Making of a chubby hubby

chapter 4

Most of the women came up and said how good “marriage” looked on me. The older ladies gave me knowing smiles, glancing at my expanded belly. Several of the heavier guys just nodded to me and smiled.
Even my boss was very encouraging, telling me how great I looked.

I went to the lunch room with what felt like a huge sack lunch. I was right! Meg had packed me a feast. I was soon joined by several of the heavier guys, with whom, I was now among. They too had massive lunches packed by loving wives or significant “others”.

I gleefully dug into my feast. Meg had made five peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which felt like they weighed a pound each, five hard boiled eggs, a large bag of chips, a dozen peanut buttered Ritz crackers, a whole packet of graham crackers, a whole sleeve of cookies and a quart of whole milk. I made short work of it, impressing my new lunch mates with my capacity.

That afternoon I gave the candy machine a good work out. With several approving glances from my older female co-workers who seemed very pleased with my greatly increased appetite and my new girth.

Meg had a massive meal waiting for me when I got home. She had tears in her eyes when I told her how great my first day back with my “new figure”.

The week passed quickly, Meg made me huge lunches every day, and even gave me provisions for my desk to cut down on trips to the candy machine. Every night she seemed to try and make a bigger and richer dinner than the night before, much to the delight of my rapidly increasing appetite.

By Friday evening, my new trousers purchased just the previous weekend were beginning to feel a little tight in the waist band and the seat! I new I was getting fatter by the day, but I did not realize how fat.

Meg sent me to our room to change into something “more comfortable” while she put the finishing touches on another massive feast of a dinner. I stripped off my clothes and waddled into the bathroom and stepped onto the scale, the numbers spun to 245 lbs. I chuckled to myself patting my belly, that I had gained over 15 lbs. in one week! After admiring my girth in the mirror for a couple of minutes, pulled on a pair of tight sweats and waddled out to the kitchen for dinner.

Meg giggled with glee when I told her I had gained 15 lbs this week. She served me plate after plate of rich alfredo sauce and pasta, which I dutifully ate. After eating nearly a whole cheese cake myself, I sat back in my chair rubbing my distended belly. I burped, “Oh babe that was great, I am so stuffed, I feel great, this has been a super week!”

Meg came over and helped me up from the table and led me over to the couch. She poured me a big glass of wine and started to massage my distended belly. “Whoa babe, that feels fantastic.” I burped again, “Excuse me dear, I am for being such a pig tonight!” Meg pulled off my straining sweat pants, leaving me just in a bikini and a too tight t-shirt. I was just about helpless, a little drunk, my belly distended with rich food, and now nearly naked.

Meg started crying. “What’s the matter babe? did I say or do something to hurt you? Am I grossing you out by getting so fat?” Meg sobbed, “Oh Matt NO! It’s not you at all, you are the best husband in the world, I can’t believe what I am doing to you and you are worried about upsetting me. Oh Matt you are so wonderful, I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you as my husband!” she wailed.

I was stunned, I thought I was being so selfish by getting so fat and making a pig of myself the instant I was “off the market”. I thought she did not mind my getting fat, she even fed me a couple of times, but now she seems so upset. “Have I gotten that big?” I thought.

“Honey, I am grossing you out, I will lose weight and get back into shape, I am so sorry I took advantage and gaining so much weight so fast. You must think I am an incredible pig!” I soothed.
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Snarry0901 2 years