Beauty and the baker

chapter 7

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“Shouldn’t you be working?”

“Shouldn’t /you/?”

Maya pinched the bridge of her noise as Rose’s crackly laughter erupted on the other end of the line.
While she couldn’t quite make it out, it also sounded as though a spoon was clanking against a bowl.

“I assume you’re taking your self assigned lunch break. Which one is this, third lunch?” She teased.

Rose currently had her ‘office’ set up in her living room; Her laptop and notepads were sprawled over the coffee table, her duvet sprawled over her lap and assorted snack packets both open and unopened covered whatever parts of the sofa her expanding waistline didn’t.

“Mmm...Y’know what?—I’ve lost count.” Rose replied, her speech impaired by the spoon currently shoved into her mouth.

It’s not as if Rose ever needed a helping hand in being greedy, but more so lately she’d become quite the hungry pig. It could be in part due to the fact she was edging closer towards 300 pounds now thanks to a consistent stream of Maya’s baked goods and takeaways. But the fact the most exercise she did on a daily basis was watch to the fridge and back hardly helped.

Maya couldn’t help but laugh at just how greedy she was, “What is it this time?”

“Mrph...Just made s’me pasta.” Knowing her portions (which were somehow even larger than Maya’s) she’d probably cooked enough to feed an entire family. “It’s not that great, though...I prefer it when you do it. You make pasta all fancy with /garlic/ and /basil/!” She whined.

Maya let out a hum in response, “I know, babe. If you’re up for it, I can always make you some once I’m done here?”

The childish ‘pleaaaase’ was enough for Maya to decide to close early for the night. More often than not nowadays she’d finish work and head straight to Rose’s apartment. It’d gotten to a point now where she may as well live with her, as she now even had a dedicated clothes drawer in her bedroom and a key to the front door.

Once Maya had let herself in, a wide grin spread across her face as the picturesque scene was laid out before her. Rose was now sprawled out on her sofa, her belly raised high in the air from the day’s usual gorging of food. She had chocolate stains on her cheeks and crumbs decorating her chest while her gut was trying to burst out from her jeans. As she saw Maya walk in, she attempted to sit upright yet her belly simply weighed her down.

“Come here, I got you.” Maya waltzed over and grabbed her girlfriend’s tubby hands with her own, straining to pull her up into a sitting position. It was beginning to get more and more difficult each time, yet they both loved it just as much as each other.

Rose groaned as the change of position shifted the contents of her stomach, making it growl unhappily. “Ughn...This is what I get for trying to move.” She complained. “I think I should just stay lying down next time.”

“Maybe someday you won’t have to.” Maya was quick to grab a hold of her gut now that she could, giving it light squeezes and feeling just how much softer it’d become. “...You’re getting so big, Rosie.”

There was now a permanent double chin underneath Rose’s jaw that was large enough that one could pinch it between their fingers. Her forearms were full on bingo wings that jiggled at even the smallest arm movement while her legs were starting to look rather thick too. Of course, that all paled to the fact that her belly now sunk between her thighs and forced them apart whenever she sat down. It was one large dome of soft flesh that was baby smooth to the touch and it was hard for Maya not to play with at every given opportunity.
Right now though, it was stuffed into her jeans with a considerable muffin top hanging over to the point the button could hardly be seen anymore.

Rose breathed out slowly, “I know...I still can’t believe it sometimes.” She turned her head to plant a kiss on Maya’s cheek, “I love it.”

“Good.” Maya traced the deep angry red mark currently being left by her jeans, “Because until you give the word, I’m going to keep making you grow...” She began to lean in. “And grow.” Her lips brushed against her earlobe. “And grow.”

A shiver ran down Rose’s spine as Maya was now nibbling on her earlobe with a playful growl. “A-Ah—Baby...That’s all well and good but...I’m not going to get any bigger by just sitting here.” As if on cue, a low rumble emanated from her stomach.

