Her inner fat girl

chapter 3 - phase 3

Kristan had always been too scared to gain alone, worried about bearing the consequences of transforming into a fat girl after being skinny for so long alone. But with Joel by her side, she had some to appreciate every new pound of fat added to her growing figure - even the thought of his hands caressing every new roll, gently squeezing her tummy to see how much it had grown made her wetter and wetter. She was growing well enough living in her own dorm, but Joel wanted her under his supervisiom.
Joel, his mom being a college governor, was able to pull some strings and get Kristan to stay in his dorm, albeit with his 2 other roommates, none of which he particularly spent much time with or around, so he figured it would be fine
When he had first brought over Kristan and introduced her to them, they had been cordial enough to her face, but as she turned to move towards her room to unpack her things, they sneered at her, asking Joel why he'd ask such a fat cow to stay with them, which was a huge exaggeration in Joel's book, she was only around 10 pounds overweight then, she still had a long way to go before she became a true fat cow, udders and all. Ignoring their crass words grew harder with every pound Kristan gained, but she seemed to like it. Revel in it actually - she 'coincidentally' wore tank tops she had grown out of 10 pounds ago without a bra (what was the need, she reasoned to Joel, she grew out of them so fast and they were so expensive to replace) and shorts her ass hung out of, the waistband so tight around her middle a thickening layer of adipose bulged out, a very pretty growing muffin top. Joel's roommates, Raj and Mikael had very different opinions on Kristan's slutty behaviour, and both voiced their opinions frequently about it. Mikael came from a place of disgust, often calling out Kristan to her face (one especially memorable comment was 'I doubt anyone could tell the difference between a pig in a slop farm and your fat self'), and complaining to Joel about it every time he got a spare moment alone with him. Eventually, Mikael was so fed up he began to spend more and more time at his girlfriend's house, and less time at home, which Joel nor Kristan minded terribly.
Raj spoke to Joel out of a place of concern - he'd often ask Joel, 'You sure you're okay with your girl walking around like that?'. To Raj's joy, Joel would always simply shrug his shoulders and confess, 'She looks hot like that'.Raj sometimes wished he could say the same back to him, but wasn't sure how Joel would feel about that.
Raj had always had a thing for larger girls unabashedly, but since moving to college, he tried to tone that part of himself down more, and hadn't actively pursed any. However, Kristan's arrival had truly thrown a spanner in the works - her swollen form shuffling through the corridors, bloated belly clearly protruding through her tank top, her soft bingo wings and best of all her huge,spherical breasts, resting on her round pot-belly, how squishy and soft they looked, drove him absolutely insane. He was absolutely sure Kristan had noticed too, and would accentuate the experience of her less-than-graceful form to really drive him wild. Raj felt guilty about feeling this way towards Joel's girlfriend, but hey, she was definitely not helping.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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