told me she has wanted to fatten me up since we got married, but she knew I would get in trouble if I gained weight. It was her idea to go on the cruise, so you might say that Katie is responsible for a good portion of this!” I patted my belly.

“Nat let me take you to lunch today. I know a great buffet place where you can eat all you want!” “Mary Ann that would be awesome!”

Mary Ann really enjoyed watching me eat to my heart’s and belly’s content. The word soon spread around the office, to the people who really mattered, that I was gaining weight, it was deliberate and why. The next day treats began to appear on my desk. Leftover donuts were now routinely left on my desk. By the end of that week, my size forty-six pants had a two inch roll of belly fat sagging over the waist band, not to mention the straining seem through the seat!

That weekend, my next test of my resolve to get fat, the neighbors in our condo building were used to seeing me in my Speedo every so often. I did not wear one all the time, but often enough where it was not a big deal. But that was now, nearly forty pounds ago. Katie really wanted me to keep wearing them and show off my gain, not hiding it at all. It turned me on just thinking about waddling around with my fat butt and thighs , not to mention my huge round belly jiggling.

On Saturday morning I squeezed my fat thighs and bubble butt into my largest Speedo, I pulled on a t-shirt and went down to the pool. I could feel the eyes staring at my new body. I heard a few gasps, just like at the office and more than one double take. I sat down and pulled off the t-shirt. Fortunately, I am not a hairy guy. In fact the lack of hair on my chest and belly, made Katie tease me that I looked pregnant, rather than just fat. I got up and went in the pool, swam a bit, I tried to hoist myself out on the edge of the pool like I used too. Not happening! The forty pounds made it impossible for me to lift myself high enough to get out. I went to the stairs and walked out of the pool, being careful that I was not “flashing” any “crack”. I realized that I had forgotten to bring down any sun screen. I just dried off a bit, and wearing only the ”Speedo” I went out to the elevator to go up to our unit and get some.

Standing in the lobby in just my tight brief swimsuit, my belly bulging out in front of me, one of my neighbors and casual friend, Ian came up to go up to his unit a floor below ours. Ian was one of the several gay guys who lived in our building. Katie and I got along pretty well with all of them. Ian did a double take, “Nat is that you? Oh my God what has happened to you? Uh you are umh .” “Yes Ian it’s me, and what has happened to me, is I am getting fat!” Ian looked stunned. “But Nat you were in such good shape, just a few weeks ago, why are you getting fat?” The elevator doors opened. The couple from the floor above us were in there. He just said “Hi Nat” she was giggling and averting her eyes, blushing too. They walked out of the lobby. Ian and I got on the elevator, he pushed his floor and then mine.

“So Nat, Why?” I patted my belly, making it jiggle. “Ian, I want to get fat. I stayed in shape for so long to serve my country and stay in the reserves, now that I am done, I really want to enjoy myself.” Ian looked at me. “Nat I never knew it was such a sacrifice for you. What does Katie think about this?” He gently poked my belly. “Ian she loves the thought of me gaining weight. She has been encouraging me to eat as much as I want.” The doors opened and Ian got out. Ian chuckled, “Nice to see you Nat, I am sure I will be seeing “a lot more of you, too.”

I knocked on our door, Katie opened it. “Oh Nat, you shouldn’t be walking around the building with almost nothing on!” “I know, I’m sorry, but I forgot some sun screen.” Katie got it for me. “Nat was there anyone in the elevator or lobby who say you?” “Yes, the couple on twelve were in the elevator when the doors opened in the lobby.” Katie giggled, “Did they say anything?” He just said “Hi Nat” and she giggled and blushed. Oh I rode up with Ian from ten. He was stunned when he first saw me, but I explained what we are doing.” Katie thought, “Uh oh, this may really throw our little gay community for a loop.” I gave Katie a kiss on her cheek (face) and went back down to the pool.
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Snarry0901 2 years
Nibler 2 years
great story i'd love to see how ian and alan grew there story out smiley