How big i got

chapter 3

After desert, most of us retired to our rooms to clean and relieve ourselves. I couldn’t believe how I looked in the mirror. My belly was bulging out over the waistband of my swimsuit to the point that my t-shirt was being lifted up by the bulge. I went back out to pool area, most of girls had headed there to escape the heat. I notice the huge lunch had a similar effect on them also. Cindy noticed my belly right away and complemented me on my appearance. The other’s nodded in agreement. She said, “Mr. Fox, I hope you won’t be inhibited by society, but continue to enjoy Hilda’s wonderful cooking”. I patted my belly, while trying not to stare at her’s and said “ I think I’m going to like working here.” They all giggled agreement.

My work did not take long, I would check in with Hilda, who also lived at the house. Then back to the office to pay bills, arrange for any repairs or service. I also interviewed the girls daily to see if there were any side affects from the vitamins. A nurse would come in every other day to measure and weigh the girls, something I would not have minded being added to my duties.

I was done my around 10:30AM. The rest of the day I spent by the pool. It was not long before the sedentary lifestyle, coupled with Hilda’s huge meals and the girls encouragement began to manifest itself around my waist. I was getting quite a belly. I had never really been thin, but I did like to wear brief style underwear and of course the “Speedo” style brief swimsuits. I had arrived at the home weighing about 190# at 5’11”, not fat, but well fed. I gained thirty pounds during the first three weeks as director. I had a large round paunch, that lifted up all the t-shirts and ballooned over the waistband of my swimsuits and underwear. I simply could not control my appetite or eating. I was so turned on by the girls, with their huge bellies and bikini’s that I had no other outlet, but to EAT!

They loved it, they constantly complemented me on my growing appearance. They all felt a bond with me now that I had a large belly too. When new girls would arrive, I would greet them and show them to their new rooms. Most would stare at my appearance. I was poked in the belly more than once and asked is that all you? The dress code was very, very casual at the home, the girls had to have a robe on or a swimsuit if they left their rooms, that was the only requirement. I usually wore sweats to greet new girls or Mrs. Williams and my now legendary “Speedos” the rest of the time. Only Hilda, who worked in the kitchen, was fully dressed all day.

During the next few weeks both the girls and I continued to get bigger. When their due dates got close the girls were transferred to a private obstetric hospital for the impending births. The new girls continued to grow, the vitamins and all the food they could eat made them huge. I had to help them in and out the pool, in and out of chaise lounges and sometimes back to their rooms after a particularly large meal.

This was also having quite an effect on me. I had gained another twenty pounds. My waist which had been around 36” when I took the job had swelled to nearly 48”. I had not bought any new swimsuits or underwear and I was being teased about my “panty lines”. Mrs. Williams was also concerned about my weight. She was very pleased with how the home was running. She said that I have been the best director that they have had. The girls were very complementary also.
But she worried that if I continued to gain weight that I might become to fat to perform the more physical aspects of my job.

I had to agree with her. I was becoming afraid that if I continued in this position that I would become obese. Hilda had also gained weight since I arrived, but she said “I never have worried about my weight or appearance and I not about to start now.”

Two weeks later a solution presented itself. I waddled in to answer the phone, it was Mrs. Williams, she told me that she had been promoted to VP of the company. I said she had recommended me to replace her as coordinator of the prenatal vitamin program. I would not even have to interview for the job, since her recommendation was so strong to her boss.

I ambivalent about the offer, I wanted a change, before I became obese. But I loved working with and being around the girls. She said that I would have to hire a new director, but that I would be visiting this home as well as the two others they had. I took the job. The girls were upset, but understood, several of them poking my now huge belly to see it jiggle.

I hired a cute young nurse to be the new director. Sally was pert and petite, despite being tiny the girls really liked her. I started my new job at the offices of the drug company. I was shocked to have to buy a couple of new suits at a big and tall shop. My belly was nearly fifty inches around after the huge goodby party the girls and Hilda threw me.

I visited the home two weeks later on my regular inspection. I noticed Sally had the start of a nice little belly hanging over her bikini when greeted her by the pool. She noticed my glance at her once trim waist. She said, “Now Mr. Fox, I realize why you were so reluctant to leave here” and patted her little belly.
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Fanedfox 3 years
This is one of the first stories I wrote. I hope you enjoy it.