Grown up

Chapter 2 - 'have a seat'

Michaela stared at the small office chair. It was on wheels, nothing expensive; the arm rests were giving her concern. She furrowed her brow as she followed the tube from the neck of the chair up and around the coil to the funnel. At the mouthpiece, there was a small switch that allowed the liquid to flow through.

A popping of a bag of chips grabbed Michaela's attention. Mel ripped open a bag of Doritos and began daintily eating one at a time. For a second, she closed her eyes in euphoria and rubbed her thighs. She was bouncing her legs like a toddler, sending tsunamis through her cellulite.

Matt looked at Michaela. She was frozen in the middle of the dining room.

"Michaela," he said softly. His face had changed - the coy, sensual sound of his voice had changed. His eyes focused in genuine concern and kindness. "Are you okay? We don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable. I know it's a lot -"

Mel had stopped eating. Her red eyes found Michaela's and she sat forward, bunching her belly into her lap. Not a single drop of lust existed in her look as she said, "If it's too much, just say. Are you uncomfortable? We don't want to make you feel weird."

Michaela looked between the fattened couple. Matt's fat cheeks and junk food belly were bulbous in the soft Saturday night light. Mel's hair sent long shadows against the wall, occupying almost as much space as her fat ass did on the love seat. In a single instant, they had changed the climate of the room from sexual to nurturing. She felt safe.

Michaela found her voice. She cradled her tummy. "I do feel weird."

Matt stepped forward and put down the beers he held. Mel began to stand up.

"It feels weird that Mel gets the Doritos. I'm clearly the fattest bitch in this room, I feel like I should get first say about what I get to stuff myself with."

They both stopped. Matt was frozen.

"I want those chips first. But I want Mel to feed me them."

The room had changed. Something had filled Matt's gym shorts, and it wasn't his tubby backside.

Mel breathed a deep breath of relief. "Sit."

"I don't think I'll fit." Michaela said, rubbing her hips. She knew what she was doing.

"Prove it." Mel said, playfully. She was back on.

Michaela wiggled slowly down towards the office chair. She felt her thighs hit the arm rests. She pushed with all her might, but felt the hard industrial material stand strong against her fattened figure.

In a faux, naughty girl voice. "I'm too big."

Mel slowly approached Michaela. She held the Doritos bag up, and dropped three chips into Michaela's mouth.

"Beer me, Matt." He cracked one and handed it to her.

She gulped down beer and Doritos in rotation. She stood in the middle of the room, eating and drinking. She was the focus of the evening, and she felt it. Michaela finished the beer, crumpled the can and dropped it on the floor. She rubbed her belly with her chubby little fingers.

The bag was almost finished when Mel took a step closer. Her brown belly kissed Michaela's pale white dome. She felt their flesh squish together.

"You have something on your lips." Mel was staring at the Doritos dust all over Michaela's face. She leaned forward and gingerly kissed her lips and cheeks. "There, all gone."

Michaela grabbed Mel's face, feeling the beer in full effect now. She kissed her with passion and big fat GREEN LIGHT for the rest of the night. The two big beauties sank into each other's fluffy arms and made out. Mel's hands ran all over Michaela's overfed body, finally reaching over her round thighs and towards her groin...

Michaela stopped her hands. "I want to be full when you two fuck me."

They turned to Matt.

His face was dropped, his eyes unfocused, and standing at full attention. He was overcome with desire, but frozen in lust.

"Matt," Mel cooed. "I want to be as big as her."

"I want to be bigger." Michaela said, grabbing her ass.

"I want to be the biggest." Mel said, licking her lips.

Matt cleared his throat. "Tonight is for Michaela. Antony told us - "

"Why don't we see who's the bigger piggy?"

Michaela looked at Mel. "Eating contest?"

"Not yet." Matt said. His voice had dropped. Now he was in command.

"Michaela, on your knees. Mel, get the tube. And the shake."

Michaela slowly sank to the floor, now face to face with Matt's member. She breathed hot air towards it. He touched her hair softly and kindly. Michaela creeped her hands over his waistband, feeling has fat belly crest over her knuckles. As she revealed his long lower half, she ran her tongue along the side of it, feeling it twitch in appreciation.

