Bucket list

chapter 6

Well I made quite an impression on Ian. He virtually ran into his unit to rouse his boyfriend, Alan. “Alan, Alan, wake up! You will not believe it!” Alan called from the bedroom, “Believe what Ian? Why are you so excited?” “Alan, you know Nat and Katie from upstairs?” “Yes Ian I know them he is in pretty good shape and he does wear Speedos, and she is plump, so?” “Alan Nat is getting really fat! He must have already gained forty pounds! He was wearing a Speedo in the lobby going up to their condo to get some sun screen. Alan he looks so hot! He looks “preggers” his tummy is so big and smooth and he has a big round booty, too!” Alan was now fully awake. “Did he go back down to the pool?” “I am sure he did, he only had on the Speedo, so I’m sure he was going back down.” “Well what are we waiting for, let’s get changed and go down, I want to see how fat he is too!”

I was lying on a chaise when Ian and Alan walked, more like ran, into the pool area. I thought Alan’s eyes were going to pop out of his head, he looked so surprised. I could tell he was staring at my belly sticking up in the air. They came over and sat on either side of me.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?” They both blushed. I chuckled, “Coming to see how fat I am getting?” Now they really were blushing and embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. I am not embarrassed at all by how much weight I have gained, in fact I am proud of how fat I am getting.” Alan, blurted, “Nat you are deliberately gaining weight?” I patted my belly, making it jiggle, “Yes Alan I am, I told Ian, I have had to stay in shape for twenty five years, I am tired of denying myself my favorite foods, so I am letting go!” “Nat what does Katie think about you getting fat?” I looked up, Katie was coming toward us with a cooler on wheels rolling behind her.

“Hi guys. How are you?” Ian and Alan smiled and answered, “Just great Katie. We are fascinated by Nat’s gaining weight and why. How do you feel?” “God Alan, try not to pry too much!” Ian nearly shrieked. Katie giggled, “Guys, I want Nat to get fat! All the men in my family are or were obese, it is just natural to me to have a nice fat husband. Now that Nat is not in the reserves anymore, I am going to have my big fat husband!”

They sat stunned for several minutes. Katie opened the cooler and got my lunch out. Six peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on thick artisan bread, a big jug of sweet tea, a big family size bag of chips and a full package of cookies. I of course started to eat, pounding down the sandwiches and the sweet tea. Not being shy at all of how much I was enjoying eating. Katie dressed in a tight two piece swim suit, which fit last year, but was straining with her weight gain. She bent down to kiss me, I enjoyed the view of her rolls of tummy fat being compressed between her bra and boobs and the waist band of the swimsuit bottom.

Ian and Alan soon recovered from their shock at our blunt honesty about my weight and gaining more weight. They did not want to intrude any further on my slothful and gluttonous day.

I continued to use the pool nearly everyday, especially weekends and evenings. No one complained about my appearance and choice of swim attire. I did notice that Alan was putting on weight too.

It was now early November. My final test of my resolve to gain weight and get fat was approaching. The holidays with family.

I had been the son in law who was in good shape and took care of himself. One of Katie’s sisters was married to a guy who had been obese his entire life. She was quite self-conscious of his weight and hers. Everyone else was fairly normal weight.

By now I had gained over seventy five pounds. My waist was a whopping fifty eight inches around. My fat butt and thighs measure in at fifty-seven inches. I waddled , my ass and thighs were so big.

We got to her parents’ home on Wednesday night. When we came in there were some pretty incredulous stares at my appearance. No one said anything directly to me about my huge weight gain, but I knew Katie would be getting the third degree.

My mother in law asked Katie point blank, “My God Katie how could you let Nat get so fat! He is huge, he must weigh nearly three hundred pounds!” “Mom! Nat wants to be fat, I want him to get even fatter! I love him like this we have never been so happy!” That was a hard argument for her mother to defeat. Katie’s mom and dad were both overweight.

As more family members arrive we spoke to everyone. Since I was the only one in the family who was in the armed forces, it was hard for anyone to defeat our logic in my desire of gaining weight. The only one who made any kind of an issue was her sister Maureen who was married to Carl, who was nearly obese. She confronted Katie about my weight, “Katie, my God how could you let Nat let himself go so much! He is huge! He must weigh what two hundred seventy five or two eighty-five! How can you sit by and let him gorge himself like that?” Maureen noticed that Katie too had put on more weight, though nothing in my league. “Maureen, Nat has served his country for over twenty five years. He has worked hard to stay in shape and meet the military’s height and weight requirements. When he told me that the most important thing on his “bucket list” was to let himself go and get fat, how could I refuse!”
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
Nibler 2 years
great story i'd love to see how ian and alan grew there story out smiley