Maya pouted as she pulled away, “Alright, alright...”

“There’ll be plenty of times to cuddle after, I promise!” Rose called out as Maya headed towards the kitchen.

She fixed up a large serving of more pasta, only unlike Rose’s probable poor attempt it featured garlic, basil, mixed herbs, homemade tomato sauce, meatballs and finally melted cheese decorating the top of it all.

Rose practically wolfed it down, uncaring for anything getting down her or on her for that matter. It was a great difference from her trying to keep neat and tidy; She was fully letting herself go. As she was coming to the end of her meal for four, Rose had tipped the bowl into her mouth as if she were eating the remains of soup. Maya was stood ready and waiting with a litre bottle of lemonade that she could swap out with the empty bowl.

One thing they discovered was that Rose was strangely good at chugging fizzy drinks of any variety without issue. It was great to make her feel bloated after a meal and left her satisfied...At least for a few hours.

A monstrous belch bounced off the apartment’s walls followed by the empty plastic bottle hitting the floor. The neighbours must think they were living next to a pigsty rather than a professional designer.

Somewhere along the line Rose’s jeans gave up and her belly now sat loud and proud on her lap. It had an element of firmness to it, yet nowadays there was always a good enough amount of fat that it was never truly solid anymore.

“Satisfied now, piggy?” Maya re-joined her on the sofa, climbing onto her lap in order to tend to her swollen gut.

Rose nodded slowly, being too full to use that much brain power. She simply enjoyed Maya’s rough hands against her own delicate skin and the way they kneaded her fat like dough.
A few more belches rose out the back of her throat as a result to the tummy attention, though after a while it seemed to settle.

Now that her work was done, Maya sprawled out on top of her lover and embraced the warmth radiating off of her. “...Did you ever think something like this would have happened when you moved here?”

Rose giggled, a hand idly brushing through Maya’s hair. “What, do you mean did I expect to meet an extremely cute baker on my first night and end up being almost a hundred pounds heavier as a result? I think if I had that level of prediction, I should start buying lottery tickets.”

“Okay, okay. Fair point.” Maya smiled against the fabric of Rose’s t-shirt. In hindsight, she also never would have predicted something like this would ever happen.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Elflaco 3 years
It was a great story with a very sstisfying ending it all felt quite natural
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
My Gawd! This is a great story. The ending is quite satisfying although I won’t lie: I look forward to your next story!! Thank you for such a good read.
JustARat 3 years
AAA i love them 👀👀 as always the new chapters were amazing! So sweet and well written, i get excited everytime i see an update!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
What a sweet, sweet story!
Juicy 3 years
Thanks, Rachel, that's great news!
RachelWrites 3 years
@juicy Yes! I have a few more chapter ideas lined up which'll hopefully end this story nicely 😊.
Juicy 3 years
I'm still loving this story--genuinely excellent! Is it safe to assume there's more coming?
Jonahwales12 3 years
Simply: superb in all areas.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Take your time, and enjoy your tech free vacation. This tale is fantastic, and your storytelling skills superb.
Fanedfox 3 years
I liked it. Well written and I liked both of your characters. I usually write straight stories, but I have written a couple gay stories too. “Would You” is about two young women fattening each other. The others are a series of stories of two high scho
JJWILD69J 3 years
a very sweet yet playfully arousing story. very easy to picture
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
This is about as good as it gets when writing a story like this. You kept me reading. And relishing every word.
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Amazingly written with great pacing, not too slow that it would take forever but also not too rushed that it happened all in a chapter. Waiting to see Rose's reaction to Maya's provocation
Juicy 3 years
This is really developing beautifully--it's slow and gentle, but definitely very arousing, too. Congrats, and I cannot wait for more!
JustARat 3 years
Hehe rose is the cutest! Great descriptions for everything, very lovely! :]
JustARat 3 years
Aww adorable! Can't wait for more :]