Grown up

Chapter 3 - 'enough?'

Michaela felt her thighs sticking to the material of the crappy loveseat. Her leggings were MIA. Her sweatshirt was pulled up and resting on the crest of her belly; her breathing was slow and almost painful - the crackling and crunching of a brown takeout bag broke the thick, euphoric air and snapped the titanic blonde's eyes back into focus.

Mel grabbed another bag of burgers. She swam slightly in front of Michaela, who had put back enough booze to sedate a horse.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Mel cooed as she ran her plump fingers across her thighs. Michaela hiccuped and then softly burped.


Mel took a swig from her bottle and stood up, her bulbous belly swaying seductively in front of her as she came over and straddled Michaela on the couch. Matt re-emerged from the kitchen, a big pot steaming in his arms. His stretchmarked gut wibbled and wobbled as he came into the room. He changed the music from soft to a rousing rock tune, and dropped the pot off at the coffee table. Michaela could see the thick chocolate liquid inside.

"What is it?" She barely managed to get out of her food comatose-state.

"Literally melted chocolate and butter." Mel said as she ran her finger across the spoon. "Like I told you, we make a pot of this every other night and eat it right before bed."

"I am...feeling sleepy..." Michaela said, giving into her body's pleas to rest.

Suddenly, Mel had a hand in her hair. It wasn't hard, it wasn't soft, it was firm. She laughed as she did it, and kissed Michaela's neck. "You need a little break?"

"Just for a minute or two..." Another burp snuck out from Michaela's throat. She could feel her double chin pressing into her collarbones, her body absolutely sinking into the two seater. Her thighs were getting sore from holding Mel's heavy burden. This girl really was packing them on.

A can cracked open, and Michaela looked for the source. Matt walked over with a tall energy drink and slowly tipped it into Michaela's mouth while Mel held her lips puckered. The pure sugar and neon green colour was shocking to Michaela's taste buds.

"You'd be so proud of her, babe," Mel said as she reached over with her free hand to caress Matt's wide back. "She had all the fried chicken and two double bacon cheeseburgers."

"Damn." Matt breathed as he smiled. "On top of the chips and the two shakes?"

They kept talking while Michaela was slowly fed the energy drink. Her head was spinning, her stomach was bursting, and her pussy was throbbing.

"...there's lots of sushi left. And a few burgers."

"Why don't I call for a pizza to be safe?"

"Good call." Matt stood up to walk away but Mel stopped him. "One each, right babe?"

Matt smiled. "At least. So far, only she's eaten. We'll catch up while she rests."

Michaela sat there and stared at the beautiful black girl in front of her. She was truly ballooning at an alarming rate. But there was something about it that Michaela couldn't shake - something extra beautiful and alluring about it. Mel had gotten fat in the same way Michaela had. Her belly, her ass and thighs, her thick arms, puffy cheeks. She chubbed up everywhere. It wasn't just where she gained, but the quality of it. This was a settle gain. Just like Michaela had experienced last year, Mel had found comfort and nestled right into it. Both girls arrived at a place in their lives where they could shift into park and live for pleasure and pleasure only. Their fatness cried comfort, stability, and a healthy (perhaps not in the physical sense) relationship. It was a beautiful thing to see - these two girls just letting themselves go.

It was making Michaela very hot and bothered to think about. She watched as Mel desperately tried to shove as much food in her mouth before Matt came back from the kitchen. She watched her tip an entire tray of fries into her mouth and chew as if they were going to disappear. Matt's voice could be heard from the other room. "Meatlovers...what pizza has the most toppings? What would you say is the biggest portion? That's a good deal..."

Mel was popping sushi and moaning. She held her boob in one hand and her food in the other.

"Are we going to fuck?" Michaela breathed.

Mel looked at her and kept chewing. "Do you want to?"

Michaela's eyes were bursting from her head. "I want to. So bad. All of us."

Mel smiled. "We'll leave that part out for Antony, shall we?"

"I just...need it. It's been so long -"

"Say no more. I understand." Mel finally lifted herself off of Michaela, reached into a take out bag and unwrapped another bacon cheese burger. With one hand, she shovelled it into her mouth, and with the other, she pressed her fingers past Michaela's massive gut, down and around her tiny thong line, over her swollen fupa and onto her clit. She rubbed slowly and with consistent pressure.

"Let me help you out a little bit, first." Michaela watched her eat and rub, eat and rub...Mel held her gaze.

