Cartoon belly

chapter 2

Katie followed her mom into the kitchen, “Katie sit down dear and eat your pancakes and bacon before they get cold.” Katie was stunned and delighted! The kitchen table was literally covered with plates of pancakes, dripping with syrup and butter. There was a platter of bacon, soft and greasy the way she liked it. “Now eat up Katie, you need to eat all of this, I’ll make you more if you are still hungry .”

Katie just started shoveling the pancakes and bacon into her mouth, they virtually melted in her mouth, she barely had to chew, just swallow and take another bite. The pancakes were so good, soft, rich and sweet. She cleaned plate after plate, eating dozens of pancakes and pounds of bacon. Finally all the plates were empty. “Good Girl, Katie, you cleaned your plates! “

Katie sat back in her chair. She could feel something warm on her thighs, something was pressing against her boobs. She looked down and to her shock was a huge, round belly sticking out to the edge of the table! Her mom came over, “Oh Katie, dearest, good girl, you filled up your tummy, so look so cute with your tummy so nice and round!”

“Oh dear look what time it is! Honey, you need to take shower and get ready for work. I put some of your older sister’s maternity panties and dresses in your closet for you to wear to work.”

Katie hefted herself to standing, her belly bumping the table. She arched her back, sticking out her tummy. Her mom came over patted Katie’s belly. “You’re such a good girl, such a good eater, I so proud of your figure dearest.”

Katie waddled upstairs, she went into her bathroom and almost fainted and then she was delighted and turned on. She had a huge round protruding belly, a huge ball sticking out in front of her. “Oh my god this is awesome look at me I’m so huge, I love it!” She carefully got in the shower and got turned on lathering her belly, playing with it. She got out, toweled off she squealed when she leaned over to put on mascara and her belly sagged onto the vanity. She finished in the bathroom and went into her bedroom to get dressed. She put on a bra, it was tight, but fit. She looked in her panty drawer and pulled out, what look like an enormous pair of panties, but remembered her mom had “stocked” her room with maternity clothes. She pulled on the panties over her plump thighs and bottom cheeks, the waist came up to her belly button, but the panties did cover her new, round belly. The leg openings showed some bottom cheek, which Katie patted and giggled. She picked out a blouse, a little tight in the right places, around her boobs and awesome belly. She pulled a jumper style dress over her head and marveled at her reflection in the mirror, she thought, “Oh God, this makes me look huge! This is awesome, the hem is riding up from my belly!”

She went downstairs, “Mom I’m leaving for work, see you tonight, Love you!” “My dearest, make sure you have plenty to eat today.” “Don’t worry Mom, I will.” Katie closed the back door and got into her car. She giggled having to move the seat back to accommodate her expanded belly.

She drove downtown to her company’s office building. On the way she passed a Dunkin’ Donuts shop. She never stopped, knowing her mom would give her grief for eating donuts, but this morning Katie couldn’t resist. She pulled through the drive up and ordered a coffee with cream and sugar, plus six jelly donuts. She paid and the clerk handed her order, chuckling, “I gave you an extra donut since you’re eating for two.” Katie giggled, “Thank you!” Thinking to herself, “This is so awesome I look pregnant!”

She pulled into a parking space at the building and took the elevator to her company’s floor. She was thinking, “I hope my friends don’t freak at how big I am.” She greeted the receptionist and went back to where her desk was with the other interns. She was the last one there, but not late, it was still before eight o’clock. Everyone said Hi, no one made a comment about how big Katie’s belly was. She plopped herself in her chair and started in on her donuts and coffee. She finished, but needed to use the restroom. She hefted herself up, bumping her desk, her belly stuck out even further, now holding seven donuts and a large coffee. Katie carefully headed to the restroom, exchanging greeting with co-workers and she proceeded.

She went it and again, nearly shrieked with delight when she saw her reflection in the mirrors. Her belly was even bigger than when she left her house! Katie giggled, while arching her back, sticking out her belly as far as she could. She was startled when Francine came in the restroom. Francine had just returned from maternity leave. She had gained nearly one-hundred pounds, being on bed rest with a very indulgent husband. She was not making much of an effort to lose any weight either. She gasped, “Katie, how did you get such a big belly overnight?” Katie giggled, “I don’t know, I woke up this morning and my mom stuffed me like a turkey. She even had my sister’s maternity clothes ready for me to wear.” Francine gently poked Katie’s belly. “Katie, are you okay with getting so big?” Katie giggled, “Francine having a big huge belly is such a turn on for me, I Love it!” Francine patted her own belly, “Don’t I know it! You really look cute, all pregger looking, I have to admit.” “Thanks Francine.”

Katie took care of business and went back to her desk. She looked at her calendar. “Oh great a sale/marketing meeting in just fifteen minutes, god I hope Matt from sales will be there, he is so cute.”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 3 years
This photo was my avatar on my old DA account. I wanted to re-use it.