Beauty and the baker

chapter 5

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Maya’s eyes snapped open and was met with the sight of a ceiling. She was in a bed, though she couldn’t say it was her own. The sheets were far too soft and nice for them to be hers. So...Where was she, exactly?

She glanced down and noted an arm draped across her midsection. It was a tubby looking arm, with small freckles dotted up and down it. Maya’s gaze traced it up to the owner of the arm, Rose.

Rose was fast asleep still with her face pressed into the pillow, letting out the occassional snore. Maya let out a quiet groan as she reached up to rub at her eyes, trying to recall last night’s events.

They had ordered dessert to go, it being a...Uh...What was it? A brownie-topia? Obsession? The restaurant had given it a weird name, though it was basically a mountain of rich brownies with hot fudge, ice cream and chocolate & caramel sauce. Yes, that's right...Because Maya felt ill just looking at it but Rose seemed more than eager to tuck in.

She had to wait, though. Because they had to drive back to her apartment, which is probably where she was right now. Rose was trying to nibble away at it the entire ride and she had to lightly tell her off for it, the only thing that did make her stop was the promise she’d feed it to her herself.

...Which is what led them to Rose’s sofa, with Maya on top of her, straddling her, pushing brownie after brownie past her lips whilst she moaned…

Yeah, it seemed she remembered quite well now.

Rose let out a soft sigh and she started to stir next to her, her eyelids flickering open. She seemed just as confused as Maya had been, though after her initial reaction a smile formed on her face.

“Good morning,” She mumbled against the pillow, “Are you alright?”

Maya couldn’t help but smile in response, “I should be asking you that. You ate a looooot of food last night.”

As always, Rose let out a giggle as she began to sit up, arm now loosening from Maya’s waist so that she could stretch. “Mmmm...Honey, that was just a normal meal out for me.” She teased.

“Really?” Maya would say she couldn’t quite believe that, but she /did/ eat an entire party’s worth of cakes in one evening. Still, if that was just normal...What would be her pushing herself?

Rose opened her mouth to speak, yet was cut off by her stomach letting out a low rumble. She pushed down the duvet cover and revealed her belly in all of its soft glory. It was just big enough that it rested on her thighs.
“Oh, hush you.” She tutted while giving it a light pat. Her fat rippled on the impact, jiggling one side of it. It was mesmerising to watch.

She started to get up, yet Maya was quick to object, “Ah, ah, ah. I got this.”

Rose seemed a little confused, yet intrigued as she watched Maya stand to her feet, “Oh? You’re a cook as well as a baker, are you?”

“They come hand in hand,” Maya shrugged in response. She didn’t know whether that was actually true or not, but she wouldn’t say she was necessarily a bad cook.

It was also a good opportunity for her to snoop around in Rose’s cupboards, see what kinds of foods and tastes and she liked for future reference. She seemed to have a dedicated snack cupboard, unsurprisingly. There was a small stack of Oreo sleeves, chocolate chip cookies, though there were also packets of crisps and breadsticks to balance it out.

After rummaging around, Maya settled on making a makeshift fry up breakfast. It wasn’t anything too fancy, though that just meant she had to go a bit overboard with the portions. She dumped the entire packet of bacon into the pan and it erupted with loud sizzling while she focused on cracking open some eggs.

By the time she rejoined Rose in her bedroom, she seemed to have fully woken up and put on the same pyjama t-shirt she had on the last time Maya was there. It seemed to be even smaller this time, though. It didn’t quite go fully over her stomach, with at least an inch of it poking out underneath.

She let out an, ‘oooh’ as Maya placed the lap tray down on the duvet. On a large plate she had laid out a small pyramid of bacon, three fried eggs, five sausages with a couple of hash browns on the side.

“I hope that’s not too much?” Maya asked as she settled down beside her, a little worried she may be overstepping.