"I want to be as big as you. I can't believe you did this to yourself. I needed Matt's help, to push me, to remind me. You just let yourself become this way, didn't you? You gave into every urge, every indulgence, every bad genetic disposition, and you ruined a pretty young girl and made her into an irresistible fat bitch, didn't you? Look at you. This is who you are now. This is who you were hiding from. She literally was bursting to get out of you. Think about all the old clothes, the old friends, the memories of your past life. You've outgrown all of them, haven't you? And now, you get to be an idol to the rest of us. A goal to be attained and then surpassed. I want to fill that couch with my ass because I love seeing how yours does. I want to watch my buttons pop off my belly in the same way that I know you probably -"

Mel didn't finish her sentence before Michaela climaxed in a giant, shivering, jiggling wave of pleasure. Her thighs quivered as the orgasm swept through her body. Mel pressed hard into her stomach with her now free burger hand, and forced out a burp from the obese 23 year old's gut.

"Did that help?"

Michaela stood up, feeling herself sweaty against the fabric. "No. I think it only made me want more."

"Pizza will be here in 40 minutes!" Matt called from the kitchen. "Three XL Meatlovers. I figured veggies wouldn't do us any good."

Mel turned to Michaela and gave her a big, fat, sticky hug. She rubbed her back and fingered her side rolls.

"You better rest up. You have a lot more coming your way."

Michaela rubbed her belly and reached for a bag of Doritos and a beer. "Let's switch. Now, you two eat. Especially Matt. I feel weird knowing that I probably outweigh him."

"For now!" Matt cried, slapping his belly and diving into the food. It was clear he had been holding back so that Michaela could take precedence.

Quietly, to Mel, Michaela pleaded. "Then I want us all to finish our pizzas, and then fuck our brains out. I want you to put your fingers on me again and pour that chocolate butter sauce down my throat. And then I want you to go and make another one, and we'll pour it down Matt's throat. And then yours."

Mel smiled, her eyes fuzzed and buzzing. "Okay. You want that boy to keep growing too? That was sort of a happy accident. Do you like watching Matt blow up? I know I do."

"I really do. And I want to see it for myself."

Michaela watched him inhale the greasy goodies. She wished she had seen his descent into gluttony over the course of the last few months. The fit, buff, cut delivery boy swelling into a lazy, greedy butter boy. She wondered what life would have been like, if she had chosen Matt over Antony...

The thoughts swirled across her imagination as she rested once more on the couch. She had never been more full in her whole life. She had never been so horny in her whole life. She stole a glance at the clock, and felt a ripple of shock and excitement when she saw it was only 9:41pm. So much more to do.

Her eyes closed, and she felt her body in her fingers - like this massive inflatable suit had been cast over her, and it still had room to grow into.

As she heard the fattening couple chowing down, she heard Mel comment on how they were running out of take out. She smiled to herself.

She reached out and found the pot handle and brought the chocolate and butter sauce to her lips. It was sickly sweet, but it made her drip.

When she was finished, she felt Matt's large hands on hers, his cologne against her face. Then she felt Mel's hands on her face. They pulled her up towards the edge of the couch, and they began to kiss, swapping back and forth. Michaela grabbed and kneaded Matt's belly with hunger and lust.

He slid inside her, causing her to gasp and shudder.


While Matt fucked Michaela, Mel fed her.

As the rhythm of their rotund bodies ebbed and flowed, Michaela held in every euphoric cry. She wanted it to be like this, always.

"Make me fatter. Feed me forever. I never want it to stop."

They sped up, faster paced, messier stuffing when suddenly -

The doorbell. Matt climbed off of Michaela, his big body glistening in sweat as he dressed quickly and bolted for the pizzas.

Mel stroked her hair. "Was that what you wanted?"

Michaela nodded, breathless.

"Just imagine it...but with 30lbs extra. On each of us."

Just the words alone brought Michaela to climax.

Matt reentered, three massive pizza boxes and two big bags of soda and chicken wings in tow.

"Alright - who's hungry?"
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 1 year
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VampireD 1 year
You should finish this
Bbman30 1 year
I think Matt and Mel should get their own series, really fatten them up.
Austin Micha... 3 years
Will this get a sequel?
Xandercroft 3 years
Chapter 5. More? Yes! More chapters please. Very sensual descriptions.
Perenolde 3 years
Great update!
Austin Micha... 3 years
By the end of chapter 17 Michaela hits 420 and she is a SSBBW and begging to be immobile
Monthofdays 3 years
I've been reading weight gain fiction for 20 years and this is honestly the best one I've ever read.
Jdm 3 years
Yeees Michaela is back!