A fattening encounter

chapter 6

When Marvin returned home, he found that the loyal Maria had followed his instructions to the letter. Sally was asleep by the pool in a lounge chair. She was now so bloated that she could not get up without help. Her hands were lying on her magnificent tummy that now dominated her once lithe figure, she had a smile on her face as she dozed, digesting her fourth feeding of the day.

Marvin went upstairs to change. He had done a little shopping himself that day. He bought several pairs of black nylon brief style swimsuits for himself in progressively larger sizes, starting with a pair that were now one size smaller than his current waist size. He pulled on the tight brief and admired himself in the mirror. Patting his small nearly flat belly, he thought, “why should Sally have all the fun in the family, I enjoy eating too.” He headed downstairs for the rich sumptuous meal he had told Maria to prepare.

Marvin headed out to the pool. He had Maria bring out the dinner to the patio adjacent to their pool, where Sally was still asleep. Maria smiled as seeing how Marvin was dressed, she asked, “Is Senor planning to eat with La Senora tonight?” Until she asked that question, Marvin had not noticed that Maria’s belly was straining at her uniform buttons.
Marvin answered, “Yes, Maria, I am going to enjoy myself with La Senora.” Maria smiled, “Muy Bueno, Senor Marvin, La Senora does not like to eat alone,” she stated patting her own bloated belly for emphasis. They woke up Sally with the smells of all the wonderful food.

She looked up and saw Marvin in the small brief style swimsuit. Marvin caught her gaze and said, “ I thought I would join you, if you don’t mind, dear?” Sally just sighed, “Oh honey that would be so wonderful.”

Maria help set up the feast for them and left for home. Marvin and Sally almost literally dove into the massive meal. It was a huge casserole , with several pounds of meat, cheese and rich sauce. There were condiments of sour cream, more cheeses grated, chips and more sauces covered the table. They ate for nearly two and a half hours.

Sally’s belly now stuck up so far that she was nearly immobile. Her belly pushed her legs apart when she sat and she could not stop rubbing her massive globe of a belly. Marvin had stuffed himself pretty well considering there was no spell on him. Watching Sally eat was such a turn on for him that eating was the only outlet at the time.

Sally and Marvin marveled in each other’s bloated bellies. Marvin helped Sally to her feet, bumping her with his now bloated belly. Sally giggled in delight at the feel of Marvin’s distended belly pushing against her own massive orb. They waddled hand in hand to the bedroom for what would become their only exercise from now on.

Sally straddled Marvin’s manhood, her huge belly lying in his small, but growing paunch. Marvin cradled Sally massive tummy in his hands and shook it, marveling at the jiggle the new fat had already acquired. Sally giggled with glee at his touch on her round soft tummy. They made love for hours. Marvin got up and brought in a huge ten pound box of chocolates with they both greedily devoured.

The next morning found two bloated bellies lying in bed. They lay in bed for a couple of hours playing with each other’s expanding bodies. Their hunger finally got the better of them and Marvin helped Sally up, first to waddle to the bathroom and then down to the kitchen.

It was Maria’s day off, so Marvin fixed a lavish breakfast feast for the both of them. He got Sally settled into her favorite chair and then brought out a procession of wonderful foods to feed themselves with. They binged away the morning, eating and napping, reveling in their new lifestyle.

They showered, Marvin found a pair of sweats, which he pulled on over a black nylon brief. He had another pair of sweats that Sally managed to squeeze into. She was only 5’4’’ and with all the eating of the last few days, she was so round, plump Marvin could barely keep his hands off of her. He helped her waddled out to her SUV, which now was hard for her to get into. They needed to get Sally some clothes she could “eat her way into”. They got a flyer in the mail from a men’s and women’s “big and tall” shop. They could not get over the timing.

They drove to the address, Marvin helped his gorgeous wife out of the SUV into the store. Sally stopped for a moment, she asked, “Do you see that old VW micro-van?”
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