Beauty and the baker

chapter 6

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After their first date, Maya and Rose went on a second, then a third, then a fourth…

The two of them were beginning to grow a blossoming romance, but that wasn’t the only thing that was.

Rose had definitely been gaining weight since Maya had become involved. It hadn’t even been intentional either. At least...Not to begin with. Whenever she’d come and pick Rose up for a date, she typically brought something along from the bakery too. If she’d slept over, she’d be making breakfast in the morning.

It was safe to say that Rose was teetering on the fine line between ‘chubby’ and ‘fat’. After just one month, a lot of her clothes wouldn’t even pretend like they fit her anymore.
Of course, Maya was very well aware of this development. Of all the new fat she could squeeze and pinch, the amount of clothes that had either been discarded or put in a pile to be donated, and the fact that /she/ was aiding in all of this was...A little overwhelming to think about. The only thing she knew for sure was that she wanted more of it, and thus her feeding became a lot more intentional as a result.

She’d definitely adjusted into the ‘feeder’ role of sorts after a little guidance from Rose in the beginning and was taking it very seriously too in fact. So much so that one morning, Rose was awakened to a pair of scales and a tape measure.

“...What’s this?” Rose asked, still feeling groggy from last night’s festivities. Her pyjama top was bunched up underneath her breasts and squeezed her frame, while the waistband of the pants were swallowed up by her overhang that had since formed on her belly.

“You’re supposed to be the expert, here.” Maya teased, unraveling the tape measure in her hand, “Do you remember how much you weighed when you moved in?”

Rose shrugged in response as she plodded onto the scales, “I don’t know...190? 200? I doubt it’d be much more than tha…”

She trailed off as the numbers skyrocketed from 0, surpassing 200 easily. Maya was staring just as intently, chewing her bottom lip as it continued to climb from 210...220...230…

It stopped at a total of 244 pounds and Rose’s mouth hung open in shock. She was in a daze of confusion, awe and pure arousal.

“I--I--” She tried to stammer out, stepping off them before climbing back on. The scales weren’t wrong. “...Holy shit…” She finally managed to breathe out.

Maya was just as surprised as her eyes were wide, unable to rip them away from the display numbers, “Yeah...Holy shit.”

“Measure my waist.” Rose said almost in a demanding tone, seemingly curious as to how those numbers had changed too.

The tape measure was wrapped around her back and met by her belly button and Maya struggled to keep both sides together, “Uh--Thirty...Thirty eight.”

“Wow…” Rose breathed out, “I think I need to sit down.”

Maya nodded and let the tape drop from around her so that Rose could do just that. With a loud huff, she collapsed onto her living room sofa and into a deep thought.

In the meantime Maya got her a glass of water in case she needed it, placing it down on the coffee table in front of her. “What are you thinking?” She asked hesitantly, worried she may have gone too far too quickly. They had never actually had the discussion of any weight goals or even fully acknowledged the fact that she was making Rose fatter.

“That I need a new set of clothes,” Rose joked, yet her laughter was laced with jitters. “...I’m not sure. I’ve never been this heavy before.”

Maya took a seat beside her, a hand instinctively resting on Rose’s belly, “Well...Do you like it?”

Rose nodded.

“Do you want /more/ of it?”

Rose took a moment, but nodded again.

“Then that’s all that needs to be said.”

She went to kiss Rose on the cheek, but she beat her to it by dragging her into a more passionate one. It didn’t take long for Maya to end up on her lap, squashed against her soft skin.

When they broke the kiss for a breath, Rose was panting heavily. Clearly, the combination of new weight and little physical activity was taking some action into her fitness and Maya had to admit it was rather cute to see her like this.

“Huff...Huf..I want--” Rose struggled, “I want you...Huff...Make me fatter…”

Maya let out a low chuckle in response, “With pleasure.”

(Just as a head’s up, I’m going to be computer and wifi free for at least a week. I’m still going to try and keep this story updated as honestly I’m invested, though it might take a little longer for chapters to come out and the formatting might be weird since I’ll be typing it on my phone. Thank you for reading up to here so far and I appreciate the kind words!)
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Elflaco 3 years
It was a great story with a very sstisfying ending it all felt quite natural
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
My Gawd! This is a great story. The ending is quite satisfying although I won’t lie: I look forward to your next story!! Thank you for such a good read.
JustARat 3 years
AAA i love them 👀👀 as always the new chapters were amazing! So sweet and well written, i get excited everytime i see an update!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
What a sweet, sweet story!
Juicy 3 years
Thanks, Rachel, that's great news!
RachelWrites 3 years
@juicy Yes! I have a few more chapter ideas lined up which'll hopefully end this story nicely 😊.
Juicy 3 years
I'm still loving this story--genuinely excellent! Is it safe to assume there's more coming?
Jonahwales12 3 years
Simply: superb in all areas.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Take your time, and enjoy your tech free vacation. This tale is fantastic, and your storytelling skills superb.
Fanedfox 3 years
I liked it. Well written and I liked both of your characters. I usually write straight stories, but I have written a couple gay stories too. “Would You” is about two young women fattening each other. The others are a series of stories of two high scho
JJWILD69J 3 years
a very sweet yet playfully arousing story. very easy to picture
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
This is about as good as it gets when writing a story like this. You kept me reading. And relishing every word.
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Amazingly written with great pacing, not too slow that it would take forever but also not too rushed that it happened all in a chapter. Waiting to see Rose's reaction to Maya's provocation
Juicy 3 years
This is really developing beautifully--it's slow and gentle, but definitely very arousing, too. Congrats, and I cannot wait for more!
JustARat 3 years
Hehe rose is the cutest! Great descriptions for everything, very lovely! :]
JustARat 3 years
Aww adorable! Can't wait for more :]