A time to broaden

chapter 3

Doctor Faber, looked at me. “Well Matt shall we get started?” “Yes Doctor, I have a question though. You said I could carry substantially more weight. How much is substantially more?”

“Matt, given you frame, muscle development and the way you are carrying your recent weight gain, I would say you could gain over a hundred pounds, and still be mobile and not have any serious health issues.” Replied Dr. Faber.

Carol piped in, “Oh Matt, see dear, you can literally have your cake and eat it too. You can indulge and really enjoy yourself.” “I don’t know, Honey if I want to get that fat, I will be huge if I gain over a hundred pounds!”

Carol started crying. “Matt honey, I really, really want you to gain weight for me, please baby, I have never felt more in love with you or turned on, since you gained weight. I know is sounds so selfish, but your body is driving me wild, I can imagine you with a hundred more pounds!’ cried Carol.

“Oh baby, you mean you like the way I look all chubby and fat, I will be huge!” I asked. Carol, wailed, “Yes Honey a thousand times YES! You look so hot with your fat tummy and round bottom, I can hardly keep my hands off of you!”

Doctor Faber ran a few tests, did some blood work. “Matt, let’s schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning, make sure you come as full as you can, I want to do a ultra-sound of your stomach. Then we can get started on your eating schedule and diet.”

I got dressed, made an appointment with the cute little plumper at the front desk. Carol insisted that we stop at “DQ” for a treat for me. Of course she got the biggest sundae they make and gleefully watched me stuff myself with it.

As we pulled into our driveway, I had just finished the sundae, bloating up my belly again. Carol said that Ned and Sally had invited us over for supper that night.

“Well Honey that sounds great, but what am I going to wear, you have fattened me up so much that nothing fits me anymore.” I kidded her.

Carol giggled, “It is a pool party and supper tonight. I bought you a new swimsuit, so no need to worry about covering up your luscious body!” She got out a size forty-two “Speedo”, black no less. “Well Carol, there will not much left to the imagination wearing this!” I chuckled.

We arrived at Ned and Sally’s around six. I felt a little self conscious in the tight bikini swimsuit. It felt to me like I had “panty lines” showing through my sweat pants. Carol just giggled and patted my bubble butt.

Sally answered the door, she looked pretty much the same to me as the last time I saw her, over a year ago. “Ned is out by the pool, guys, head on out through the kitchen.”
Directed Sally.

I walked out and was stunned by the sight of my once athletic friend. Ned was huge, he was dressed in a brief cut black nylon swimsuit, it was shiny it so tight on him. His belly pushed his legs apart, his rear end overflowed the chair and his thighs were as big around as my waist!

Carol nearly swooned over him! Sally spoke up, “Carol, let me show you my kitchen set up, you mentioned that you had an appointment with Dr. Faber today, you might want to see how I keep Ned so well fed!”

I sat down next to Ned. “Hey Matt it is good to see you! You are looking good, though still pretty skinny!” “Ned, Hey you are looking good, a bit bigger than the last time I saw you!” I stammered, not knowing what to say.

Ned laughed and patted his massive belly, making it jiggle. “Matt, first let me tell you my weight is no accident, Sally and I decided that we wanted me to become obese. I was unhappy, struggling to stay in shape and it was driving both of us crazy! A co-worker who’s spouse had become obese said that they were never happier, that health was not an issue, with the right doctor, you could weigh as much as you wanted. So we made an appointment with Dr. Faber and this is the rest.” Said Ned, again patting his massive belly.

“Matt, Sally told me about how Carol wants you to get fat, go for it! Trust me you will never be happier. There is nothing more erotic than gaining weight for sexual pleasure and arousal of yourself and your spouse. Believe me when I tell you that me getting this fat has been like heaven for both Sally and I. The sex is fantastic and the eating! Oh my god, the eating is beyond belief!

“Ned, but what about your health, what about cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes?” I asked.

“Matt, Dr. Faber checks me out twice a month. My blood pressure is great, cholesterol is only 150, my blood sugar is prefect and I weigh over three hundred pounds!” replied Ned.

“Matt, how much did Dr. Faber say you could safely gain?” asked Ned. “Over a hundred pounds!” I replied.

I started thinking, “Dam Matt this could be a dream come true! You love to eat, and let’s face it big guy these new under pants have been quite a turn on and Carol can’t keep her hands off of me! Ned looks huge, but I have never seen him happier, plus I least I will have one friend that is a fat as I am. Why Not!”
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
Fanedfox 3 years
I just wish this scenario would happen to me!!