Yet Rose was already tucking in, slipping three strips of bacon past her lips at once, “Mrph...Nothin’ is ev’r too much…”

The room fell silent while she ate, and Maya wasn’t too sure on what to do. Was it rude to just sit and stare? Was it rude to do nothing but look at her phone the entire time? Last night was mostly lust driven, like they were drunk on adrenaline. Now it was a lot more relaxed and she wasn’t sure what was okay and what wasn’t. Instead, she seemed to just be shifting awkwardly on the spot, occasionally glancing over at her.

Rose seemed to catch on as she stopped eating for the moment, raising a brow at her, “Do you mind if I made an observation?” She asked.

Maya panicked a little, “Uh--”

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad.” She assured her. “...Is this your first time ever doing something like this?”

“It’s that obvious?” A wave of embarrassment washed over Maya. Sure, she’d fantasie a /lot/ about this type of stuff and even occasionally went on forums to talk about it, yet she’d never actually had any hands on experience. She was surprised she’d made it this far with Rose, if she were honest.

Rose let out a soft giggle as she gestured for her to come over, “Come here, you don’t have to be shy.”

Like glue, Maya was immediately snuggled against her side, feeling the warmth already radiating off of the side of her belly. She glanced up at Rose as if asking ‘what next?’ and in turn Rose guided one of her hands to the front of her gut, making small circular motions.

“Just keep doing that,” she instructed. “You can pinch a bit if you’d like, too. Just be careful; I’m still full from last night.”

Maya nodded as she focused on rubbing her soft belly, in awe of how it felt to the touch. It was like kneading warm dough, really.

Once it seemed as though she was in a rhythm, Rose continued with her breakfast. Occasionally her belly let out quiet gurgles from the amount of grease being added to it and it was like music to Maya’s ears.

Soon enough, the plate was void of any remains and Rose was sucking her fingers clean of excess grease, full and satisfied. “Mmm...That was perfect, thank you.” She hummed.
Her belly was definitely more swollen again now, as another inch was now exposed underneath the t-shirt material. “How’re you doing down there?”

Maya had since shuffled down so that her ear was against her stomach, listening to any sounds that it made. “Huh?” She glanced up, “Oh--I’m just--”

“Experiencing everything for the first time?”, Rose placed her clean hand on top of Maya’s head and began brushing her hair with her fingers. “Well, I’m honoured to be your first.”
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Elflaco 3 years
It was a great story with a very sstisfying ending it all felt quite natural
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
My Gawd! This is a great story. The ending is quite satisfying although I won’t lie: I look forward to your next story!! Thank you for such a good read.
JustARat 3 years
AAA i love them 👀👀 as always the new chapters were amazing! So sweet and well written, i get excited everytime i see an update!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
What a sweet, sweet story!
Juicy 3 years
Thanks, Rachel, that's great news!
RachelWrites 3 years
@juicy Yes! I have a few more chapter ideas lined up which'll hopefully end this story nicely 😊.
Juicy 3 years
I'm still loving this story--genuinely excellent! Is it safe to assume there's more coming?
Jonahwales12 3 years
Simply: superb in all areas.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Take your time, and enjoy your tech free vacation. This tale is fantastic, and your storytelling skills superb.
Fanedfox 3 years
I liked it. Well written and I liked both of your characters. I usually write straight stories, but I have written a couple gay stories too. “Would You” is about two young women fattening each other. The others are a series of stories of two high scho
JJWILD69J 3 years
a very sweet yet playfully arousing story. very easy to picture
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
This is about as good as it gets when writing a story like this. You kept me reading. And relishing every word.
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Amazingly written with great pacing, not too slow that it would take forever but also not too rushed that it happened all in a chapter. Waiting to see Rose's reaction to Maya's provocation
Juicy 3 years
This is really developing beautifully--it's slow and gentle, but definitely very arousing, too. Congrats, and I cannot wait for more!
JustARat 3 years
Hehe rose is the cutest! Great descriptions for everything, very lovely! :]
JustARat 3 years
Aww adorable! Can't wait for more :]