"I'm hungry." Michaela said. "Hurry up."

She took him in her mouth gently and slowly, sucking softly and sloppily. His shorts were cast aside. She heard him breathing heavy and leaning against the wall for support.

"Put something else in my mouth, big boy."

He stammered into the kitchen. "Mel, bring both shakes." He looked down at her. "They're both for you. I hope you're ready."

Mel came around the corner and saw the scene. She held two huge blender jugs in her hands. Matt kept his member balanced on Michaela's tongue while he reached over and grabbed the feeding tube.

Michaela opened her mouth, and felt the plastic replace his flesh. His stretch marked stomach protruded so far out, reaching toward her forehead. She watched his wide, fat yet muscular arms grip the base of the funnel and the centre of the coil.

"Pour it."

Mel had a deep look in her eye as she emptied the first jug's contents into the basin. It gurgled and bubbled with thickness as it ran down the tube. Michaela sucked with tipsy desire as the melted ice cream crested the back of her throat and slid into her stomach.

Mel read Michaela's mind. "Two pints of ice cream. Cup of heavy cream. Protein powder. Peanut butter. Meal supplement. Rum."

Michaela finished it and gasped for air. She felt so full. Mel moaned, "The other one is for me -"

"No," Matt interjected. "Not anymore."

He grabbed the jug and knelt down in front of Michaela, his belly hanging between his thighs. "Open up." He passed her the jug.

She wiped her mouth, and like a greedy child, grabbed the jug with two fat hands and tilted it back. She slowly sipped and poured. It took minutes.

Mel had one hand on Matt's shoulder, and the other on his crotch. She beat him off as Michaela finished the second weight gain shake. She stood up slowly, her boobs wobbling out of the sports bra. Her stomach was so full and stuck out like an expectant mother. She took Matt's hand and put it against her belly.

"Is that enough?"

Mel beat faster and kissed her boyfriends neck. She whispered to him, "Make me bigger than her. Make her bigger than you can imagine."

He exploded all onto Michaela's fat belly. Mel moaned and Michaela stood dazed in front of him. His knees gave out and he sank to the floor, breathless. Michaela held her belly from the bottom and wobbled it. Mel grabbed the paper towel.

"What's for dinner?"

Matt's eyes left the floor and looked up at the obese queen before him. His girlfriend, fat and aspirational, tending to this obese, ruined young woman. His heart panged.

Mel whispered. "Give him a minute. We are a lot to look at ... and a lot to process."

"Burgers? Fried chicken? Sushi?"

Michaela turned. "More beer first. Then more food."

Mel turned to Matt, who lay recovering against the wall. "Go into the kitchen. Put the bag of chocolate chips into the pot with butter. Melt it and bring it out to us."

"Is that dessert?" Michaela asked incredulously.

"We call it sweet tooth. It's for us to have right before bed."

" it bed time yet?"

Mel smiled, and unwrapped a burger. She inhaled it in three big bites. She took Michaela's hand and led her to the love seat.

She whispered to Michaela, "I knew he wouldn't last. That's why Antony sent all of his instructions to me. I'm the one who has the agenda for tonight."

She lay Michaela down and produced her phone.

"He wants updates." She framed her camera. Michaela drunkenly slipped off her sports bra and held her titties and belly.

The camera flashed and Mel smiled.

Michaela leaned back and pushed out a burp. "Okay boss, what's next?"

Mel grabbed the take out bags and dropped them in front of her fattened idol.

"All of it."
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 1 year
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VampireD 1 year
You should finish this
Bbman30 1 year
I think Matt and Mel should get their own series, really fatten them up.
Austin Micha... 3 years
Will this get a sequel?
Xandercroft 3 years
Chapter 5. More? Yes! More chapters please. Very sensual descriptions.
Perenolde 3 years
Great update!
Austin Micha... 3 years
By the end of chapter 17 Michaela hits 420 and she is a SSBBW and begging to be immobile
Monthofdays 3 years
I've been reading weight gain fiction for 20 years and this is honestly the best one I've ever read.
Jdm 3 years
Yeees Michaela is back!