Cartoon belly

chapter 4

Katie slouched back in her chair. Her amazing orb of a belly was bulging out touching the table. “Matt” she giggled, “You better get be back to the office before I burst!” Matt came around in front of Katie and took her hands and leaned back and helped her heft herself up. Katie deliberately shoved her belly into Matt and sure enough she felt his involuntary shudder of desire. “Thank you Matt. I don’t think I would have been able to stand up without you.” Matt wrapped his arm around Katie to help her stagger/waddle back to the parking garage. He could feel Katie’s panties digging into her love handles, turning him on even more. Katie plopped into the passenger’s seat and Matt gently lifted her legs into his car, getting a nice panty shot in the process, causing Katie to giggle.

They drove back to the office and Matt helped Katie struggle up from the passenger’s seat. Katie pressed her huge belly up against Matt. “Oh, Matt, sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you. It’s just my belly is so big today! I get bigger with every bite of food I eat. I hope I’m not embarrassing you?” “Katie, not at all, you are one of the prettiest girls I have ever taken out!”

Matt and Katie walked to the elevator to go up to Katie’s floor. There were some other employees in the elevator, but they just smiled. Katie was running her hands over her belly, she just couldn’t get enough of feeling how huge and round she was. She also was amazed that only a few people even noticed how obviously bloated she. It seemed like only Matt and Francine even noticed how big and round Katie was becoming. Matt walked her to her cubicle and they shook hands (it is the first date!).

Katie lowered herself into her chair. She notice, not only was her belly sticking out so far as to touch her desk, but her bottom cheeks were spilling of the edge of the seat. She loved the feel of her belly and bottom. Katie did get some work done. Having gotten so bloated and round, she didn’t want to get up and try to move around, so she stayed at her desk and worked.

Katie looked up and it was already after five o’clock. She got up from her chair and notice her belly was smaller, but her bottom cheeks were larger. She arched her back to stretch out a bit, causing her dress to ride up on her belly exposing her panties briefly. She giggled and smoothed her dress, which was barely keeping her modesty.

Katie waddled to the rest room and managed to squeeze into a commode (just barely!). She almost got stuck trying to get the door past her belly! Katie washed up and was just about to leave, when Francine came in. “Oh Katie there you are! You look so pretty in that dress, it really becomes you, it’s so nice and short too!” Francine giggled. Katie to laughed, patting her round bottom and huge belly, “I know, Francine, I have grown so much today! It was wonderful I had so much to eat!” “I heard! “ Said Francine. “It is all over the Marketing dept. how much Matt likes you! You are so lucky, he really is a nice guy and I hear he really appreciates your figure,too!” Francine and Katie hugged (or tried to, anyway.).

Katie drove home marveling at the feel of her belly rubbing against the steering wheel. She pulled into her parents driveway and hefted herself out of her car and waddled inside.

She came in through the kitchen door. Her mom was in the kitchen fixing dinner. “Oh Katie dear, you’re home! You look so cute in your sister’s maternity dress with your nice round tummy. Are you hungry dear, I have dinner almost ready. I even think I have enough to fill you up too.” Katie giggled, “Mom I’m always hungry! Let me go change into some sweat pants and a t-shirt.”

Katie waddled up to her room. She loved the feel of her belly swaying back and forth with each step on the stairs, though she did enjoy coming downstairs better. She got into her room and peeled off her sister’s dress letting it fall to the floor. Katie almost shrieked when she saw her reflection in the mirror wearing only a bra and panties, her belly was enormous. It stuck out nearly two feet straight in front of her, it was wider than her hips, though those too had “grown” today. Katie stood in front of the mirror caressing her belly, getting turned on, when.

“Katie dear wake up, you’ll be late for work!” Katie sat up with a start. She had over slept a few minutes, but what a dream! She got up and hopped in the shower, lathering up her modest little belly and bottom cheeks. She dried off and pulled on a tight bikini panty and bra. She choose a short jumper style dress, that was a bit too short, thinking Matt from marketing will love this. She dressed and headed down stairs.

Her mom was in the kitchen, fixing Katie an omelet. “Mom, you fixed an omelet, wow, thanks, what a treat.” “Katie, your dad and I talked last night, I want to apologize for nagging you about your figure. If you are happy, than we are happy too!” “Oh mom, thanks I really appreciate that.”

Katie finished her breakfast feeling just a little full, but very happy. She kissed her Mom good bye and hopped in her car. She drove to the office and went up to her cube. She did a little work and then went to the rest room to “freshen up” before the marketing meeting this morning. While in the restroom she ran into her friend Francine. “Good morning Katie, oh that dress is so cute. I can’t guess who that is for.” Teased Francine. Katie giggled, “Do you think he will like it?” Francine laughed, “If he doesn’t then he is blind!” They both laughed.

Katie went down to the conference room early to get a choice seat. She sat down and waited. Matt came in and walked over to Katie, “Is this chair taken?”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 3 years
This photo was my avatar on my old DA account. I wanted to re-use it.